• . Table of co&teate .• , subject Chemistry 131 General Policies and Procedures Collaboration Policy Syllabus Calender A .y laboratories and Handouts Inorganic nomenclature Scientific Method Laboratory (75 pts) Data Analysis Laboratory {75 pts) Emission Spectroscopy Laboratory (loo pts) Calorimotry Laboratory (75 pts) Energy simulator Handout Molacular Geometry and Electronic structure Laboratory (75 pts) solutions Laboratory {75 pts) Acid Rain Laboratory (75 pt*) Spectrovétrie Determination of Kc Laboratory {100 pts) Acid Base Titration Laboratory (75 pts) Photography Laboratory (75 pts) Qualitative Analysis Laboratory (100 pts) chemical Kinetics Laboratory (75 pts) Electrochemistry Laboratory (7 5 pts} Organic Laboratory (75 pts) ... • y • 7 '. •• . . . £A3fi ' . . ' • . ' • • . 1 ; • -.'5 'y 3 io :y "y 14 15 22 30 y 39 ._ 51 51 • • .•••:'• . . ' ' . ' • • ' •; -64A 75 • -•' 7 '• yy. 86 97 111 123 132 145 154 • '• • . -•••:: •-' 167 --. :"' : ••'•• ' • ' : •• .-"•"•"•• •'.. ••":-. 191 Chemistry 131 includes both lecture arid laboratory work. To better understand chemistry, we believe you should become acquainted with fundamental principies and concepts and be able to apply them in the laboratory, our goals in this course are to: 1) train you to think scientifically (develop curiosity), 2) train you to think analytically (solve problems), 3) provide you with scientific information of professional and social valuet 4} prepare you for future science and engineering courses, 5) teach you basic chemical principles, 6) develop your ability to communicate scientific information, 7) provide you with laboratory expérience* As in most science or engineering courses* General Chemistry is difficult* To be successful* ycu must commit yourselves to academic excellence* You must diligently prepare for each class by reacting the assigned portions of the text and working as isany of the homework problems as. you can, be attentive in class, and be willing to ask questions and seek extra instruction. You were selected for this course on your past academic experience and performance on the chemistry placement exam - you have the ability to do well in this course* The Chemistry faculty is here to assist you in doing the best you can. Keep in mind that Chemistry is a 2 course unit, 6 semester hour course. You will receive twice the credit for this course as you would for the tsott of your Other courses* You should therefore expect to spend twice a* «much time in preparation for Chemistry 131, We hope you find this course interesting and informative; we know you will find it challenging. : • ". Í • ... > _ • J . . -• • .... . ..... . .,J • •••• ... • ... * • *..*•'. • • * * *. ".**"* '*••. ' ." .*' * GENERAL POLICIB8 AND PROCEDURES 1. ..The. schedule for Chemistry. 131 . is significantly different than ••• other courses at thé Academy. Check the syllabus daily. In gênerai. you Will have lectures.on Monday, Wednesdayf and Friday, one 2 hour lab on Tuesday and a 2 hour recitation on Thursday* If you have a .' question, be sure to consult your syllabus or ask your instructor. If in doubt, go to:your classroom during the assigned period and check» ...Your, instructor will clarify the schedule during the first lesson. .2*. Do not schedule any appointments (dental, medical, EI, tailor shop,, etc,) during any class or lab period. 3i: If you know you will miss a class, inform your instructor at least one lesson In advance and submit a Form 76 before your absence if possible. You ere responsible for all work assigned during your absence. If you miss a GR, you must take the make-up exam. If you will miss a GR due to a trip, inform your instructor at least a week in advance so he can coordinate with the OIC or OR for a make-up exam to be administered on the trip. ..*•**** *. * . ". . 4. You must keep up with the course work even if you are hospitalized or on bedrest* If you need EI, notify the hospital liason officer to . arrange EI with your instructor, or just call the Chemisty Department (X2960). Your instructor will give you El if you are hospitalized for •A an extended period. • .-. ... •.-.-. -..-••.• . ... ... •. .• . . .. . . 5. Do not leave the classroom or lab until you are dismissed by your ; instructor. y 7"-6. Please keep the classroom and coat closet clean and neat. Keep» the . doors to the coat closet closed when not in use -if you are the last to usé it, close them. All outer garments (jackets, parkas, overcoats, .overshoes, caps, etc.) must be neatly hung or stored in the coat closet . .••.-.. -they are not permitted in the classroom. •".7;. Sectior.Marcher Responsibilities} a. Before class. Maintain order in the classroom. Ensure the' classroom and closet are neat arid orderly» Collect any assignments due before the start of class. b. Start of Class» Call the class to attention, render salute and report the class ready for instruction, and give your instructor all homework due* If your instructor does not arrive within 5 minutes after the start of class, report to the Chemistry Department for further instructions. . ç.,. During Exams. If the instructor is absent during an exam,• maintain order and give the command, "cease work, " when the time has expired for the exam. The time should be written on the blackboard. Any cadet may give "Cease Work" when the time expires. / y : '..'• • • • ' • ' • • • • • "••-. • '. • ' . ' . • • • • ' . • • • " •' . " . , " • • : :• • '• . • . • •• • ... • • • • •. . . '. « . • ... . • • . ' '. . y • .'•' *• ' t "' *-.•. . '" .• * \" % ' •' ' '. ' . • . ' ' ' ' ' * . ' * • " • . .' "'.''• . .'"'. "..' ñ/ classi-C'Oîft Materials. To each lecture class, you ¡mist bring youxtextbook, 3 ring binderf paper for taking notes, a pencil or cen, and a calculator fyou will not be permitted to share calculators during quizzes or GRs). To. each laboratory period, you rcust bring JÏ pen (all experimental data tnust be recorded in ink) and your lab manual or handout for the lab. 9* Homework. In general, homevork will not he collected or graded- Your instructor, however, has the option of collecting and grading your homework. The problem is assigned indicate the knowledge levai and proficiency expected of you. At least 60% of all questions We are also able to perform more experimental work. While performing ex#erlatents, give SAFETY primary consideration. TK1NK BEFORE YOU ACT, ASK IF IN DOUBT* A. All labs will include the following on the first page* _ -j . *_ * .. y . '• •' • ' ' •' • • Collaboration at sternest; state who you collaborated with on the lab. If no collaboration, «tare NO COLLABORATION. rftlLUKZ T O HAV E THI S 32ÏTIOM WIIií, RESULT IV A 3 5% GÜT 0» TES LAB. B, For the Ernies!on Lab, Enthalpy Lab, and the Spectrometric Determination of an Equilibrium constant Lato the following fooiat will be used: CollaboraticJ* Statements State who you collaborated with on the late» If no collaboration, e**te NO COLLABORATION» Objectives state the purpose or cbjactive of the experiment in one sentence. The objective is cheflical in nature? the objective is not to learn how to use an instrument* 7.7 Theory* In at least one full page .T,-. V ^-'"^:: : . f.-r . -.•••r.-. . :•• •••,•• > i . , . .-. -. i _ , •. . • •• • •...• _•.. -.-, . •. .. . . y _. y y ; .,.:.-. ..••.••.-; • . .-• ^>; f -L : :•?•" "" ."*•': .,> •". • ""•••' "i!. ' .. ".•••."" ""' . -''-i* \ " -"-í". " ."'•.", •.": ".•'--".. / '"" •••":-. . .' '.m.'-".V " . '. ' \ ,'-••'• . * . . •. v \'.*; ' • . -i •"••. ..••, , K M. Vv-_'i-• . ••' ' •:'-'•: .. " A j T -": •>':•.•• ' •_'•"•' "v---E . : . .•'•?••• -...'•... • {*• '•• -". ! .'J. y. : ". : : .•*--v-: -.-;"-' ¿-o . K^.I -^ _ . •• •• •-. -j5--;-v j. _ ^ . . ,j -; •_ .• . ;. ..-._.. . .. .-•.'.•'-• *-" • " •"•"'"."'.,•'..' • •, '• : '• ; _. ;•• -,-. -•£•-: : v.•.:.•'• -oes--^ • ••-•• .: • . jf 1 -•'. f ~ '-. :'.J:: Do ribt: «imply copy another source, Compose this theory inyourown yy words. J *• s l ,f'.. . '. -• pisou*ftion of Resultst Answer thequestions in thehandout. conolu*iont What can you conclude about theexperiment? Give :numerical resuits in theconclusion anderror analysis. A; .••\ C. Fortheremaining 75point latos, theprelab exercise will befilled7 out BEFORE coming toclass, the labwill befill out during class and the conclusions: will answered. Unless directed otherwise byyour .-\y-:m • **;. instructed alllab reports will bedue the Monday following the lab day; Only 4ofthe 10(75point labs) will begraded. However, all ,.must becompleted and turned in. or youwill receive!an INCOMPLETE FOR THE .COURSE, yyyyyyyy yy.;yyy.~ yy y^yyyyyyyy yyy-yy. '-yy "yy -y-'*-'' >-'*' ---•:' •--' '•7 .r-;-•-:.,--•«-,'..'y "'A. y ?-'"'• „ /'•'' -"•" A:> 12, Late Work* Allassigned work isdue atthe beginning of the period' Late penalties will beassessed according to theschedule . ..neJrOW* y.,-s v::-...-... „.,' .-.y y ¿yA.i ,y....y.y yy y y y. ; •-.••,-,-v •;:•': •;:• J.-•• '-y :':'•• 77/77 , ;v-• • •<1lesson late y; y25% y y A^;77;í yy yy.y < 2Isasons late /y7S0%' .-y7; ,;7;. * „•'..-•:,.. .:.-7"'"A"'V;;"2 .lessone:late ^.777iil0'*;• -y• ,,,•.•,; 7y/;7 '"'(,"' I-, ••¡.'7 Since Chemistry. 13Í does not follow thenormal M/T-Óay schedule, each class meeting (lecture orlab) is onelesson. ..y¿ "'A., -y ""• 7.7 :.' y.yy. :"•; .:\y-"•"• .•^"*7 ,•; • -7. •' ••" "-.--1' -. ", W-l" 13. computer Aided Instruction* ïou should have been issued1 three Computer di^Kt with chemietry computer aided instruction software. The instruction program:descriptions arelisted below: 7-7.77 yfr^y \-y^l • • v . -f-• r . "Ï QlMK EZS-3XJ&Q& • •=-. '...•• 3 ' 1 ThA-J^ejaantfti •Periodic Table, Nomenclature of the Elements, Isotopes/Atomic Weights, Properties of Some 77;: ..y..'-.. Elemente, Mystery Element Quiz '," \y'"> , > • -.-.*yy\ y''-y.-.y,v ,-y.-y,yy-' >'¡7.,A7;;Í:•'•' . yyy y it ; yy '••..•„••-... y-.y... ,?\ •y-.i, . i>; A-.y^ Inàl^i«aiiL_^ffiîSÊïiiiAtïiSfi! Binary salts, Variable oxidation S^s' ^ SíTjts, BiíMsry G»japoüi"iSíí& oí' Twc¡ isoîïïaetàis, Acids, Sáses, Ternary Salts, Review Problems y:;.íí''•'J• Solutions; Solubility, Solubility Experiment, Freezing Points, Molecular Weight Determination Experiment, Weight •i' ' J , -A.• y.> Percent», Molarity, Dilutions ' 7 yy. yyyy?^'yy-y'yíi7.: ... ••'-,y.v A "A , -.:"'"7 7v '<" •••-7••"••'' 2 Atomic g-o-rtaala ^rtd a^l«cula r Weights: Chemical Formulas, )yy y7 . ..;V: Atomic We i %**te, Moleculair Fonnulas/Weights, • Gram Molecular .y y. -..y > ":";" Weights, cram/tfole Problems ;'7:"7. * y'"y.'\.y \y •"•'.•:"-• A :. • ••••• ' . 7 •'• . • . A .: "•••• : y •' • ••;.' • ••..-.•.; -. . , .-; ;-• y y •/ ' ' y . • • . -: ''. Percent Composition andEmpirical Formulasa Introduction, y^;i ^sr^T^^t Co^si^sitio^T E^^irical Formulas, Mg-HCl Experiment, •'•;' .AÍ;" .7 "A -Empirical Formula.Problems • •• '' ' '' -7-y'y-'y :"-y çjjej tüáses : .. Arcade style game testing your knowledge of Chemica ChemicaChemical ll reaction reactionreactions ss > ^ '-.^ •"•','• -.: 'i-' '-y 7, 7^" ... y^ < : ", H '-' •*-7 -1 7 7--y -• 7 7 .',-^y.. 7 7^ .A1 .yy y y'À; yy'.y ^•:'¿-v..-:.^i'!'!:'::!'i yyyyív y .;.,y:;, : y-•••••. y-*.r •1 "••••. -S: • • • .J '.,•-••' • s -• A . -41 / •. .-•>. -_. y , V-T y •A A' ; y.,y ï '•vAA.'v'-. ' ' ..,•-:' ^.v--, •-•:; . v• •• y. A * '=. ,-. .,:il ^ ...yf y •••• ;• \s -••• y-y 7 *•}••••.. •* • ^••^••.••--•• • •••••? ^ i^r..>. . ^-.^-. • cr^ •• i '..-^ i •• ' •••• • > -, -^^-, • • >••• :•*••• • r ; 7 .-•'••• --i !•• •'.••-. •• ••••• •--:•...•,•••• . y r; ",.^i . .-o;^ -•:-•'•• • i.--1 ^ • • • 'H -. ...^^' ^ --r i^.^i >^; ; iî i K : Ai v-•J -Î ,i. • •. -i ;••••.•• Vi . : ••-•'; ••:••,:. :. v ~¡ ' -" -: -i.'-, • 'X-• -L. ! J -••'• •' :•-^ f •• •• Al ^-y ."••• •.-'• -'-!'•:.."•'-••: \.\ --. '•-M", '.• !,V -•/ • ' -"••'? '• -f •-'"••• ' '' n—~"V: • ' •• ; '" h • '=•; ' -y-; •,-••' :j::! 1. !>-"'• SÍ "-*i. ::ÍÍ?,VÍ¿':'C-f -r-':V^'--,••'", y--^ ^ --'i.'-"-'•.*.•'••• *f=f-ï' y L£¡y --¡'V-í-' 'f..--•:•••• ' ' ;> ••' * V •<;•.•. y'-Vr'-'r •: ;•!.>•••.'• .'.' *.IÏ -"-IvÎ! ¡'. ::y;--T:-'. -:-J-i • -t.>.i.^o.-cj,'i .^/v^-Ii V;-" . '*• : :^-^--,r-...'A-.<. <-,-, • -y-.->,-Cv t.rívíi ^ •»».•--.-V •: i.V-. .•:...•••••".".••. ~r •ï> ; r*, 'r-.'.^ l •.Í -:••• ••.• ••( -..-• >.•• f ,-... , V -..••*-.• .I.Ü. r.-.:i ••.,-• .' <, i '.-.ir-1 -.'i-.---.: .•• :.'/ " .••« f•,-, .• ..• -• .,1-' .-:.••••.• •A 3 Chemical Formulas and Equations: Chetnical Formulas, Chemical Equations, Writing Chemical Equations, Balancing yy77.7.yy/'chemical Equations, Review Problems: 7 Acids and Bases In Water: pH, Water, Strong Acids and Bases, Measuring pH, Neutralization, Acid-Base Titrations, Titration Experiment, Strong vs Weak Acids Metric System: Prefixes. Temperature, volume, Weight, ' Concentration, Density, Special symbols and Functions 14. Additional CAI is available on the VAX-A computer via Falconnet, The programs and descriptions are as follows: Program QCBgription Math Tutorial on math and scientific notation 7'.Loge-'.y Tutorial and drill on logarithms Names Drill on chemical nomenclature .7 Namegame Arcade-*style nomenclature game (Bonus Pointe) Mole .:,'•'•.Mole concept and molecular weights Limit: Tutorial and drill on limiting reagent problems Thermo Thermodynamic concepts and problems Atom Tutorial and drill on electronic structure •y;-;:. .Force.'77. Tutorial and drill on intermolecular forces 7 Gas Tutorial and drill on gas laws • '.•-'. pH '•;••• Tutorial and drill On pH problems Acid Tutorial and drill on strong and weak acids 77 ËMF "'':".•' Tutorial and drill oh electrochemical concepts yQua1•'•• ' Dry run of quelitatíve analysla before the 1éb y yft&âox;;y'Tutorial and drill Oh redox reactions (jlíafli• •••'. Tutoria1 on the periodic table, eleménts* etc. •.7 Alchemy A chemical knowledge adventure game (Bonus Pointa) We will give you information detailing the steps necessary to access the CAI software on the VAX-A. 15. Bonus Points from CAI. Aft: you may have noticed from above, bonus points are available when playing NAMEGAKE and ALCHEMY. Normally, Full Collaboration is permitted when using CAI* However, since points may be awarded for these two, INDIVIDUAL EFFORT is required. These games are available for use throughout the year, however, you may earn bonus points only during certain dates. we will give you additional information during the semester7 Ajj*£4 instructions. çarefully.1 .;When playing these games* . _• \ -. ' • • NAMEGAME ig an arcade-style quiz where you give the correct name or chemical formula for elements and compounds. You are awarded 10 points for each correct answer and penalized 4 points for each wrong answer. You can play the game as many times as you desire, only your top score counts. Bonus points will be awarded to the top 30 scorers. NAMEGAME will be stopped at the end of Lesson T-21. ALCHEMY is an arcade-style adventure game where you work your way through the land of Alchemy by overcoming adversaries with your knowledge of chemistry. ALCHEMY has ten levels you can progress through during the semester, earning up to 3 s points for each successful completion of a level. The number of points you earn depends on the number of questions missed. You lose 10 points for the first question missed ("fatal encounter1*) and 5 points for subsequent missed questions. After missing a question, you're removed from the game and must reenter. If you miss more than 5 questions but finally complete the level, you earn 5 bonus points. Levels will be open for bonus points as we enter the block of material that is "tested" in them. Alchemy will be stopped at the end of Lesson T-42.. The following is the schedule for the 10 levels of alchemy: Level Number Opened closed 1 710 Aug 17 AtiS y'':7;2"- •"•.,. • .7 l o Aug '. 7,y ..24 ^ug ..3: ; 24 Aug 7y-.'7ASept ' 7* 7 ..' í..'Septy77y¡ 21 Sep t 5 21 Sept 5 Oct è 3 Oct 19 Oct 7 7' 19 OCt 2 Nov 8 2 Nov 16 Nov 9, 16 Nov 30 Nov :.- in' .'•:'••': ' 30 «OV A il Dec y y REMINDER: SINCE ALCHEMY AND NAMEGAME ARE PLAYED FOR POINTS, YOU MUST WORK ALONE* y yy ,"•••• ' . -'y'." '-• •• •' a 16. GRADING; 7.7 4 GRs (300 pts/each) 1200 8 Course Quizzes (30 pts/each) 240 2 Instructor Pop Quizzes (30 pts/each) 60 Lab Reports: 4 G 100 pts/each 400 (Emission, Enthalpy, Determination of Kc, Qualitative Analysis) 4 $ 75 pts/each 300 (4 of the remaining 10 labs will be graded randomly.) Final B00 TOTAL AAA Points for Prog 2 GRs 600 2 100 pt labs 200 2 75 pt labs ISO 3 quizzes -jm Frog Points \ 10 10104 440 (35* of points) Guaranteed Grade Guts Above 88% Out of Final Exam (Including Alchemy and Namegame) •A---"7. Above 80% Below 50% 3,fi, 9,12,l4,u> -.117 LAB: Deteruinâtlorn of Kc; Quia #5-1 8 Oct 90 . --• . . . • . • • . . . IS Oct . T-23 29 Gaseous Equlllbrlua 13.4-13.520.7 13.26,36.33,43,44, &2,ss.S6.se 17 Oct T-24 30 Acids and Bases 14.1-14,2 ;'•'• • • •. 38,44fS0rSSi56,63, ¿9 Oct T-25 31 Acids and Bases 14.3-14.5 69,76 Á12.'' LAB: Acid Base Titration; GR # 3 on Friday 26 Oct 90 (Chaps 11-15, 19,5) 22 Oct H-26 32 Acid Base/FFT Equilibria 15.1-15v? 4,6,14,20,22,34 • • ' • • " ' • ' 24 Oct H-27 33 Acid Base/PPT Equilibria IS. 3 26,38,44.52.56,60 26 Oct H-28 34 Chttnistry of Photography Handout "V:; ; '•.".-." "•'; . ••'' • • • • -. • • • • • : . . • • -• ' • . : • • • . . -• • • . • A : •* • ••:.' .••'•'•: 7 ..." * . . .' . ' y '••:•• • . ;•.• ' •'• . 1. 1 I?. LAB: Photography 29 Oct T-23 35 Qualitative Analysis 17.1-17.3 l,2,3,6,iZ,:l6 31 Oct T-29 3fi Qualitative Analysis 17.4-17. 5 2Z; 24,28,-3»,45 52 2,4,10, lii, 24,28 2 Nov T-30 37 Rata of Reaction 13.1-18.Í 36,¿0,44 • Vi^HW^MM^ ^ 14. . LAB; Qualltatlye Analysis; Quiz #6-8 Hey 90 • H-31 30 Fflté of Reaction 19.3-13.5 46,48,50 7 Nov M-32 39 Sate.of Reaction lfi.6-18.7 52,S3,62,64 9 Nav H-33 40 Atmosphere 19.1-13.433,34.i9,4Bt5fi, 47 15,. LAB: Kinetics , Quia #7-1 5 Mov 90 14 Nev K-34 41 Electcocheáistry 21,3-21.2 2.4.1^,22,24,3/. -— • 16/ •:ïé JJOV • — • LAB; K-35Hone 42 Electrouhfloiietry 2i.3-?1. 4 40,48.56 i;' •:.19 Nov £1 Nov Z-35/ 43•"• I* 34 7 44 : Electrochemistry E l s et r oc he n i s t ry 21.5-21,621.7AFACT: 20-23 to, 67,63, 6-5 20.29,42 17. LAB: ELectrecheáistry\ CI # 4 on Friday 3Ü Mov 90 (Chap Î7-19,21> 26 Nov K-Î7 4 S Organic Chemistry 26.1-26.2 1,3,4,7,14 28 Hdv : K-38: 46 : Organic Cheat*try 26,3-26.4 íá,45,46,50 30 Nov H-39 47 Organic Cheais try 26.S-2Ú.& 35>36,38.40.42 18. LAB: Organic; Quix #8-6 Dec 90 3 Dec5 Dee7 Pec T-39 T-4Ú1 t-41 4B 49 50 Polyaers Pol yuan Applied Chemistry Option 27.1-77.227,3-27.5-y 2.4,6,8,10.12 l6r18.3Ü 19. LAB: Hone 10 Dec K-42 51 Applied Chenistry Option U Dec T-42 Clean-up •••-•• y " Chemistry 131 Lolas Fal l 1990 S£B_M> ÏA1 IYPE ' • " None (Transition Week) •*y '¿yy:'y-:iy Scientific Method Micro ;V; -;a'; yy Data- Analyses In-Clasa . ' • ' ' . . . • -. Macro Emission '•.•4:.\ y&y ' • . -: , ': v3A None [Labor Day) Macro '•61 '• y '',. Enthalpy •I-,'.. y-5--' Energy Simulator DEMO [ay. y&y Geometry In-Class Solutions Micro •&• '.7 / Acid Rain Micro 1Ü-. ;:«". ;:'7;y7 -ii"~J . ;-9y" . Determination óf;%: ;'• Macro :Í2-: -.ib.A Acid Base Titration Macro • \ t •• '..i .• • ., •_•••..-y .: Photography Macro 13 11 Qualitative Analysis nictp ;^r7y:^#y ••'••Micro Kinetics •*•&•• 1 3 Wone (Thanksgiving) •:-.-_' • W.--Í. Electrochemistry Micro %7 14 organic:. Macro *eJ: -IS - Optional H '-*: NO -y*es7. :y.:y..... 7y7ï:;; Lata Penalty: ••••;.< 1 lesson:late 251 > 3 lesson s lat o 100% 13 GRADED POIMT ;•;. .:• ~ • ;:6' 75 • p A 7 S ï 1ÛÛ -r ' *T' Y 100 ó J* . • ••••'' y ~ 'y"-:'yy 75 O O 75' o 7 ' • * iop .••*'• . '' O,' '". 73 • '-.. . ' . . . . -. • ' : •' 70 75 Vï: 100 :..•• -y . • 7 5 —.. O;. .7$ O 75 .;- . ' •..'•.• •'.":• . --• • . -. .-' '.y • •-: . ••• -. • •'' . " '' •. yy : --v:-y r : -, . : .-.w L - LËCTUHE; R - RECITATION 7 y VAM * SBMBBTKW 1S9 0 SHBtoit """ji • *^^^—q33=jj n | 11 — « 31 i^4 CIÍET MW [ 4 j* I Lifi: 1 | T T Tl LTT T M L2 7 M I n l H i — MU VlAUl 10* mio í - )fi sc i 11 M L3 II M H-3 L4 J) M pTT Ï L5 [F] LAB R QW I g _# DATA |J* J M L6 ¡ « 1-5 L7 Jjl^ M-fl LiLJ T'B r* Ut | 33 . ANALYSIS*} ' LAB R T 6 30 H-D •-* LD i ir M [ J|_ EU LIO » iJLíLj¡í95f LI¡IA;V R QUIZ..J 2 ir- nuns' «¡wis •«. EMISSIO N y * j—»——'i .rH y~H ' '4: t-t T T H-14 Ll 2 LS_ 11 0 L13LÍ . " " L14l2_ L20| 'T|AWAY 12 7 SIMULATOE R QUIZ ft 3 WYCMING 13 I Jfl L2 1 U T-IT [L22)[_3fl k-ii IT I M a L23 21 AWAY A LAB __ _ V, èStl^£ J GECMETflY iflB --i 1" ££ue_im -T-—+ M i * U L24 Mfl L25 * ! *-3J L26 ¡ ! !HCHE s -I .WAVY IJJUB £a.4ZT" ACI D «MU ! ¡ M l M*S L27 . L_j0_ M l I 11 I 1-1] L^0! J* IAWAY I 13 l| 1 0 t-14 RAI N COMBS NT LAB P QUI Z 1*4 jWálFUlITUQlMlflNClTRE DflME '¡ ^ EE3EK4Ñ" M 3 L29 » tf-24 1-14 L30 | iï_ ï « " "l !* ! M i LÍJÍjT¿"í^„~ T"40H' 1 1 MIN E L»J -4QPEN LAS R_(SJI2L AS I î ^ : • H • • A/B U *H( L32 31 M I Ta îïr^^Fr ^ TIT 13 Ï M Llíll í [HOE 17 1 2 TITRATION LAB GR # 3 UTAH T-1É L35 » » M l L36 | 31 * M [__!_ T 30 L3?P T HCME mooo| a* 1 3 GRAPHY LAB BVU — i 1! -TOci 1 K-J] L3 8 UU M l *-Sl L39 j T •-3 J L4 Q B AWAY M l l_ ; 10 IE ' 1 4 TATIV & LAB R Of™ 25 'ARMY ANALYSIS tl anuir f il 1-31-JH4.L41 [j V r-3i L42 Í I t pMAY IT i II L5 KINETIC S meurs UT LAB R QUIZ #7 JUTCF 11 MS L4.3 I» 1 30 f » 3. Tl3 I -•-.4-J 4irir 1 6 1 NONE ( - TUttllsg^jn ItlXEMt) EL E '" » L45 "' » L46fJ«_ T 38 "•"iTÍlTi T L47J ao j" r; 1 1 7 ¡il -J CHIOT ""^ t LAB B JGRJt4_ - i T-M IAS 3 I H O T-4* l à y 41 j t j T-ll L50 I 1 a • 1& ORGANIC __ , LBBy. 7 • ._ , R QUI Z ftg • . Ji-41 ST0BTU1 j H |fïJÉL3 Ï7Ï Í 13 FI11LS 3/1 [ 14 FIULS 5/6 J 19 CLEANUP STTtï 10 FlItLS r^^" FIML3 B/lO Lt NULS Jl/lSp T T» _ I T1T[,HT T/t [_IT_ I t-> U ^..irJlx i^2E.^ "Slt&S STB R IOS O (CBW/35S5I1 jjTfjTP IT JCTtWr mil) : M WT W • yyy. y BEST CC5PVAVAILABLE ... . t.'-: • • ,y • : L"^ 77t -7¡!f\ i,*y v ^ 'i 1 ' •• .•'_!\:-:ÍSÍ'.-.:..:.-" r- -:y^. 7 ;^.;'^;y-íyU7 ; y^> y. *^ y ^ v.7^ ; .lí^^^-V 7 yyyy ,/ y ^-¿í ' f v¡f^ y • •'•••• • • :-• 15 INORGANIC NOMENCLATURE • chamistry 131 Chemistry is a lot like living in a foreign country. If you speak the language, life is more fun! Learning inorganic nomenclature is the first step toward learning the language of chemistry. Learning the relationship between chemical formulas and chemical names is essential for understanding chemical problems. Inorganic nomenclature is a systematic way of naming the thousands of inorganic compounds which we encounter. Your textbook discusses nomenclature of inorganic compounds on pages 72-78. This handout is intended to supplement and complement your book. Another source of nomenclature rules and practice in the CAI lesson NAMES. Contact your instructor if you want a copy. BEFORE ME GE7T STARTED . . . There are certain elements* cations* and anions that you MUST know before you get started. MEMORIZE these names and formulas; it's as simple as thati For any name you should he able to write the formula and for any formula ysu should be able to write the name (including spelling.) . 1. The first S6 elementa and Au, U, Ag* Sn, Hg, and Ph. 2. Compounds with common names HaO water Jî3ûa hydrogen peroxide MMg ammonia . 3. .. . Cations ••• y...' Hanfia Symbol • ; • ; •. .-; • . •• ; .-'. ; ' . • . Lithium ion. sodium ion, etc. Beryllium ionf magnesium ion, etc. Hydronium ionAluminum,III) Iron(II), Iron(III) Copper(I) , copper(n) Silver(I) Mercury{I), Mercury(II) •• a Fe3 + . Cu + , . Fe ' + cu2 + , Kg?* • • • •7 • • • • . •• •. Li*, Na + , K+, Rb+, Cs+ Be2*, Mg*+ , Caih , Srî+,Baï+ H* Al AlAl a+ ++ .. • • • • •• • • •• . . • -. • - 1 .' . :. • • . • •••'.' • • ' • • .. • • • . : ;' r . . •••'• • • '••' -•' y . * . " . y ;• 3 + *+• Lead(II),Leads of the m-at^l s irs sr^^ s ¿ft ¿rscï ¿là , Th^S è ¡CKS-LAIE --1 ¡jr.t^j.t.^ fclect,-?îi'is ren^ïil y t they have a low ionizatio n eaergv s sa d always hav e oxidatio n numbers f-irîrresponding t o thei r .group number . Fo r exemple-* K, K&"> es , : etc . ,• taavs c.x.i.ijat:u3n. ¡nuïatïiiï:» o f -i-I oiily . .M i wt? hs."*& t o ^ o i s ç^eicii y th e catir a (th e ¿h>ni.c Bvats.ii .füiio^ d by th e ím i©;?., vîs sauist: a 13 o ensur e tha t t.îiô sum of the okidatión niissfcars ' i s zt=ra (fu r we are dealing ' with neutra l ¡Bv±%.zuL&&$ „ KflVhi atí s same?, examples; Nfcfê SCitLiUES ï.vâïr.v^.e Cajo . cesium- oxid e •• BaFi ' barium f iuoricie .HOW hydrcuPïSïit cyani c £ÏrsM j strontium n it ride Ce(OH)Î .calcium hydroxide LisPQ. 4 i-ithiiii K pisas^sbasfcier Hg#£> 4 )&&% li s a i i ¡¡jo s w 1 îat e ; Now, you tr y a couple ï e . Na ? CrQ 4 • • ..•__.. • •. -7 •'. b . maçne»iu % florid a .lii-que&tiar c (a) , th e catio n i e Na* (sodium) axid the anion i s Cr©4?~7 ( chromât.**} . ïîiUfef t.V.4* ctsfnpijïma i s fê^i^L-^rs^ëi^ • Tn questio n (b) , ¡Eagnsaiiim e^i.at s i n compound form a s Jfry".. ruisotviiie is- the F~ anion. H'o aaairie th e zt-o'jop.&'jiriñ. 3riQí.ftr?tl, we ïi^sd tw a 5"*» . Therefore.T tiift fûs^ïMl* fa r Bti^.cjíís&iuvíí fluo r id * i s ifc^i . I f « e hav e 2m ios-fic: ^íiT^HQ-iariíl fía a t i,*GiïtaiïL3 ÏWi?..v<.-gep a ï o-na >/it,h the «jat.íftvri, r.heív v s riô^S tt , ^eííi.í y v.he n^i&fcsr of'fcyti.î^çiéfc av.o ^ i n th e coisjpouuvi „ Fo r i^^r tance, : ' y HaltCOs . sodiu m hydrogen h^arfc'i^íi'ís Na2HPp4 síííilwss ía&^cí*y-HÍíx»gen phosphat e NafíaPO* ¡s edita s dihysírcgor í phosphat e i n th e ?tfcíív* ïMt&sftpLaa-. v « as s Greek prefix.befor e th e word "hydro?^7' ví'.J'V. •:': : ',; t-\ to specify the number of hydrogens. In case you've forgotten, here r •are the prefixes: .. ;.,.'y-. ry.7y" ;A;*^ ! 7"7'7yy mono-1 (Omitted if no other prefixes are used) di-2 • w. < rv ' •"••J-"' -.•!•• • tri-3 •&."•;*..-:•* . "y " t ,..:•• • ..• , ,.y .7: \i} . "' ' • _ tetra-4 yy;-: • .' - •.-•._-¡ penta-5. • yyy. •j.i . • > • " . '• . = ..-: heXa-6 •: • i .. : J . j .:..•*; • i_:, -•_ • • \ 'y . • hepta-7 h 'y_ y • ';' :'"'.;; •:••: . y . t.-.._ ¡ -'"'.-. oeta-8 iyy nona-9 I A • •= i ."- — y-y deçà- 10 •yyy -" ''. "."":ya mercury(II) hydroxide y.yyyyyy: • y •• •• *-! '" " "" ^ " 1 •• -•:-;.•...• £ •• • •'-.•; •;';'. > A:y : !&£l% i : Note the sum of the oxidation numbers(s) of the metal exactly cancels the sum of the negative charge(s) of the anion. Note also that you need not memorize the oxidation number of the metal because you can always back calculate its value by knowing the charge on the anion 7 In other words* memorise the anions, both name and charge, _. y. -^: .y •'•••. •"'•:"*: .-; • "-. • -:-y. yyy ' ^jÇ'7 ••:•• "^ ' ' Let 's trya coupléi : '• • • -T • • : m -y •'• ' '•''•i h }'•' • f: V v. •; C-y ' .r.i'^.'V • _ ^ '.'.•. . : ' ;«.•"•• • :' . . 'y '^A*"CuSO4 _ _. _ Î . : .• } '•• -•• •-• .y "•>'•' ; ' -:••:• . ; • -* -;.-•-• -F . .:. t>-iron(ill) carbonate — *•' '^' r \ •ys-y .-• ' \ J ' y -iLii.-'^V-f" ''-.,7'Ay y %•.-:. --V ./ • T.-W --: • • ''."• • " • "" ^ -^ ' T - • " •' . " . .,-. . ...."i -:-r -"" • '•••' -Y ' : -i • ' ""•: ?:¡r" . '"! " ^ ' " : !.'~' ''•.•''".* '/'"-ii." "••?•! 7"¡" • .V.L': ^ "^-0-:•'"?•'- •' •f "" ' . ' '• ' -• -y • ' ; '<•. < ri.:. -•• y^:n. .• ¡ \ -y---^ -^-v ï'•'"•'j v iV. J-_. '•: .-¿yy "•-.• ' :'--• : •t.-:•;.•: -;7 , ."-;. -. ' vy.' '•'•-¡."'^'ï**. '• f :-7-'. ' ,_ 7 : : .L - ^.;-. ;• " . • ^. ' ¿¿-j •: •. -i Li-! • .^ : - :^ -.y-y-. •" -y: " ï . " ^ y 'f. y Tí' ¡yy ^ s--y '.'.. , • ^ . V " '" ••'••/•.-. . '.'7 i l 7.' \:.. ';• _, i * • 1 _ _••..; '-'•'• ï '•••-f'--W-. :...-;' •••''-y • '•• y y ''y y y ^yy-. •"•"• •"• r. - ^ =-•"„* ••'• y y . -^ ': • ' .-. *' vV"' L--- r-,-'..'-vy' j: ~*y-'~-" : • •' iy-: 7"7 yyyyy y-, .7; ' -: *7yy í 'i-^î:^';;• . ' • .y--_'-^ . >.. - -77 ...".' y. ';: ; : ; •'. ! '¿ L-,^-. -. ^ T -•-^ y^y.j ' ~ • A . •'•; 7y-" y ¿y ">. . •y ;/:!;. ; i";..-. -.v'.^'ii i -:':;:7:.v ;H'y-v:.:y-v : •:'•;• \-. f : - '-"•• ; •y " . y --y •• / i -• _ > i . "• C*V-" • i •? -• '"•""•.•.! yi ^ -• VJÏ."'.'."" ".. : : yyy • 7^y\ ""¡•^î A!: -i L""' ' " y Sri '•',.'.?.••'?.': ;HtVr^ "'." ï1"--" ••".^ 7 . • ! v-y^i" -•'!-.'jv"'"^..':^ > y '^' • yyy yyyy yy 7"'7v-;'.••'•. • -• Ï •.• 19 in (a), remember to k«y off the anioni Since you've already memorized i?) the anions, you know that sulfate has a -2 charge. To make the compound neutral; you know that copper must have a + 2 charge. Since copper ie multivalent, we will expías its oxidation state when we name the .compound: cocmerfll) sulfate. For (b) , the (III) tells us that the iron is in the >3 state fFeï+), Vîe knotf fram our memorized list of anions that carbonate has a -2 charge {CO3 ~) . To make a neutral iron(III) carbonate formula, we Must balance the negative and positive charge. Two Fe3*'s and three C03 37's would balance the charge at +6 and ~<5: F*ai(C0?>3. AS with moat topics in chemistry, there are always some exceptions. A number of metals exist whith are not in Groups 1 or II and have one oxidation state. For these compounds you do not: specify the oxidation state in parenthesis. The exceptions ycu should kiiow are Ag(+1), Kif+2), Zn{+2), «ftd Al i+3). Here's some examples of what we're talking abouti : y ••: ,. AgtïnO* silver permanganate • y • • ' • •' . -• • -; . • • . ' . Hi(Cl04) 3 nickel perchlorate • .. •. . AIH3 aluminum hydride Hamember, we used no Roman numeral* in naming these exceptions. Note also that most transition metals can exhibit a +2 Jon due to ionisation of the 2s electrons* COMPOUNDS CONTAINING ONLY HONWETALL3C ELEMENTS Let's move to the opposite end of the periodic table. Here we find the noracetallic elementa which are defined as having a high (negative) electron affinity. In general, the nonr-etal 1 ic elements Include those elements to the right and above the dark, solid stair-step line on the periodic table that forms a diagonal from boron (B) to astatine (At)t Compounds formed ¡solely irom these elements will be covalent in nature, when naming these molecules, we use Greek prefixes because the oxidation number or each element is not always obvious. The compound name begins with the most electropositive atom (the least electronegative) and then the other element is named (once again with tha "ida" ending as in the anion). Let's look at some examples: CBr4 carbon tetrabromide FF3 phosphorus trifluoride K*203 -, di nitrogen pent oxide . • XeFfi xenon hexafluoride H«re are a couple for you to tryl a . N O • • 7 - :•• "• -•••• • • -• , -• : • • " • • • • : ' • • • -•'•" ."• '•'•'' . . . • .. "• • • y ' . b. /sulfur hexaíluaríá* •"-.•rfl.*"'^-" Tïi* formul a in $&) 1.aÍÁÍJ;.C¿Í.Í¿ML.S£Í?U,ÍÜÍ1SÍ^.-• 17 tbei-s i s oxly one o f th e ÍÍÍOÍS:Ü • « i e c t r;£*¡¡i s? & i t i V*Ï ¿t t s # a , t ïies "wt^ o ~-JVÎ pr « Ê i x c a n fe* ú i: ap c & '.?.., Th a M35dri6-* prefi x i s alway s used; for. t."r*j» sor e electrr^^g.'jiíiivt í stem , i n fbi , n c 5reíi n orr th e ssaiiii r i apil e s one «.ulEuïy ÍÍSK;? r'luííiri.tí& iñeans . «ií t 'F"* s.- í'jtereí^re f th e £«<£ÍRÍJI1UI Í& 5F$ . As a fina l jrüfrbe, iií& shoul d tsiàk afccMï. naüi^ ' acida . You shoi-Iíü .'••.• HMO s nitric acid Hi$®4 sulfu r Us acid Al l oxyaci.«i jp#!ji?uhii>ric a-sld (£rt>« psï'sïslfcsrAit:* ion ; ïî^CitO^ cferoai e aeii J íís:<í* cñrcisi&ts i*¿ro Qtlí^s? «c-iíís hav e th.« sfcsa» ffiírmíílA a s SÍ^ÜS^ o f th e compounds discusse d abc^ e bu t hav-* ÍS dií'fereíi t rifliES, HJSÎ.(ÎU5 ) fey&E'OOhlíKE'iAS flWi.d HEjcíasf) feytSrstorftsiis aci a fíCif íáí| í • îïVdK-iX3y*i>ic *ai d Mosit. #£ th e ti^ a v « vll i ¡sud th«; aladre*ía t 1 OÍ* fo r .a^u^u s (w.f) afte r th e CCJs^Oïiîiiî t o i^Hca U tha t it ; ¿ s difcSfclvie-S a;: wate r ^niï is * ther«fí5r* , wn a*3 itf •. Fo r instaras, , ÍITiAq) wsul d fce calle d r//^^. i odi e acJLtf v#h«T-!î! *r\t m WÎÎIÎI S î?c neinsetf hydroge n iíx*i£í y HoEiií:nclavU*r*. i * »fi âapart&rct ¡>art # r th e lançsa ^ o f chèrc1atrv , Zi?t v^ e t w ftassirig tïie&e íítt&^^s - You'l l b * s««li ^ much sor e o í • tftesi. tÉiTisy^ï^ïi'^ ch e y*as;ÍEi •y\ Tfca ne^ t pag a i&fcr,cjsra:r.«í.&t,¡í3r* ^rf c «fee-fit. UÍKS thi s t o hel p y ou p r ^s ¡zti t*£ y OÍIÍ: r- raaencí -at^ r*t ¿sk 1 i I a l í í y '. . .. XOKSStCL%?2&£ WORE SHEET tí«üít let' s seis how ïiiuch you4" ve learned ! Use th e E d lowing '^o practic e your nato&jicii&ture skills!' Ï Same this ggsllawlncy; (HH4)3CO3 ;-•___ >*Qfi Al20s BaCla ';.'•.;; ,__"• CÜ»S ;. .r...'.'" ' •.'.•'.•• F3ÏSO* " CO; (MKO^HPO* — . F*sOs ' .'•' ;7 cai^toy, s ¿¿X&^ei3BUi&l^f^£L_^e_£^A£Eill|£ï s&monium staïfat* .^—^^ •••—-• calcium oxide potassium permanganate ailver phosphate oispperiïT) a^ict© m&gjftesiuoe iodid e ,__„__ titaniiamiEVÎ chloride ..-.••• -'•.:';-• '• • • • . ' • -• • .. • 7 " • ; .. . •', '•: '... • '•••'. , . .". '?:-'. • . • ÎÏ5Ô ïî2SO* UeH ••' . line BeSO ¿'7 Hl&r PE"s P4O1Í .: Helo* • y •. - .- barium iodid e sod i un; sulfid e ironiï.ï) sulfate . sulfur trioxide aluminum sulfide carfeonic &ci& vanadium(V) oxide • . . . • • •. • • • •. • . • • • • • • . ' • " • •.-:• ; . ' .•'"•• ' y'.. . . . . • • . ' • • • ' ... ... . • . . • . . • • • • . . • .. 7' • ; • ; . • •• ' • • • Select! í i *¡ Hatead Chemistry 131 $M$£HVS: To become proficient in using the scientifi c method, ihi s lab will 1&iiá you through tft* scient i fie aethod ?if ps-p-blero solving, YC;D will jn*ïïa observatiens, examine your observations jfer patterns , ísafce and verify hypotheses, pôr fiama aH pe ri usent ¡s that «ere de signad íor you. aíid design your cam experiments. Finally, ye*xi will be able to düfcfirBiin<3! the reaction pathvay for & !7-îocfc reaction," Frsrïcis 3a a .in suggested centuries &go that as a result: uf careful obsesvation of phenomena tïxër*: vault) always emerge a logical explanation s ofch*rs believe that aiKl^ss e sepe rinses Ration without a grec anací ved objective le a da nowhere* The scientis t works* in two direction»; he collect s data a^di fron his observât tares î,o propose© explaining hypotheses through a process oï induction, then he seeks to verify tfcie explana tien through-a prï>tresi& «f dedüictlon, I t i» fcfte ra¡re scientis t who has enauçft imagination tx> «reate new valid hypotheses, 3fcst se¡í£ttti*t» jus t ""get mileage" out of Sfcinifttiie el ¡HE1 s hypotheses by doing variations of his earp^i'.ispents. I t waji iorty S'ears after noted theoretician Albert Einstein proposed the convelía n of mass to energy that the invention s-f the atomic büi^ validated his hypothesis, Ths inductive method propelled iteienc* to prominence during the EfilightenEa-anr. peïriewl ci' the fterwisaance. Prsvioïîaly the ancient ñresks «osrfced entirely through deduction and the ficxltm of the. four *fci£»ftftt*M {Earth, Air* Fire, ana Water?„ I^fcer, the pursuit af the ^Materia Prim*- py Alcfeeaist» testifie d to th* futilit y «.£ A pîiraly deductive process tha t begins with &.n idea and eîanies the result s of any attíjariiaent whisis d**a not tiarn out as ^radicted. £1; Modern science dates from the sixteen!:, century whe?i. system ti c observation asMl exp arisen t sieve lcp«& tb* i Ï? d'activé part of the proceüü u The foratatioR of a hypothesis i s an attempt ta ^usise why something happe313, tiHiica i t is inductiva. JOedíícti^e p'fedictiíín <¡>í result s leads t o verification when the hypothesis à& tested . ¡Repeated observât ion-predict i tîjn-verification-revision of a hypothesis liiâda teî em acceptable «xpifimation called ¡a thscry. This approach, in .its sittpleet ferm, consists of (several distiiitït steps Ï 1. HaXiag ebeervett&ae. ïha observations may be Qualitative (the sky i® blue, BCT is fun) or quantitative ffche pressure i s 1 atmosphère - thfc temperatura .1» 21° C) , Many aheteaiccil reactions involve changes in £&ïcr, eve lu t ton of $ gas, or formation oz a precipitate , However* r*ot al l reactions GOCTJ*' instantly, some take j&iautea, hours, dayef o?- even yaarg* (2} 3y fc#aK£»g f©2 patterns i a the observation. This prcces-s aften result s in the forsaatioft ef a natural or seieEtifia law, fcr sasunple, studies of countless cheaicëL reactions have show^ that the substances present ¿after a rsüction ha^* the same tsta l eaass as tha t '•...,. • 2 3 of substances present before the reaction took place. These Observations can be generalised as the law of conservation of mass. (2) y . 3. Zonulating théories. À theory consists of. a set of assumptions put forth to explain the observed behavior of matter. At firsts the set of assumptions is called an synthesis, if the tentative hypothesis survives the tests of many experiments , we gain confidence in it* value and call it a theory. At this time, it is important to distinguish between an observation and a theory* An observation is a fact that endures time, while * t !**•;:>¡a y is an interpretation and may change when more facts are known. (2) 4* Designing experiment* t& i.*«tftíie- theories. Typically* science is self-correcting* continuously testing its theories. We must continué to do experiments and refine our theories in light of new observations if We hope tu approach a more correct understanding of natarai phenomena. (2) lahen designing an experiment that involves several variables, one must change only one variable at a time* If you were to change two variables for the same experimentr it wou.é be impossible to determine which of the changed parameters caused the change in the observation. The preceding discussion describes the ideal scientific method. However, it is important to understand that science does not always progress smoothly and efficiently. Scientists are human; They have prejudices; they misinterpret data; they become emotionally attached to their theories and become non-objective. The scientific method is only as effective as the humans using it. It does not automatidally lead tc ^r^gress.' This experiment is designed to give you some practice in the ways of scientisfes. The scientiSt observes resuIts of procedures, ¡EsJkes hypotheses to explain these results* verifies the hypotheces, des igns: experiments to isolate one v.* r í abl e, a nd t i ne 1 ly assemble sa theory about the reaction. The chemical reaction that we are investigating is called a "clock reaction." Chemicals are mixed and after an intervalof several minutes the sudden appearance of a blue color signals the completion of the procesen-a chemical reaction has taken place. You will, first carry out some simp Je combinations o£ solutions* record the results-, and try to ©xpIaiA in chemical terms why changée occur. As successive steps become more complex¿ look for consistent patterns and exceptions, verify changes, and finally try to- put together a description of the y roces ses which together make up the clock reaction. ssperiÉentel Information 1. clean the pipets before and after the lab. 2, Keep the pipete used for the iodine solution separated from the rest. Iodine will staiii the pipets: and we want to minimize thé number of pipets we stain. pH&gë' 2 .;:)^'^*™y-'-?-y'y': y:y:.y yyyyy yyy :yyy Record all observations andyour explanations inthe space provided. Be sure to observe allreactions for at least 10minutes before assuming nothing has happened. Donotstir the solutions after initial mixing. l. Place about 3 drops ofKI (potassium iodide), KCl (potassium chloride)., (NH4) jS3Op, (ammonium peroxydisulfate) , Ka2s2o3 (sodium thiosulfate), andIa onseparate locations Ofyour reaction surface. Add 1 drop ofstarch solution toeach ofthese solutions. Record your observations below. Solution Observation a* KI, starch .7-• -•-,• 7 y. ._ ..,.•. ..-.' . b. KC1, stardh -,•••••,. •' '•'.••• •.-.•• ,..•..•;• .--7 -..••: A , '-e* y (KM.)Xa¿a$** starch •MM 11 • • A7d^y:-7ïWiS20î.^stérch. y yyy'i'^yyy ;iV/:':;étáxtdr;;; y'"/. ...yyy Starch indicates the presence ofwhat Species?, ,__ 2. Try various combinations ofthe solutions used instep 1,taking them two atatime (use about 3drops each). Then addldropof starch toeach. Which combinations give apositive result (appearance ordisappearance ofablue color)? This isa keystepin analyzing the reaction. Solution ---yy -observation ,] ,/ a. Ki; KC1>s^¿ch\ ^.7'A-y ...'•'.'-;- --. y 7-7" : y b, iaf(HH4)2fl3o,; starch —*"*^"™**""^ yic.7 ^«¿i\:Na3 S3 Oiy..^at^y7.: yd y • y.K¿V7Í2> :i**M?*=V.''^-S C'y • * KClí ^MH4^^IBiQi> staireh '• y-;ft,' ;•JWÍ>;7«aJs>Ô>,7 starch yy r-y§ïy:'.kGiy íytyst*á^y yyyyy !™-™™""~ w ti-.-., (HH4) 3 SÍO* ;-i?a¿fliOs> starch i* (HH4) iiSiô«, I2V stAtóh : ^'. HéaSjO^,vIa, starch/ 7__^. Page;3Ú 7:y7;'7'y.7,.yy: . ; 23' 3. onseparate areas onthe reaction surface place: 7(a) A 3 drops: of KI : (b) 3 drops ofKiandl drop ofNaiS3Oa ''7:7;(^):;7'^;;d¿Óps of ;KC1;:7 To each ofthese, add1drop ofstarch. Then add3 drops of (KH4)2S;Oi* Record your results below and explain why youthink a positive result was orwas notobtained, what seemed to be the effect ofNajSïO-j? fl^lution Observation à. Kl,(KH¿) aSgO/j, starch y • -" • •• • . -• y: -' • • •• • ••• '.' ..y by,:jti, Haj330,, (WH*)3SjO,,. starch " '\-r. • e. KCl, (KTIÎV) 2Sa ; starch --.7••••'••' •y-'' y.7 : M M M^^^^ M • * • y -•-. '> • v • -y7;7 y.f.Eajg • ij!i l ï.V! , ;.'--:. , ->.. . :•' ••.••••-••,: . '-;••.:•.• J"..--. •! ; V: y.-'-'.•: '-• : "yyyyy-'•:: .•"',.'• L .y•-••.•;-• •'•••' .-. • ->••'; •'•••'. isüíi V -v.-'. ' •••• • -.' ••'•• : y *•• • ••:. -y y i f : •-••.' '* • ••¡y.v-y *„.-.•• yy.-. • "•••• •'••v.'--, A y '••-• yy-.y ':' • .:•-•;;'v:.-i -•:\ i ¿--r. 2b 4 y-• NOW fo r the! • ful i c lock react ionÏ. •..-.'.' Hake up two sol ut i p rïîs à s described belov, •'; Solution ïi. Measure Si drops of 0.20M Kl, 4 drops of o. OOS M Na2S^03, and 1 drop of starch. Solution II: Measure 8 drops 'a§ 6..10M (NH<) iS ;Oa. Record the room temperature* Temperature : y...7 •_.••'Í. "'"•••' Quickly mix solution I and II recording the time of mixing. When the solution suddenly turns blue record the tine. Repeat this procédure until you get a constant time interval. Time of reaction; _^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5. Refer to your results in step 3 and verify that they arc consistent with results in Step 4; if not, repeat any part about which you are unsure. Summarize What you think is occurring. 6. Concentration Effect. The so-called "Law of Mass Action11 suggests that ths rate of a chesleal reaction is affected by changes in the concentration of the reactants* Hypothesize what you think the results would be if you were to decrease by one-half the amounts of KI, (HH*)iS20Sr Na^SjOs, and starch? flftlntioa frtdiqttfl Bete "• •• 7e* "• - ' V T ..-•." " ", •."' : ,.• . .-..S^.e .-.. _ " * . • • • -• : -, • • • b. (NK^SaQ i -, ..;. 7 -• •-••• •' " ; . -•• y ; 7-, • ; c. . NajSiQi •••••'.-. . y . • y y .-.. y : -. r • • 7 d.7 starch ••••••., •--• "-• • • • y' : Now test your hypotheses by designing an experiment. Remember that you must ahenge only one variable at a, time. If, for example, 10 drops of KI are used instead of 20 drops, the total volume will be less and hence all concentrations would be altered. To remedy this y OU: must replace the mis sing710 drops. ; Ifthis is dórie with 10 drops of deionized water, the correct volume of solution would be obtained. Page 5 ¿1 Cléàtly state your experiment and record your observations, PolwtlOD Tims Of reaction Observation y a.y'77 7y77 ; :'' :Py y-.J. •• 7c,'. . •'. .. . . -. ' • • . •V '.'.• ' yy-'aiy. y ^^^^^^^^^T^^^ • /. Step * . Explain your results,; .. . .. . •..• • 7* Temperature Effects* Run the full clock reaction (Step 4) ata different temperature. Record and explain your results. What was the temperature. Temperatures1 Time of reaction: yy-yyr y-•'.•.-•• . : •• . , | • • •• y^yc^ci^siomy How that you have been guided through a systematic analysis of chemical reactions, from simple binary combinations to complex processes, you should be able to suggest the actual reactions taking yy place in the "clock1* reaction, in addition, you should be able to discuss how changes in concentration and temperature affect reaction rates. These principles are important and will, therefore, be used 77-throughout this course. The key point when designing your own experiment, as you will do in most of our labs, is to change only one y variable at, a time. Vyy'/ly H^nioin; Allev L., J. Ch»p* Ed.:-, 5&. 434 (1961) y •' 2 > Ziimàçhl, S t eveíi ":g. ;,. Cheai s try . 2 «d> Jte A i ngtùn, HÂt D iC: Heath 'y-y mîid coapany, 1939, pp 2-4 "' y y'r -'7 'y',. ' "A y '• r : , J ,77: . 7,y.,y7; . ":,. -y'.'-, -y y-, : y .. ." 7 7 y •• -•-•" • '• "• à* y%9 9 É« t jc> n, -V tl 1 l#m L,,t Chemistry. Principles and Reactions, y.y'-'-'Or-iah'dQ:, fL, Satthderi College Publishing, 19S9. • >•. • . -• •. -y • Page 6 rVï: -v Experimental Report: 7 A 7, 1. Tell which of the following reactions are consistent with your observations and which are not* consistent S O V f ~ - x* + s2o8 a 7 -—.--— > -"so:»;*_ a -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^™ BaOe1" + i~ :—T-*-—--> so4 - •+• la •-. ^ I2 + S;Oa ?" —r™-.-—-> Iy + SO*2' r + s2oá?7 7-*.--—--->; j2 + soja r^ ' -Ï • 3Ey + 504 2~ T~r~Tr > 12 + S2 0ty " » c i -" * s z ó *2 * '•-—--•—> ei -2 :+ . s o42 y 'Í;7.'••';+' starch^^r-^*^-* :I2-starch (blue color) 2. Devise a reaction scheme (combination of reactions above) which might explain the results in the experiment. 3 *••• HOW did Changes in concentrátioii 3nd> changes in temperature ;afieOt the rate of reaction? !*" •••' H :•>**: -y: ^ -i?,.: v : . -.• •. i-J yy'yy:y:"yyy'y[ %J~éi:^h^zÀ\^y y yy-y ...";> "-"' •":"•' -'."V '•'." '• !J/-y '. 1: 'JS.'.V.:-".'. • 7 ;• ;K ^j-^ ..1 .i. ¡- • : : :J;.;,'•: \. J-: '• \ ' . ^ „ . •• •-...f^-;..^ '' '• J"-^ ' •': •... • " •y''-F *<•:'•'•-. \ ••: ••• • • ."'"-.-r;'"~ t .:,'••• • "••.•';•••••'• :/,"'" -" : '/.•' ". -.-:"... -' . _ • ."-'• " •"•.-.•" '"'•-• J"--.\L '"r-- ' ' ' •• y y ti •:>'"r-:.:-y.i:. . i i .-. -••_. .%&• ^^^^^^~ ;-. : , :".iYJ ."••• •: -• Ï I' A ( ^ /•• y • y •• Pag* -a. .•".••AV . .: yy ïii' JO DATA ANALYSIS chemistry 131 INTRODUCTION . :77'7 ''y'/.w" y A common tool used to analyze experimental data is a graph. Producing a quality graph (or plot) is not as easy as you might think. Most of you have experience plotting points on a number line. Unfortunately, the proper methods may not have been reinforced or thoroughly developed. This Lab outlines the requirements for creating quality graphs from experimental data, and then discusses some background and tools for manipulating data tq produce acceptable graphs. y ., THE BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF GRAJHINQ If you examine a piece of quality graph paper„ you immediately notice it is divided into several different sized grids. Usually each -of these grids is denoted by differing darkness of the grid lines. The purpose of these divisions is to help you graph points accurately, and then extract data from your graph. NEVER use square ruled paper (usually reserved for engineering drawings} to produce graphs. Figure 1 shows the difference between these two types of paper. .••*. A-A y '.-.>'-• ••-•• 1::±:::: •* 7 '.---• •. •. > yy---- 9 QUALITY GARBAGE Figure i l 7 PROPERLY SCALED AXES The first step to drawing an acceptable graph is to decide how the axes should be aligned on the graph paper. You should arrange the graph so that it fills the majority of the paper (nothing is .Worse in graphing than a postage stamp sized graph on a sea of empty paper). But which axis should be the "horizontal" axis, and which the «vertical"? 7 - < " ;77 Easy enough. Those in the know have assigned special names to data they wish to graph. All you need to do is follow their lead, Examine yóur data and decide which set is not affected by the7 experiment. This is the independent: data, or the independent GRAPHING 1 '•'.:'y..'!j! • y y . -: •. • . • •• il variable. Usually, this is a quantity that you control or set during the experiment, such as temperature, pressure* volume, or an uncontrollable quantity, like time. The remaining data is what you observed as a result of your experiment. This is the dependent variable. ALWAYS plot the dependent variable vs. the independent variable. Put another way* the dependent variable is plotted on the Y-axis, while the independent variable is plotted on the X-axis. Now you are ready to draw the axes on your graph paper* First, • each axis should be drawn approximately one inch from the edge of the graph, never on the very edge itself. This allows you to write the scales and titles of each axis on the graph as opposed tc writing on the borders. The second requirement is that the X-axis should always be placed so that it runs parallel to the bittoa or right side of the page, never on the top or left side, Figure 2 shows examples of the correct and incorrect manner of placing the axis on the graph papâr. •. • • •• • • • " . -. A• • • • • • • . • . . • . . .. y y T-*sT" " y ••• . . y • y . • • . " • . •. . • -ys L*» • * • • •n m • • • ' .- .: B • , . • • ; . • . , X-aíif v • : •••• . . • y . y. . . • A-a*ix ! • • ... • .-ï • WRQttS .. • • • • • COflWfCT : ' " ' • '••' • • • . -. • . . : • • • • • • • • • -. • = • • • • . . . . . ' • • ; . . ' • • • •: • • • • • • Figure 2 • .• •.. In additionf you should scale the axes so that your plot or line will fill most of the graph paper. If you can increase the magnitude Of your, scale (i.e.. Spread it Otit) and Still fit the axis on the page, DO IT. Examine your data and identify the range of values you need to plot. Fotf example, your values.for the independent variable (X) range from 400 to SCO units, and your graph paper has 35 major divisions along the X-axis you've just drawn. The range of data {400 -800 + 400ï divided by the number of major divisions (25) is 16. Thus, you would **fillH the graph if every major division equalled 16 units. Great, but aost graph paper has 10 minor divisions per major division (see Figure 3). ïJcing 16 units for a major division is awkward. Instead, use only 20 major divisions to represent your range of 400 units. Now, the maior divisions represent 20 units each, and you've filled your graph paper with graphI Two other tools for filling the page are: 1) Do not use zero as the origin if your data doesn't go to sero (as in our above example), or to rotate the page and place the X-axis along the long side of the paper* Finally, the minor divisions of your axis should indícate the same number of significant figures as your data contains. If your measured value is 1.93, you have to be able to read 1.93 on your :-gráp*i¿7 7" GRAPHING 2 •y • y¿ LABELS Both axes must be labeled* The label should be a one or two word description of the quantity represented by the axis, and the units of the measured quantity. As an example, assume you have measured pressure as a function of time. The Y-axis would be labeled "Pressure (torr)"(the dependent variable} and the X-axis labeled "Time(seconds)"(the independent variable). y When choosing the labels, it is important to remember the scaling chosen when you drew the axes. Consider the following set of data: TJME (seconds\ • y PRESSUR E ftorr. • 0 750 • y • • ;io • : 870 50 930 100 13 30 150 2010 It may be difficult, and it would be inconvenient, to write the A number 2010 on the Y-axis. Instead, change the number to 2.010 x io3 and label the axis with single whole numbers. This has been done in Figure 3, Each whole number on the axis actually represents a much larger number. You have now chosen a different way to represent the scale on the graph. Note that in order to plot the data as a number less than ten, we multiplied it by lo-3 . Thus, any number we read from the plot is actually Y X 10 where Y' is the value read from the graph. The new label would be "Pressure x 10'3 (torr)**, indicating that the actual value of pressure Was multiplied by 10"3 before being plotted. 3. PLOTTING POINTS Now that you have correctly drawn and labeled each axis, you are ready to plot the data. Always use a sharp pencil or fine point writing instrument to place the data points on the graph. Around each point draw a small geometric figure such as a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, etc* It is best to use a stencil to do this. These geometric figures will help to correlate multiple sets of data on the same graph into groups, as well as help you locate the data points. Each set of data now has its own geometric figure, which you should list in a legend under the title block of the graph. 4. TBS CORVE (OR LINE) Plotted data is of little use if some trend or relationship cannot be established. To see a trend in the data clearly, we draw a curve (which may be a straight line) through the data* There are two general ways for drawing this curve: the "eye-ball1* method, and the mathematical fit method. Let's first discuss the "eye-ball** method. /••: . : yfy . GRAPHING 3 ,y - Fr£U££3 GRAPHING 4 BEST COPV AVAILABLE Eye-ball Method NEVE R play "connect the dots" with your data. The object is to draw a smooth curve which best represents your data. Two types of tools are available to help you do this: rulers and French curves. Examine your data and determine (by "eye-ball") if a straight line or a curved line best matches your data. If a straight line is required, then the ruler is the tool you need. If you believe a curved line is the answer, then a French curve will best suit your needs. Choose the curve that allows you to draw the best fit to your data (it is not uncommon to use two or three different French Curves to construct a single curved line). Align the curve you chose to three data points at a time. It is not necessary that the curve pass through each point, you might need to select an "average" position with respect to several data points. This requires that even though you are only matching three points, you must keep in mind the entire set of data while constructing your graph. If your data doesn't appear to be either a straight line or a curve. Of if you're just not sure, then the next method of fitting your data to a curve should be used. In this method we use a mathematical model as the tool to fit the data. Mathematical Fit Method There are many methods to mathematically manipulate experimental data* You may have heard of some of these manipulations as least squares, power curve, linear regression, etc. Any of these are very useful tools, though some are much more complicated than others. An excellent source book is Curve Fitting for Programmable Calculators by William H. Kolg, It contains in-depth discussions of several curve fitting tools, and programs for programmable calculators (or personal computers) to do the curve fitting analysis. I will limit this discussion to the most common form, linear regression analysis. Linear regression analysis, or curve fit, is used when and only when you are reasonably sure your data represents a straight line of the form y *» ax + b. Many calculators have a linear regression analysis function built in, or m*y be programmed to perform the analysis using three mathematical formulas. These three formula are used to determine the slope (m), the y-intercept (b), and the "goodness" of the fit (r*). The equations are listed below if you do not have a calculator to do this for you. n n m .. •.——— — — b -' s*i* : £*LL2 n GRAPHING 5 :[%.yi7y Sf^i] r=7l myy : iBii2]^2 -&yu*} n 7The .coefficient of fit, r*, is an indication of how well the data fits a linear graph* Generally, the closer r* is to 1.00, the better the fit of the data to a straight line. In each of the equations n is the number of data points. Recall that £ is the summation symbol. For X = 1,2, and 3; ixt means 1 + 2 + 3, or 6. Be careful to note the difference between IXi2 and (ïXi)2 . The first means l2 + 2 2 + 32 = 14, while the second would mean ( 1 + 2 + 3)2 If your data does not represent a straight line, then you should resort to the other tools available. These include the least squares analysis, logarithmic, power, or polynomial curve fitting models in order to obtain a mathematical relationship for the data. Detailed information on these tools may be found in many textbooks on Statistics, as well as the source book I've already mentioned by w.M. Kolg. Computer Based Spreadsheets Computer based spreadsheets make the handling and manipulation of large amounts of data a bréese. The most useful ones include a graphing package that will take any data you input, and produce acceptable graphs. During the laboratory period you will make several plots and perform curve fitting with the aid of a \ spread sheet. ,.''.'.••' 5. TITLE BLOCK The title block contains at least two parts: the graph title and data points legend (as seen in Figure 3) . Make your title ay short, clear description of the graph's contents. This makes it; easier to reference in a text, as well as provide the viewer a starting knowledge of the data portrayed. Always place the title block near the top of your graph (remember, the x-axis is at the bottom). -.•• .• • • <•. GRAPHING 6 PROCBPTJRB 1. Using a spreadsheet graph the following data set. If the plot appears linear, find the slope and intercept by curve fitting and report the equation of the line in the form y = mx + b. Make sure you obtain a printout of your data, graph, and curve fit. dependent Variable Independent variable ... . •'••-. • -, i •: . 7;.-. '••' :•:..-:' •.;."•' ! " A 0 ..'=i A. 7 - •'•; 2 • • • • . : • • • . • • : "" " ' • J-• ' ''* >•-* ' -y 13 22 •:'&••• • : 'A . ••.:•.'.: • .•;'••:".'' • ."•. ' '•'•'. V. 31 10 " "••• •' . ''...y-y 34 11 •"•If . v " • •. ."""•.-. • y -..-43 14 •:. 46 15 : 77- 52 1 7 ••;-. '.. y •., ;•'• -'• :.•' . •' y " -• ' 55 18 2. Now plot the following data on a separate graph. dependent variable independent variable y y :..y •:;:5y 7-17 2 3 ••:• 78.7 •/«"•' ' "7. 40 6 -•-.g".'; 85 7:7 • -3 y •••:-: y y 125 i i :•.::;;;?:. 229 'yy. 1 5 tlot appear linear? •': y. This data can be fit to the general form y-x n + b. in order to obtain a linear graph you must take the logarithm of the data points to make the general form log y=n log x+ log b. use the spreadsheet to take the logarithm of your data points and replot the data. Mow use the curve fitting routine to find the slope and intercept of lag y=n log x•+ log b. Report the equation for the data in the form y=x n + b. Hake sure you obtain your printouts.. yy • \ '•>• . •'•. •.'• • .:•• .-...• -:¿-• . : '..;. ' y . y . •y^y^:,í^: -: .;.y ••v. • , • f __1 .^:: •^-y\ -t" \.^ '• GRAPHING 7 ':,':•' -?7Vy : J"--.. ....-.".V. ::. .j.r.v.i :.• \ , ':'.V' 3v 7 We'll how look at some typical data for a lab you will perform later this semester - the determination of an equilibrium constant, Ke. Thermodynamic information (aH and ¿s) can be found by measuring Kc at a known temperature and using the equation lu K -V-AH Q J + _AS H I rJ R R is the gas constant, 8.31 J/mol K and T is temperature in Kelvin. Make an appropriate graph for the following data and find AH and ILB. T (*C) .131 21 ixs Í 7 laz 37 • . • • • A....... . . .•.•. y . . • •• i •.. • : •• •• . 7 . .. _ :.-• GRAPHING a • ' • •. yy M PRELAB GRAPHIKQ ASSIGNMENT For the following sets of data, produce two plots on the same piece of graph paper plotting volume as the dependent variable and temperature as the independent variable. Be sure to draw the appropriate "smooth curve" through each set of data. If the plot appears to be linear, perform a linear regression analysis by hand y- using the equations on p.5 and provide the mathematical relationship for that set of data. • y y .• . • . . •. . • . " •••• • • . : . : • • • • Data Set #1 Volume (ml) Q.2 Ó-6 0.9 1*3 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.4. 2.5 . :-.••'.•' : : • • • . Temp (K) 298 304 314 320 334 350 359 370 381 392 '• ••• '• . .- • : .' ..., •. . . '• y.• .. . . . • •..• • ' . . • . . ' ' Data Set #2 Volume {ml} 1.0 1.2 1.5 1;6 1.8 ¿;0 2.2 2.3 2, 5 2.7 • '. • . . . . . . • • • . ' " • • Temp 1,2.3...) ;.'•;••,"-• ->•••'-y '-y' Emission 1 \--. ;-• ;•• y y y .: .-•••'•:•:•'-• '.'••:'••: 7 V'.-: 77.;-A''7-7.7--77 y-y. ;.:7ï: : .-7'v;7 ' ••••:.-7A ••••• ': y.7 . ;• : yy y yA-yyy.y: 4U where B is a constant equal to -2.179 x I0~lff J/photon. To find the energy of a transition of an electron going from an initial higher energy level to a final lower energy level, equation 2 is used- This results in • AE •- Enitii i y '•'. Ë f inrnt: <3J AE = -B (4) 'ihlt tal rinn J rearranging, substituting in the constant B, and dropping the &, equation 4 becomes '['-. 2.179 x Ù.Î* f 1 ;• - '--i-1 -1 Í5) v nfln*l AiDlilil To find £ in the common unit of kilojoules per mole, equation 5 becomes. photons [ . 1 Photon mo ie £ „ z,i79 K KJ-ÜJ 6.022 x 10S3pht lkJ 1 1 103J "final "initia l kJ J (6) lnfi n.l "inlii.lmole Once we know the energy of a photon, we can readily calculate the wavelength of the photon using the relationship « he E =CO T where h is Planck's constant (h = 6.63 x 10'3 4 J.sec) and c is the speed of light (2.998 x 10s z?r) - The frequency (v) can be determined by making use of the relationships between the speed of 1ight, wave1ength and frequency. ; (Û) and thus, E = hV Í9) Emission 2 -,-\ :FZ\-• > •T -• K -..'.r'. %% In summary, the emission levels of hydrogen are the result of an excited electron from a higher energy level "relaxing" to a lower energy level. The energy is released in the form of electromagnetic rad i at ion.7- The fó11owing diagram shows some of the energ y ; 1eveIs and transitions of the hydrogen atom. Lines in the Balmer series (visible light) arise from transitions from upper energy levels (n>2) to n=2 level. The Lyman series lines (UV) result from transitions from higher energy levels (n>l) to n = l. The Paschen aeries lines (IR) are the result of transitions from higher energy :1eyels'A'fn>3) •, tp7n^3;7'levéi. 7 Note that this concept worked well for the hydrogen atom, but hot for' any other : atom7 at al111 Energy Transition of Hydrogen Atom n-5 y •-••-' • •'• n-4 I Faachen E1ÍERCV •• " • • :• •yí 1 r }f * Ser±es • :r tí-3 y •_ -Sal mer Serles ;; >• 1 üf--> f y.yy n-2 ' • : . Lyman Serie* ty M 1ÜÜ n-1 (Ground state ) • Spectroscopes You have already had experience with various spectroscopic 7 devices. Your experiences probably include rainbows and prisms. From these you should know the names we associate with various regions of the visible spectrum* You should also recognize that certain procedures are required for proper opération* "obviously the proper viewing method for a rainbow is different from the viewing method for a prism. •y Thé: spectroscope requ ires a min imum of Atwji» çomp onents:';: ¿¡i dispersive medium to break the light apart by wavelength (or frequency} and a measuring device. Our spectroscope uses a diffraction grating which is a piece of clear plastic with thousands of microscopic scratches» Our measuring device7 is a glass rod. > t- Emission :3 ••> : ••••. •-. , Both of these are mounted on a cardboard box which allows for proper control and reliable measurements* EXPERIMENTAL " ••/-.. yy -:'•.:••" '.•'.•' •• y y ...; .-• /. .:• .; y • . • . • A ..yy . ••:: y. - Surpose .l'ï Gain an understanding,'ôf; instruments by operating *• sp e et roscope. 2) Understand the operating parameters of a visible light spectroscope. "". • '7 ' 7'7 " .. ' 7 . •'."'. '•'• ' 7 . /.••'. y y •.:•.••"•'A • • 'y. ••'•*••'.-.• '•. ': -' "• 3) observe* record and analyze atomic spectra. •;• Pr o o s dur e'••.. Your spectroscope box is pre-assembled. The remaining tasks are to attach the diffraction grating and install the glass measuring rod. > Class Rod A / Pigure 1. spectroscope If instructed, remove and discard the small piece of transparent plastic taped over the "eyepiece" opening (see Figure 1) of your spectroscope, mien your instructor gives you a new piece of grating, handle it carefully. Touch only the corners. Touching the middle allows oil from your fingers to cover the tiny groves::; Attach the grating only after performing the following procedure. Touching only the corners of the gratingr hold the grating over the "eyepiece" opening* Now point the slit opening toward a fluorescent light and look through the grating into the "eyepiece" opening. If your grating is positioned correctly you should see the visible spectrum spread out to the left or right side of the slit. If you don't see the spectrum, rotate your grating 1/4 turn (90s) and look again. When you see the spectrum spread-out as shown in Figure 2, carefully tape the corners of the grating in-place* If you still don't see the spectrum after rotating the diffraction grating, get help from your instructor* Emission 4 greeti blue orange/ye11 o v Figure 2. Fluorescent Light, Mercury spectrum Next obtain a glass rod from your instructor. The glass rod should have a narrow scratch near the middle. If you cannot find the scratch ask your instructor for help in creating your own scratch. Place the glass rod through the two holes in the side of the spectroscope box near the slit end. Look through the grating and verify the scratch on the glass rod is visible near the spectrum and that you can move the scratch all the way from the red-end to the blue-end of the spectrum* Now you're rea:.yy y Emission 6 :y&5 lines. Hove the glass rod so that the scratch is aligned with one of the emission lines. Now measure the length of the remaining glass rod on one side of the box. Align the scratch on the next emission line. Again, measure the length of the glass rod. (Be sure to measure from the same side of the box,. Repeat this procedure y for thé final71ine. Record the data in the following box. Glass Wavelength Hg BinIsSion Line Rod (hii) Distance (rem) blue 436 green SA*. orange/ye11ov 580 The calibration curve is determined by plotting glass rod distance (x) versus wavelength (y). This curve will be used tp determine the wavelengths of the hydrogen emission lines and others. Figure 4 shows a calibration curve with the hydrogen lines superimposed on the curve. "Í-: • Í. / Emission 7 Mercury Calibration ip VI I » wavelength A(na) extrap lin Hg data H data . 1 . • . ..!• ' yy - "J* . . - y • Rjod Distance (ma) Figure 4 ¿/¿> 4 > • • .' "! • U ?. . • •• Hydrogen Atom Emission Look at the hydrogen discharge tube with your spectroscope. Describe what you see. (Be sure to include the number of lines, the color of each line, the brightness of each line, the thickness of each line, the rod-position measurement of each line, and any other properties you notice.) A sketch may be helpful. Prepare a tabic in the space below to collect your data, Leave some space to write-in the actual wavelength which you will interpolate from the calibration graph* Helium Atom Emission Repeat the same procedure for the helium discharge tube. Neon spectrum Repeat for neon. You may not be able to record all of the Observed spectmm. • y • Ï . Emission: 9 SrCiz Flame Spectrum Repeat for SrCl3 Flame Spectrum. You may not be able to record all of the observed spectrum. • . • ICI Flame Spectrum ••-• Repeat for KCl Flame Spectrum. You may not be able to record all of the observed spectrum. CSC12 Flam* spectrum A Repeat for CaCl7 Flame Spectrum. You may not be able to record all of the observed spectrum. ' • A . nací Flam» Spectrum Repeat for NaCl Flame Spectrum. You may not be able to record ail of the observed spectrum. .7. • • . • . y y Emission 10 CONCLUSIONS ;J.> Does your calibration line have a positive slope or negative slope? Does it matter? Why? 'A. . • y - ;.;• : y "•.-.•. • ••••• .-.A ; ,-. . y-.-..-.. . . ... •'.•.. • . : •'•••••-•. • y -. : . -y -. • : • . • • -. ' . . -. . • . . • • •* . .-. . ••• • • • . • • • • • • -• : • • : .-. -. -. . • • . . • • 2. Does the straight calibration line go through all of the data points from the mercury spectrum. If not, why? 3. Calculate the energy associated for each hydrogen emission line. (use equation 7)7, ':' • • : . . • • . • • : •• ' • . . . -. • • . • • • • • ; • • ' : • • •••... . : . • .• •. -. • • :• yy-.yy -•-•.•'••. 4. Calculate the nSllitit l value from equation 1 for each hydrogen spectrum line. Does the lowest n iritJt l value result from the longest wavelength or the shortest wavelength? What is the color of the line associated with the lowest niniti*i value? • : 5. Calculate the percent error of your experimentally determined hydrogen emission lines versus the theoretical hydrogen emission lines. • •'.• • y-.-' Emission 11 50 FREÍAS QUESTIONS Complete the following questions before coming to the lab. Many of the answers will be found in this handout. Your instructor may require you to have this prior to beginning the actual experiment, l. What wavelength corresponds to the low energy end of the visible spectrum? • . yy": y y. . -• -.-.. • • :•'.' • • .. . . • • • • • : • ' • . • • ' . . . . : A • • • • ' • • ' •'.''' • .'• : • -. . . . . . • • • '.'.-' : A .; . • :. • • ' . • . • • . ' . ' • ' • ... ;•• : .--. •;-.. . yyy.y, 2. What wavelength corresponds to the high energy end of the visible spectrum? : • • • • . • • • • • . y y y' • • . ' • . • , . .•••• • • ' •. ' ; • • • • . -. • • • • • • . ' • .. y • . : • • • . • • . -• • • • . -. -. • -.... ' • . • ' . . " • • • •' . : . . . . . • • . . • . •. : . -• • • • . . -. • . . . . • • . • • • • • • • ' • • . yy' ^ -. -. • • •• •••:•• ,, - •:,-, ' :••.- 7 7 ,. • ,.. • • ; 7 ••••,,.••7; .;. y . y y •.-• . ¿ .. •• -y -y -7 . ..- .. : . 7 ••..-.-•... • ••• .-, -.-. •;• ; • • y y : ••...•. . A .., . ;.-• •:•.. : • . . . • • y y •••• • y • -' . • • • A . y • • • • . _ • • • , , . . . : , . . • • -. . -. . .• •• • • • -. • . . . . -. . . • ' . . . • 7-• . • • • '• i "-"• : . . • • 3. what is the function of the diffraction grating on the spectroscope? • y • y 7 . • • •. -.•-• :.••• • •• • • ••• -•• ' y..-A ;,•••• y : • v . y • • . • • . . . • • . . : . ; . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • : . • • . • • . . : • • • • • • • : • • . -. . • • . • • • ••.. : • • -• • ..y.-. . :•' y y y 7 ..... 7 .••: ,...•. . .7.7 • ...... y ••/ ...yy y .•-... y, . •. .•••' ' ...-•/ . ' y •'•'.; ...... . . • • • .. . • ...... . •• . 7 '"': : ' 7 • . ' • • • ' • . • • -. . • • • • ': •••• '." ' • . -• -. • • • . 7 • ' • • • '..' •• • • . -• • • . • • • • • • • • , . . : . , -. . . . . , . • • • . ... . . . • • • • . -. • • • . • • • . --• • • . . . • • . . • . . • . / -• • • • • • : • . •• • . • : • -• • • . . L . " . .' . • ' " . . . • ' ' • •• • • • " . '•' 4. What is the purpose of a calibration graph? ••• •: " y "-...' . ''• y ••• -'• -7-. ":• • • • : •'..'"•. . •,' •••• • • . • . -. • • • • • " : • . • • • : •-. \ ; . • :•-••••' • . •• • . •• ••; • •?-• •;-.. .- -.• -. •• . ...• . A-. .-.:: • •..• -• ' • . . • ' • • ' • • . • . . • • • . . . . . • • . • • • - . : • •.• , . ; . " . . . • • 5. The Uv emission from what element causes the fluorescent powders in a fluorescent tube to glow? • • •. ' • ..'-'-• • • • • y ' 7•••••• • •.. .7 • '•" •••'" ' y • ' "• 7 •''•'.' . : '•• : ••.".'.' • • y .-'•'. • '• 7-' , .'y•••. • ... : • •' y •y. ; '• :•":• y .••"• ' .7 '•:-;' '••• "'• ••-' 7 - • ' • -. : • • ' • ' . ' ' • • . . . ' '.'•• 7 . ••: • • • . • ' • • • • •" • ' • y • : • •• .- .. •.• •.. 7 " : ..• y • • ;' ,. • • • • . . • ' ... • '••'•'• • y • ..-. • • . •. . .. •'-• ; ' Emission 12 • • • • " . • • . -• • • . • . . . . . . A ••'•••••. --y ..-: •• • . •,- .-. --.-• .-•• •.•• : y • • ••: . •• . •• • i: 7.. ÛALORIMETRY SEAT OF FORMATION OF HAGNESIUH OXIDE chemistry 131 •*'y INTRODUCTION ;,7- In this laboratory, we will introduce one of the most of ten-used techniques in thermochemistry - calorimetry. Although we often think of calorimetry in terms of finding the number of calories in a: certain • amount of food, calorimetry is valuable to the chemist in measuring basic thermodynamic data. Along with learning calorimetry techniques, you will use the data you collect, along with heats of formation and Hess's law, to determine ûHt" for HgO. THEORY AS a quick rev lew*; iërteirtbei' that th* enthalpy change, AH, of a chemical reaction is called the heat of reaction and representsthe y amount of heat gained or lost as the reaction proceeds from reactants to products. Also, the heat of formation, ¿fïe°, is defined as the amount of heat absorbed when one mole of a compound is formed from its elements in their standard states. Another important concept is that the enthalpy change of a reaction is independent of its path and dépends only oh; the initial and final states of the reactants and; 7 products. This principle is known as Hess's Law and is an example of a state function. Hess's law states that the enthalpy change of a reaction is the same whether it occurs in one step or in many steps, ''.y You will apply Hess's Law in determining AHr° for the following yy--. reaction: Mg,sj + 1/2 o 2(r). ^ Mgo(i). • . (l) 7AHf ? ''•=• ?'; This reaction is extremely exothermic and too hard to perform calorimetrically. However, we can find the heat of formation for MgO by combining a series of reactions which are much safer and suitable for a calorimetry experiment. Here is one possible scheme (perhaps you can think of others): -. •Kg.(.¿> + 2H+ ,vy, _*. .Hg.**',,-, +:H2:((} (2) ;yAft;^ ?;y (,} t 2H^f M jy-> Mg;**!^) + 7Hi.0'(£i (3) 7yy.A¿--:?:'..7 ENTHALPY 1 Hï(fc) + 1/2 0 Î( 0 _&. HjO(í) (4) AHf° - -2B5.B kJ/mole Using Hess' Law, reactions (2), (3), and (4) can be combined to give reaction (1). Work this out for yourself in the boy below: Thus, if the AH for reactions (2), (3), and {4) are available, you can find ùH for reaction (1). You'll use a calorimeter to measure the enthalpy changes for reactions (2> and <3). AH for reaction (4) is given so you can find AH for reaction (1)» the formation of MgO, Let's examine calorimetry in a bit more detail. First, almost any type of container can be used as a calorimeter, but a well insulated container is best. Why? Because we must account for all heat that is absorbed or evolved by the chemical process. Therefore, we want a container from which heat cannot escape to thé surroundings. A chemical process occurring in such a system is adiabattcj that is, no heat is exchanged between the container and the surroundings. You will use a thermos bottle to achieve adiabatic conditions. (You may ask yourself at this point if the thermos bottle will provide a truly adiabatic environment.) From here on out we will be talking about adiabatic processes. The important thing to remember when conducting thermochemistry experiments is that you must account for all heat gained or lost during a reaction. For example, if an exothermic reaction occurs in a calorimeter, the heat can basically go two places: (1) the reaction mixture, which can be measured as a temperature rise, and (2) the walls of the calorimeter. Since heat is not transferred between the ENTHALPY 2 • calorimeter and the outside, the following must be true: heat from — heat absorbed by . heat absorbed by reaction calorimeter react1oh mixture or -<3I-*ÍV *• qc.ii :+. qü „ (where q - ^resents heat) (5) Thus the heat lost by the chemical reaction is exactly equal to all the heat gained, why is there a negative sign for qrxn? Now let's examine each of the terms in the equation:: Seat from Reaction (qFin) ; If the heat (q) comes from the enthalpy of a chemical reaction, we can replace q by nAH, where n is the number of moles of product and AH is the enthalpy change per mole due to the reaction or phase change* The number of moles of product will be based on the moles of the limiting reagent. Heat Absorbed by the Calorimeter (gfltl): For our calorimeter, the heat simply changes the temperature of the calorimeter* We can replace q by CCAT , where Ce is the heat capacity and AT is the temperature change. Note that the heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the substance by one Kelvin. The units of Cc are usually J/K. Thus we need the heat capacity of the calorimeter, Cat which is specific for each calorimeter. You will find Cç for your calorimeter by performing reaction (7) below for which we have provided AHr3tn. You will then use equation (6} on the next page to solve for Cç:*y Beat Absorbed by Reaction Mixture (qn<,): This term is equal to mCpAT. The mass of the solution is m and is equal to the total volume of the solution times the density of solution. We simplify by using density equal to 1.00 g/mL since all the solutions are essentially aqueous. Although for pure water the heat capacity is 4.184 J/(g "C), when ions or molecules are dissolved in it the heat capacity changes. For the NaOH and HCl reaction the heat capacity of the solution, cr, is equal to 4.025 J/(g *c) while for the Mg reactions, CP equals 3.862 J/. ENTHALPY 3 ¡V.'í :'; :".-Z '.! '•' 54 .7;'.Usi.hgf-these expression s fo r q, equatio n (5) i s rewritte n as : ; -JlAH .=• CcAT + mCpAT V, (6 ) .ywheres-A y.'-' yyy y n = number of moles of limiting reagent. 'yyy77 ^H = heat evolved in the reaction. ->••• 7 Cç7:» .calorimeter constant (specific for your calorimeter);; A T = temperature change resulting from the reaction. y7- m = mass of the solution. cp - specific heat of the solution. -Note that we used q •= mC^AT for the liquid in the calorimeter because we know its exact composition. For the calorimeter itself, Thowever* a heat capacity, Ctr was used because the exact composition of the calorimeter is not known. 7 Now let's apply the theory of calorimetry to your experiment. To find AH for a reaction, all the other values in Equation (6) must be known. The first objective will be to calibrate the calorimeter to find Cc * This calibration is accomplished by producing a known quantity of heat from reaction (7) below and measuring AT. Since AH, th£ heat capacity, and the quantities of NaOH and HCl are known (assuming that all volumes ara additive), the only unknown in equation7 (6)7Ï& Cc which you can now calculate. , H*Ok ^Mát^q)+._«-"(•••*•)•.+ 'H.aP(-.tï =• i7> "; ifirVar^-HB^V?:' kJ/raole;7 •J---. t • i 7-7once the value of cc is known, it can be used for reactions (2) and (3) to solve for the unknown A Hf. :To :^#e eguat ion: •f 6); you^ if!i ï: need AT, the temp e rature change for7 the reaction mixture and thé':;cal.orÍmatér¿;-. However, you will not be able to simply measure the maximum temperature because the temperature may never actually reach the maximum. This irregular behavior is due y to thé calorimeter's inability to absorb heat as quickly as the reaction mixtu^y You will use/.a standard graphing technique to' extrapolate to the maximum temperature for each of your experiments. During this experiment you'll measure and record the temperature "at vg iyén t ime intervals. YOU will plot; this::: data;. on7a graph 1 ike that shown in Figure 1. Notice the temperature vs. time plot is irregular until it stabilizes on a slowly decreasing temperature line. Ideally, you want the maximum temperature that would be produced if the reaction happened instantaneously at the time of mixing (timé - o), not some time later when the reaction mixture and the calorimeter tend to cool slightly. The proper method to obtain AT is depicted in Figure i. The rate of cooling is used to extrapolate back to what the maximum : yy yy.7-';77y'.7yyyyyy-Ayy-y.- .--yy.••yy-yry.-'-'y'' ••'-777'•-'•7"'•'-•• -y"-> yy..:.-yyyy ;y^,'y.y- •'•' . . * '" . ENTHALP Y A., y ' .""' -. y- temperature should have been. This is the intersection of the extrapolation line with the y-axis (time = O) . The difference between the extrapolated maximum, T», and the initial temperature, Ti, is AT. EXPERIMENTAL: This experiment will be done with a PARTNER. A. Prelab calculationst The solutions of HCl and NaOH that you'll use in your reactions must be prepared from our stock solutions. You will make 200 mL of a 1,00 M HCl solution from a 6.20 M stock solution. You'll also make 100 mL of a 1.00 M NaOH solution from a 3.ID M stock solution. Prior to lab, calculate the volume of each stock solution and H3o that you'll mix together to make your solutions. To make 100 mL of 1.00 M HCl, start with __L.mL of 6,20 M HCl and dilute it in a volumetric flask to a final volume of ; mL, . . .. You wil l need,to repeat thi s twice since you wil l need a tota l of 200 mL 1.00 H HCl. To make 100 pL of 1.00 K NaOH, start with raL of 3.10 M NaOH and dilut e i t In a volumetric flask to a final volume of uT 1. Prepare stock solutions» (One partner should do this while the other partner is weighing the solid chemicals.) Use two clean 100 mL beakers to get stock solutions from the side shelf and mix them with the calculated amounts of water in 250 mL beakers. Record accurately the exact molarity of HCl and NaOH as labeled on the containers and the exact volumes of HCl, NaOH* and water used. You'll need this data to calculate exact concentrations of your solutions. 2. Weigh solid chemicals: (The other partner should do this While the first partner is preparing the solutions*) The Mettler balances are delicate instruments. Do not spill any chemicals on the balance. If you do spill chemicals, clean them up immediately. To weigh a chemical, place a clean, small piece of paper on the top of the balance* Press the TAKE button to BERO the balance. Add the solid slowly onto the paper until the proper mass has been weighed* ENTHALPY 5 • • • . a. Neigh 0*20 to 0.30 g of Mg turnings to the nearest milligram on the Hettler balance. Record the exact mass of Mg used. b. separately weigh 0.50 to 0,60 g MgO weighed to the nearest milligram. Again, record the exact mass. . . . .'. • " . • • ' . • •' • • • .• . : • B. ;': Calorimeter calibratlon (Finding Ce ). • ••'.• •. WASHING: The precision theraometers and thermos bottles ara: «Kpéhsivè. , Treat thee vith care. If you break a thermometer, tel l the lab instructor LamedLately so the nercury spill can be cleaned up. Also, HCl stains banch tops; clean up spills immediately! • ••• . :' •;•",.; ."•.'•• • •.-:-7 ' 1. Record your calorimeter number and insure the calorimeter and thermometer are clean and have been rinsed with de-ionised water. • • . : . 2. Using a 50 mL graduated cylinder* measure 50 mL of your 1 M HCl solution. Pour the HCl into the calorimeter. Insert the thermometer assembly and record the temperature when it stabilizes (This should take less than 3 minutes). Measure all temperatures to the nearest 0.05&C with the aid of a magnifying glass. 3. Wow rinse the graduated cylinder successively with tap water, de-ionized water, and 5 ^ of 1 « HaOH solution. Measure 50 mL of your 1 M NaOH solution in the graduated cylinder and pour into a small, clean, dry beaker* Record the stabilised temperature of the HaOH solution. The average between this temperature and the HCl temperature in the calorimeter previously recorded is to be used as your initial temperature (T¡)EMTHALPY 6 yy i? 4. Noting the time, pour the WaOH into the calorimeter. Immediately insert the thermometer assembly and gently swirl the reactants. Record the temperatures to the nearest 0,050C at half- minute intervals until a maximum is reached; then record at one minute intervals until enough data is obtained for an extrapolation (5 to 10 minutes). Gently swirl the reaction mixture between each reading. Tim. Tempera tur* C Tim» Ifiipfr itur t L '.. ' 0 3*0 -. ' . • • : . ' .'-'. • " . •• .7 A ' 7. 30 3fl0 ' . -: • 60 :•";•.,' . '.'.' . .-:• : ' y 390 ;'.'.' .' •••-' : ... • . • • . . •• • ÍO 430 12 0 4SO IS O 41 0 HG 31 0 '••'• • ; • '. a*o S40 240 570 ±70 Í0 0 300 • ENTHALPY 7 ïy'yy:.. y;-yy, y ';'y ' A--y; 'y '¡"'y'yyyy*. •' v':V.'.,: ;•'';,.'., ' 7:777'.'..•" 58-> -7.177,77. -. -: -'A''": •'.•' •• -A-A.y, ; .,7 :7 : . ..-.;• •. y.y, ;.-•._•:•_ y y-. 7 . ' . :. .': . . • • ••'.•;• • -y -• -v; : . • • .'..'.. . '••••"-' . ' • .'.'. c. HeatofReactionof«g andHCII 1. Clean and dry your calorimeter and add to it 50 mL ol your 1M HCl solution and 50 mL of de-ionized water. Record the stabilized temperature (T^. "7-'7 '•• '. yy.'-'y-A. ....7-.• •• 2. Noting the time (t « 0)» drop theMg into the calorimeter, immediately putthe thermometer assembly in place and swirl gently. Record temperatures at haIf-minute intervals until a maximum is reached; then record at oneminute intervals for at least five tninutes. Gently swirl the reaction mixture between each reading. ..y 7. "••'• • "••'••'•'."'. : :'•:'•' y-' • y • • • ' : • y' ' .-. ' . ' . . . • ' : ' .. . A; • . • Tim* Temper*_ty_r_g_ • • • •: • : --; • -• -. . . . . • • • . • . • . • • : . ' • .;-.*! •a : ' •.-• • - A -; .." • • . • • . • • • . ••'•' •' : . : . . . . .. ao . . y .y . . • y . y . : • 7 • ••:• • y ••'••'. • yy . . •••:• • •.••• • ••• ' •••'. , •• ••• • .. ; •. " •" :•'.'• . -•• 9Ù • • • y ..." .-• y... . 1= 0 • . • . •• • '••-"•••" yyy^ i• ••;.: ::': •':— . 150 A . • •"•.:••'••"• • 7. 7 .-. " • : : ' • • . ••' -• . . • ' • • • :• • .. "• A' ..y •• y y ..-•••• ... •.••••• • A . y . . y y y 1.0 .• 7 •. 7,7 •.' y . .-. .-y., y -...-.:•:.' y • Ï10 .. . • • . • . . • . . . . . • • . . • ' • . • . . , . . -• . . . . . • . '.'•• • . • " • . . . . ' • • • ••'•••..•y ' "•• " • -• • .•••; • -• . . y . ... . • . _ • • . 240 • . . . . • • . -. .; . . • • • . . • • . . • . • . • : , . . . . • • — • . • • ; • • ' . • • • •..•....-:" . -:'• • :•'•' • • • ' '•'.' .' •:.'.•.:• . : '-y--. . . • • • • . . • . :: • • •> • .... -'• • . •• • -y -• . • . • • .... • .-• 300• • • • ' • • • . • '. . y • . . • • 3** y y . • '•*•' •: : "•'•''• •' :' .7 7 yy'-' . -: • • .. • •• • • • ' y*** yyyyy . . . ' . . • • • • • . • • • • • • . • . .. . ••. . . : • : • • : • • • ••• . • • : • • ' : ' . • ' . •' ' -. . " •"' . '•-. • : • ' • • • . ' . • . : 390 . ' . • • • • • ' • • • • • : : • : . •.•••-' '.:.•'•• 420 ..•••" • • y , • .. . : . . • • • ; ••••• • • -. . • • • • • • ' • -. • -. . . . . . . .. : ••. . • •. • . . . y . • . • . .. .• • 45 0 • • • . •. • • • ••••••.-A.-777-•. y y ••. .-• • . ,• -. • 77; .-.' •: -' y y '•-.:'""" !'••••'••" ' y • ' • • '•• • '.• • . ' • ' • ' : • • • -' : ' • • • " • . " • • • '••'•' -'. : • ' • , '••'.-. :.' -. •• • • •' < -; ' ' A • y :-••. •• •.. ENTHALPY 8 • • • .'-V •i; :.: "'-''V-• '• .• 7 •..,•: '••'•" .': . '•--•• • ': D. Heat of Reaction of HgO and HCl; 1. Using the same calorimeter, repeat the procedure used in Part C using HgO in place of Hg. (Note: You must swirl the calorimeter vigorously while reacting HgO and HCl since the MgO tends to form lumps at thi* bottom of the calorimeter and fails to dissolve. This could cause considerable error.) Hold the thermometer assembly in the calorimeter so it will not rattle while swirling. Record temperatures at half-minute intervals until a maximum is reached; then record at one minute intervals for five minutes. Gently swirl the reaction mixture between each reading, when it appears that temperature changes have ceased, quickly look into the calorimeter. If a white solid remains at the bottom, the calorimeter must be swirled more vigorously until all of the HgO has dissolved. -• • • " ' . • • ' • " • ' " ' " -y -' • • ' . ' -' ' • > • . ' • . • • • . • : • ' • •• ' ' • . " . y <_ • ' . • ' • ' : . -. ' • • • -• • -' • ' . . 7 • " '•-'.•', '•' '• y y' . •A . • ENTHALPY 9 • : • "' .• • : '• • '• Timí 30 60 • • . • . SO i 20 ISO i ta 240 3?0 3 DO 330 n*o 35Q 430 4SO Tempérât trt • ' • . - . • •: EHTHALPY 10 • .-•' y M Tine v*. Tempi ra ( u re EntrapnUt ion 30Te-4. _ „ .• J ime.O. Jeinge rgjjare 2 3.5 •• Temperatur+^S - -r- no '.*o . SO12015 0 iso3102402703(JO_ ^ ïjo( 3a/iff 28 . 12 28.BS . .. : a8 i B4 aa, so aa.?i 28.7? 23.6* 2fl . 64 ^ T 120 {teconde ) leo • 240 • ' :• -: • . • . '•' • • ' • -. .-y -• :-. • : • • • ••..•. -• • • '•'••• • •-' •• -^ " . . • • • " 7 : • ..• -• y . • • • .;•. ••'.:•• 7 y • y '••.. • 7 -.7. -'• : -; " y 7 . ' • / • • .-. ' : y 7 .• .... '•'.; • y -• ' • • • ' • . • • • -•• '• • . • • •--' •'. •• • . • ' A. • . • •••.•'-•'•. ' :•••;"'••>•• • ; .7 / 7 . . 7 . ; ;;/ \ 7;.. • • .' . 7 -. . . .• • •. • • . • . .• • . -. ' • • A.-y A •y . • • • . . •. • • ' • y" • • •• . .• • -• . •:•-• y. y • • "y y >'•'•-. ' •'• •" • • -. • . • • . .' •• • ,•• FIGURE 1 •••••; ... , • .... • • . • • ' -• • ' • ' . ' . . ' • : ' :'. •'• • • -• • -. - . : . . . • • • • • 7 y.. .'• 7-. • • • •' - . . • .. . . •. y .. . . y ••• •. • •. • . —.. . .. • • = . • ENTHALPY 11 " •• • : •'. • • • • . :• • •'• y . BBBQIitfi A. calculations: 1. Record all volumes and weights of chemicals used and show calculations for all values necessary to report the required values. Be sure to include: •».; • Dilution of all stock solutions. b. For each reaction: Holes of reactants and products. Limiting "Reactant" calculations calorimeter constant. d. aH for reactions 2 and 3 and ¿Hf" of HgO. B. Orapbsi 1. In this experiment, a good graph is critical to finding the correct temperature changes for each reaction and is an integral part of your calculations. Without it, your calculations are of no value. Refer to ybur "Data Analysis" handout if you've forgotten the proper way to draw a graph. Label Ti and T« on the temperature axis and show your extrapolation to find AT. You will probably need to draw each . graph on a separate sheet of graph paper. a. After plotting your data points of temperature vs. time, draw a sraooth curve through these points* Your initial point at time = o will have the initial temperature (Tj) of the solution prior to mixing (refer to Figure 1) . Draw a straight line from your "stabilized** data (data recorded over the one minute intervals) back to the Temperature axis. This is your extrapolation. The extrapolated7 temperature, T*. is 'the temperature where this extrapolation line intersects the y-axis. b. Use T» from the extrapolation line* and Tt to calculate AT. ENTHALPY 12 êï COMCLUSlOMBl A. Why was it necessary to use adiabatic conditions? B. Is the formation of HgO exothermic or andothermic? C. How does your value of AH*0 compare with the actual literature value? Calculate the percent difference between your value and the actual literature value. This is: -77-y. - (exper intentai value) - (actual value) * Difference — —-1 — X 100 (actual value)/ Comment on possible sources of error. ENTHALPY 13 h h DATA TROH AHALYBUI GT PRESENT ABD rUTDRB ENERGY BESOORCBB >>y yy : Hajior Steven E. Dunlap Department of Chemistry United States Air Force Academy . • • • • .. .•; • : CURRENT MAJqR.BHERqY BOURCEB oi l 43% Coal 23* . .. • • ... Hatiiral: Gas 22% : Nuclear 6% . : • . OIL MSODRCBB WORLD 600 billion barrels of known reserves 525 billion barrels of estiaated undicovered recoverable 21.7 billion barrels per year current consumption years remain of known reserves at current consumption GMXTZB BTATE9 24.6 billion barrels of known reserves (4% of world's, had 15% initially) 5.9 billion barrels per year current consumption 3.. 16 billion barrels per year current production 7*8. years remain of known reserves at current production OWITED STATES IIIPOilTS 2.74 billion barrels per year (46.4%) 19% canada 12.6 years remain at current production 10% a.k.; 9.7 years remain at current production io% Hex!co 27.8 years remain at current production 20% Africa 29.8 years remain at current production 7* Ven^zuie 39.8 years remain at current production 13% Middle East . : • •-.:••:•• y y *>$: çoA^jagogRcea • •• 'iwtoi-.'.'9JQ7 7 billion tons of known reserves 6-12 trillion tons of estimated undiscovered recoverable DOTTED STATES 283 billion7tbns of known reserves (29% of world's) 0.818 billion tons per year current consumption 346 ysars remain óf known reserves at current consumption HATORAL QAS RESOURCES WORLD 3*6 7 quadrillion SCF known reserves 6-12 quadrillion SCF estimated undiscovered recoverable 59 trillion SCF per year current consumption 61 years remain of known reserves at current consumption UNITED STATES 185 trillion SCF known reserves (5t of world's) ¡18*2 trillion SCF withdrawals per year 10.2 Ay#ars remain of known reserves/átycurrent consump. U.S. IMPORTS •jai7'5.:.'.''..trillion*. SCF; par.year.":'• 7sr:*; 0¿06 trillio n SCF per year yy. WORLD ' yy 4.3 : .; milliph:. tons under current mining constraints 26 million tons technically obtainable tWiTID STATES 12rl^/7 years under current mining practices and planned coasumption 50^60 years using all technically obtainable Uranium hb- ESTIMATION OF OIL RESERVES SEDIMENTARY BASINS 600 geologically known 160 productive 240 non productive 100 unexplored because of hostile conditions loo will probably never be explored because of conditions BREAKDOWN OF RESERVES (BILLIONS OF BARRELS) 5)2.5 Cumulative production to date 511.5 Proved reserves 101.2 Inferred reserves 513.97 Assessed undiscovered reserves 294.0 Estimated undiscovered reserves fr7 OIL RESERVES TERMINOLOGY •My yyy EFFECT OF O.S. CONSERVATION TRANSPORTATION 0.5-1.2 billion barrels potentially saveable annually 3vie bill ion barrels per1 year70urrent .çonsumpt ion 1.5-4.5 year extension RESIDENTIAL DBAOE ENERGY USED FOR HEATING :.3¿ «'•"• trillion SCF natural gas per ysar 0.19 billion barrels of oil per year 0.30 quadr i 11 i on BTU o f e lee tr ici ty >,_•• 14',•:'powfttv1 . plant*. ' i ENERGY USED FOR AIRGONDITIOHXNG 0* 36 quadr i 11 i on BTU .of else tr ic i tyt IS power pi ants EMERGÏ USED FOR APPLIANCES 1V53 quadrillion BTU of electricity,, 74 power plants COMMERCIAL USAGE 2,2 trillion 5CF natural gas per year billion barrels of oil per year 0VQ6 quadrillion BTU of electricity* 109 power plants POTENTIAL SAVINGS 100 Power plants : • 7r • • . ; • i • -, . •• ••\ • •.'.• '''-.$.. • • • • • • ' . . . • • . • • . -y . : -• y . • --• . . . • • :• ' . . . • -. • ...'••-• •' A y 6 9' ; C.\"v .-.::V 7: ' "•••• C'-;: ' " .• • • : /y -'' ••',;• -i-.; : -- '•!';;-• EFFECT Of QRQWTH gN WORLD OIL RESERVES PERCENT PATE • YEARS OF INCREASE ...... .' REMAINING -•:. • •'.•• • •• . . y • 0.00 27 : • • 1-43 Projected by EIA 23 • 2,66 Current U.S. 21 7.oo u.s. prior to 1970 .9 -•. • : • . • y y =• : • • • ' • . : ' . . • '•;•:: . ' • • . A • . • . • • • • . . -, • - • • •' • . -. • • •'• • PgQVIBBHBtiTg • v " • ' • . ' • • • • • . '• ' -• -. • Total replacement of present major energy sources. ••'• " •-' -.... y • .':•' .' • •• • .y ... y • . • Solve the problem of the heterogeneity of current energy • . forms. : ...•••• : • • ' ••• . -• : • . • • • • • • • , • • . • • . ' • -. . • • ' . . • • • • . • • • ' . . . , • • • • . • 7 ••'•• --.'•• • . A 7, -7 : .•• '. •• •'• . ..; 7/ • • y y_. MQCLEAR FUEL FROM RgJEQCESJJJM OR . BREEDER REACTORS CAPABILITIES : •' ;'-.•• ••.'• • •••-' - •"• -y .' -7 :' .-''. ' • ••. 7 . 0.6 : percent of uranium ore's potential energy is harnessed by present once-through reactors .-.•'••' •": . . ' " . •• ' . • • ' -. • . • ' . ' . . . ' . . ' • : : . . ' . • • . • ; • • • 70 percent of ore's potential energy obtainable using reprocessing or breeders looos of years fuel possible at current rate of use and with present mining practices .. '. • • • . . ' • ' ... . • • • . . -• • • , -. •. • 100,000s years if lower grade ur n is considered '.'•••.'••':. 7 .7- '"'•• • . -, . : y • . •• : • • . ' . ; -, ... • BUftHT DfHKVfS • • • .• y • '• • -•••• . : •• . 300 additional 1000 MW reactors to replace fossil fuel generation . •' ''•'• • ' •'.-. • 7 ' • • • • ' ' -. ' . A . .•• • '•.• ' . --' • •'•. 1ÓÓ0 ; more 1000 HW reactors to meet total U.S. • energy demand • . ' . ' • ' • ' • • . . ' •'...'..••.'.•:. • •.' A • : 7 • • : '•.• • • • • •• •.. • ' . -. . . " -" '• . -; • • . • • • ; . . . . -• • • -. . • • • • • • :: A . •••. •• •".. y • . • • . . . : . ' • . •. . • • • ... .... ., . . • • . • ••"•••. •• • : ' •••-'"• • • ... . . ' • " . -. . • : : • " . • • • • ' . ' • ' • ' • • • ' '•• * y • y .-., ; •. • • .• .• ••••••• :, ,-• 1 A. ..... . :- . .. .• , •• . . . .* •. : • • • • • '• : ' " •• . ' :•' • ••••.-.. "••••• • • • • •'•:•• ' • • * • . . • BESTCOPyAVAILABLE A . STATUS France has a 1300MW breeder on-line. England should have a large commercial breeder go on-line this year. • Soviets have one breeder under construction and another planned. Britain has reprocessed from the start. France has the world's largest reprocsssing center at LaHague. U.S. had an experimental breeder in the 1950s. U.S. has a 350 MW breeder reactor on order for Clinch River* Tn. (construction subject to resolution of national policy debate) u.s. presently has: 100 operable once-through fission reactors . ..-.1 ;'in startup . • '•\ 19 construction permits granted 0 on order • • . • FHOTPTOLTAICS y'' CAWlBlLlTIlfl/RBOUIftEMEBTB Landmass of Maryland and Connecticut to meet current U.S. electricity demand. Landmass of Nevada or Utah required to meet total U.S, energy demand. STATUS 0.1 MW facility operated by Alabama Power company 660,000 MW current U.S. generating capacity $10-30 cost of cells per watt would increase electricity bills 100 percent. $*1~.30 cost per watt predicted in 1990s by DOE 10 year current call life 20-30 year cell life necessary to make competitive BEST COPT AVAtLABLE 7;77yBj[OMABS. ;;;NOpb.;: ;,:.'7"-.77:7. Has eclipsed nuclear power in the United States 75. .. y,•.,:• S2-: percent of present forest required to meet current . .U.&' electricity demand percent of U.S. landmass required to meet total U.S. energy demand 10 : years required to properly establish a wood fuel plantation FUEL CROPS 177 percent of Brazil's autoaotive fuel mads by fermenting sugar cane sugar cane doesn't grow appreciably in the U.S. Î1corn gives half the yield of sugar cane percent of U.S. landmass required to meet automotive fuel requirement 206 percent of U.S. landmass currently cultivated percent of landmass required by some "hopeful1* •future' -plants 1200 percent of U.S. landmass required using Calvin's Euphorbia Lathyris 7.-' .7iJtataiia"7y. FAST AND PRESENT PRODUCTION OIL FROM SHALS 4400 barrels per day (max)r Scotland, 1859-1962 3000 barrels per day (max), Australia, 1862-1952 50 commercial plants. United States, 18*9 50,000 barrels per day, China, currently 25,000 barrels per day, Soviets, currently 5,000 barrels per day, U.S., currently OIL FROM COAL 7 so barrelB per day# Scotland, 1850 100,000 barrels per day, Germany, WWII, 1/3 Wartime requirement 5,ooo barrels per dayV SASOL I, 1960-present 58,000 barrels per day, SASOL II, in startup 300 bat-rels; :per day,.Union Cát-bide; ;19SS-^1962 ••: # . ' BEST COPY AVAILABLE •> .. . . Í .-:• • • V ftJOggK. RgggPRCM SHALE 80-600 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil in high grade deposits of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming 14-102 years At current U.S. consumption COAL • a.818 billion tons p*r yea r current consumpt i on 10 percent rate of increase in usage proposed by Ford 2*19 billion tens per year in IB years meets 3.28 billion barrels of oil import requirement • ':••*•'=• tha t •time; • 3.65 billion tons per year in 29 years meets 5.9 billion barrels of oil total requirement i n: • 2.9/ y.eSr s 42-577 years remain at this rate:0f use •7:y: REQUIREMENT* 165 synfuel plants with a capacity of 58,000 barrels per yyyy- yy day by 200O yy-. $2-4; billion per plant and 5 years to build each plant Immediately begin building pioneer commercial scale plants in this country. STATUS AND PREDICTIONS Will not meet the government goal of 0.26 billion barrels per year (4.5%) by 2O0O under the current administration. $83 billion programmed, only S13 billion ever appropriated- With an all out effort could reach 2-3 billion barrels per year by 2000 and sustain it for IOO-150 years. QËST COPY AVAILABLE HYDROGEN TOR FUEL 1979 Roger Billings marketed hydrogen powered Dodge Omnis 724 Commercial airline aircraft assigns (twice as efficient, 33 percent increase in payload) 1956 USAF flew a B-57 with one engine operating on hydrogen. 1500 tons of nickel to meet 1965 gap in supply and demand for methane 16,000 tons of nickel produced annually by U.S. To meet U.S. natural gas demand, a severe strain would be placed on domestic nickel production. W«MMEjroaTIOMg Synfuels should meet import requirements by 2000. • Huclear fission with reprocessing or breeders must carry electrical load by 2O40 and entire energy demand by 2100. Convert to hydrogen economy between 2O40 and 2100 as fossils are depleted. Renewable^, photovoltalcs, and nuclear fussion can substitute for some of the above requirements but will not alter the major periods of transition. 7"7 ..;...-..••...-• BEST COPY AVAILABLE • .-•.-. • . : • • ' . • Recommendati is* Time Une • . • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • . . ' • • • • •••: • '• .' • • . •• . •. . • '• • • . • • • • • • • • • . •• • y • • •• ..;. • : 1W 1W •' • • • . 2000 2040 2100 •.'• • . • I -_j y T ... .:• . . 165 Srnfwl Plant* •• • • • •• • y •. • • . • . ' . •• . ' •••• '•• .• • • • 1330-460 büüoo • . , • • • • -• • - •• • • . • $30-60 Wllion/y • • ' ' •• . -• A. • .. . •.--.•• : ... y ... . y ....... : ,. . . •.•.•••••• •••••••• y . •• •• yy.: - Guuiei lotionlo reduce OUrf BOT y A plsntt required -••' • • -•. from. 400 to 185 . • • • • • : -• • . • -".. . •' . :•• . • Miiiitititmnittiiit/ifiHtuniitiUiiêntitiiitiK attention dependent on tha TlmWiltr of xaete oil Coal used tor rynfuel* and electricity . 1 • ' y . : • • .. . : Conrtruction of 300 breeder reacton* $222 billion • 5.7 plantt/yeor «t $6$ billion/rear • 1 . • • ' • A . • y • • : Complete contortion io nuclear end *hrfo>Rje& sconomr . • • • Add 1000 aere breeder reertort Build hydrogen production raeUitiat .•• . •• mmrtitth*»mmimttil»i>»fci»Hinn.ra^ Renovable retourc* end ÍUtion technologies 1, Fusion piantj merrtbttituxe far bnedert 2, Photonlteict ae r reduce the number of nuclear plants • G4»onol8»reiteadttielinofpetrounmiUchtlr BEST COPV AVAILABLE ..-.. • ^: MOLECULAR OTÓMETRY AND ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE LABORATORY Chemistry 131 BACKGROUND Chemists have techniques by which molecular structures can be determined. Among them are X-ray and neutron diffraction for solids, and microwave rotation spectroscopy and electron diffraction for gases. Other methods used in structural analyses are infrared and raman spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectrometry. Here at the Air Force Academy, the Department of Chemistry and the Prank J. Seller Research Lab have most of the spectroscopic instrumentation necessary to do these analyses. EIPERIMRMTAL Procedure Although you'll not experimentally determine the 3-D structure of any molécule in this course, you'll become familiar with the many geometric arrangements and molecular structures found in simple molecules, one of the easiest ways to do this is to use models. The kit you purchased at book issue allows you to build a model of each of the geometries found in your text book. Use the various colored balls to represent the different types of atoms in a molecule. There are balls available with two (red), four (blue and black), five (brown)* and six holes (gray) to represent the central atoms for all geometries. Try them out. Discover the beauty of three-dimensional geometries. Attached to this introduction is a prelab worksheet. Fill in each of the columns on it before y_çp cogiç to the__lab._ Be sure to name each molecule. Also attached is a checklist for doing Lewis structures. Equipment Bring: 1) The completed prelab worksheet. 2) Your model kit* 3) Your textbook, to the lab with you. . A CHECKLIST FO» ORA*IWG LEWIS STRUCTURES 1. extermine th* central atom. The following are guides; a. The least electronegative ¡element is the central atom. b. Cftsn thés unique atom (only r>ne of it) is the central atom. c. Sometimes the formula is written with the central atom in the middle. 2. Arrange the other atoms around the central atom creating a skeleton. a. Oxygen rarely bonds to itself except in: 1) O2 and o3 (ozone). 2) Peroxides, ePg-F HfO=. 3) Superoxides, e.g-, rcaOj, b . Fluor line «¿ver bonds to snore than OÏÎS atom„ 3. connect all bonded atoms in the skeleton with one bond. 4. Count up t.îïe tat&l number of valence electron*;. Normally t WÉ consider only the s and p orbita l #1 entrons as valwc e electrons. 6orrflt forget the charge on an ifrrcic species. 5. Subtract til* smühfcer £>£ electrrtn& already >ist^d for the single bonds, 6. Distribute the remaining electrons in pairs around the atoms, trying to satisfy the octet rail«. Assign theta tofch*t most electronegative atoms first. 7. Tf ycu run out of electrons Emigre every deserving at cm ha* an octet of electrons, you need to form double bonds. &*• If you ha*5fe extra electrons and all of the atoms have an octets then put the extra electrons on th& central atom arranged as pairs. If the central atom is in period 3* 4* 5, or 6 you are allowed to have uiore than eight electrons around it. NOTEî This is orce of many metï\Gâs useful wh&n drawing Lswis structures. If you learned a different taethod, use whichever is ea&iest for you. •:]yy*'y-y\C-''-<' ,•"'.'• >v:; . y • • . . • • • . • • • . , ' • " • . ' " • ' : '-•'• 7,7: MOLECULAR GEOMETRY WORK SESSION Using your own paper as a work sheet, draw the Lewis structure each of the molecules listed below. Then tabulate your results in the correct categories on the attached Results sheets. For molecules that exhibit resonance, draw all the resohance structures. NH; JieF, XeF: SF4CI2 C1F3 HF SCI; IF-im4 -£F*~ PF; BeCl SO, SO; O U Br so3 2 -P0-3 HCK A1C13 . • • :' y. Work out these additional, more difficult molecules. OH CO F2C H?S04 Ha2V-2. CO: co3 3 H2NS j • -\ • 1 .:.- .-:. .•^-•. .". HDLECULML GEOMETRY RESULTS Hunbtr tt . . ' ! ' : . : L*vit itiuitur * •,-';•'• ' • Bondlnt Pilrt '• * un*h*r«ti Éleetfon Hybridization ' • ' • . . • : . • • • • • • • . •• • • • . . . ' • • • • B«jid Ship* TiUrit y - . j . • ••••. - N*H : : ••.'. '.•' • ' y y -y • • • . : • . • • . •••• " 7. • • • ' . • ' • . • -' • • .••••••• • y • • •• • '. • • • ' '•'"' '•: • yyy y A . ' y ' '• y • •• .. • . A y • • • • : , • • . ' • • . ' • ' • • . • • • " ' • • • • " • " . . • • • • . • . '.••'. 77" " '• "• ' • • • : .:. • -y y. . ... y . . y •'••• ' -, . y -C '•. "v. XCF4 Win* l. • '.. . • y : y• • •• • • . .. • • • • • • • • • ••••. •• • *-':: .. y ;''.'•• ' .,. y • •. :' y •_.;. •• ; • ... y • '.r ' •: • •' • • ' ' • " -.: " -"•' • • ' • '".• ' -" : ." ' •. y - .':' • •.'..; • ; . . , .y •' : •y y - 7'-7 •"•< i'tr¿y .'., t\' •'• • ',: -' y •,• i1 - H ame: A . . . • . . ' " • .•;'•,• ; . • • • ' . ' • • . ' ' . • • • • ' 'y-""'.-" ' . • ; ' y • ' '• • . yy:• •. r --' " \ ' •' .' y . y'•'. .• , . . . • ' >''•-••• • .• ':•,. ^'Î -• '* • • • • • : , " : • . • ' • •'... • •"•' '• •'••' • ..-• .' ' j :••.•.••'. y ''•'• ' '> Nam*: -.-. . . •• ' -' . • •.• , • ' •• '-'y-• , -y"-':' :-'"-; • :. 7-":-.':•'••••-: y y ; . •-'-••'. . .• :."7y'!'y '. .: :. .';•••. •.•' •. ; 7 • .-. • • •• : : KJL&ÇUUR GEOMETRY RESULTS Nur.bsr :*r -.- W11lli l v u .• fliruui ujt «1«C.tTfl l«vit Bond Etrudtnr* Ftin VT/fhsi diïatlgn Shipc PqX*rJty ;",vl/%.'. ti tr* ; y. . 7 -A y y• .•'••'..-. y' • • • ' • ' ! " ." • ': •••*• : • ' •"••' ' •-. £*F3: • ' --y : y '• • . •. : ' •;••• " ' • : ' '•.• ' < : •'• • • . . . • • • • ' ';'.. • • ; -' '••*:•• f J . y K*B*: • '• :' .'"' : ". •'"'" • . -• • : '• • • y :y7'':7,:'V::-^^ ; • -•• • y •....• ,.• .;. y ;• A • ~ y • y'^y.-•:'.-:;V .'V'.'.".7. y yyy yyyyy ••-. •"' L •• y -• ' .• ^ ! !.' ' "•. -. -7 \ -i" •"!• ' •• ._•• .• •.'-." * ' . 7 ".-..'.•<. 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Sil : • • • • " : " •' ' ' 7r ' * ' í ! >• " ' *," •-' .... • '.- -ï : .• •. i • •H'>:'.:: mml ^^ m ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ tíe* tu D • < ' t a i o V tí • r- 4i Ù f 't . V i» u •• e H « -H U i h !3 « 1 •S ü Z > n . j H- Out » I tí «I 4 • O ^ _ a ii s . • ^ u tn O .- *J' it. myK m • i -: • * * . v. eh'.•-. • • ' *J. " È 'y • '•• :.'. '• •< • I ". •-• OT MOLECULAR GEOMETRY RESULTS I, aula F0 4 Name : ....^... •yy •^... • HCN • i • ." "• '••• ' •.:'•:•'• 77' "•y \ s. \ .**»" • ?•"&• y ' t •••'.•'.' '•''•' . : V-• : AlCl, Him* : •;'~ Muoibar af -A.' Bonding Unthared' altctraa alec Iron Bond Pair* I Fai n Ejhrtiiiij tlon AnfltV-'SbwpV ,'y. .*! Figure 2: Na+ and Cl- Hydration Sphere Solubility of Ion£s Compounds The driving force of the solution process is the increase in •'entropy" of the system. The term "entropy" is used to describe the amount bf randomness or disorder of a system. As an example, consider your dorm room as a system; does your room stay cJean all the time or does it require constant effort to keep it in good shape? The fact that it does not stay clean and neat is due to trie fact that the entropy of the universe wants to increase and your room is part of the universe, therefore, your room will always get messy unless you do something to prevent it. In the solution process, we increase the disorder of the ionic solid when we put that solid in the solvent. At the same time, the attractive forces between Jthe solute ions and the solvent molecules cause the solution to become more ordered. The amount of disorder caused by breaking up the structure of the ionic solid is greater than the amount of ordering of the solution, resulting in a net increase in entropy. Based en the above statements, all ionic solids should dissolve. However, we all know that this is not true. The reason all ionic solids do not dissolve is seen to be a function of the lattice energy of the solid and the energy required to hydrate that solid. Solutions Laboratory 3 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 8? In order for a solid to dissolve, the hydration energy must be larger than the lattice energy of the solid. This is the case in systems which yield Exothermic mixing of solutions. In the case of endotheritiic solution processes, additional energy is required to overcome the lattice energy. This energy is removed from the liquid. However, there comes a point where so much additional energy is needed to overcome the lattice interactions, that the liquid cannot provide enough energy and the solid will not dissolve. You will investigate the energy liberated or absorbed during the solution process with the aid of a "diode" attached to a multimeter. Endothermic mixing causes the meter reading to increase, while exothermic reactions cause the meter reading to decrease. •• . • ' ' . • . . . • Factors Whicï influence Lattice and Hydration Energies The smaller an ion, the more concentrated the electrical charge compared to a large ion. Thus, we would expect small ions to attract water molecules more intensely than large ions. By the same token, we would also expect the small ion to interact more intensely with other ions in a solid as well. Thus, a small ion will increase both the hydration and lattice energies. Ions with larger charges will exert a greater force of attraction on other ions than ones with small charges. Therefore, increasing atomic charge will also increase hydration and lattice energies. • . ; • ; ' • \ . . . : . • • ; ' ; • ' • • • ' • : • • ' • • • ' Conductivity Ions can move in solution implying that charge (determined by the presence or lack of electrons) can be carried through the bulk of a solution. If an electromotive force, in the form of two leads from a battery, is brought into contact with an ionic solution, we observe the movement of ions toward the leads of the battery. We also observe a current in the external circuit. In this experiment, the external circuit current will be used to illuminate a light emitting diode (LED) . • . ... LAB PROCEDURE •. -• •; • . • : •• • • ' A. Conductivity of Solutions (1) Construct your conductivity tester as shown in Figure 3. Prop the LED up, by placing it in a plastic straw, and inserting the free end of the straw in the plastic tray provided. • .: • •" -• ' -A •"••;: . • • • . • '• . • . . . • ' . • ••'• . • . .. Solutions Laboratory 4 _: • . • • • • . '.' •• . . 90 • 9jolt batUry I f -., ^'^¿^ LED rcsisiar i drop Figure 3Ï Conductivity Tester. <2) Place the electrodes in contact with a small amount of crystalized Nacl;'. Kcl àhd A1C13* . ; Does the LED light, rib?:'••' .-.y.. :7 7:';V • ,'. 7y (3) Make a large drop of deionized water on your acetate sheet (the large drop should consist of about ± small drops*. (4) Insert the ends of your conductivity tester into the deionized watery 7Does the LED light up? -V (5) Now* make a 2 x 5 matrix of large drops, as shown in Figure 4. 77r7-tbpy.io^ bottom row t> Û o o o • each circle consists of 4 small drops Figure7*i Drop arrangement. (6) To the top row, sequentially add ojfâ crystal (about the size of a On this page) of NAG1* KCl, AgÇl> CaCla and A1C13. To ;t]^ó-bottom row, add 'several, crystals of each chemical. Solutions Laboratory 5 • •:• •--<.', (ÎJ) The first drop in the top aiKi bottom rows contains NaCl in solution. Insert the battery leatfs into the top drop and take note of the brightness of the LED. How bright does it seem? •• : \ j • -. • ".. y.."• 7 •• •'.. '" • ••• -y •• •• • • y. 7'.y'y y -yy y ;•'•-. !•"•"•• : -•'•• '• 7 '~?7 ' • .y • •y :-' ,' .• • ••;7 7 -••••': y : 77 yy. -y •. 777 "7; . •'• • • y -v''7~r •• '.'." • • •y ' ... • - • (9) Wipe off the leads with a paper towel, and place then into the bottom drop of NaCl solution. Compare the brightness of the LSD in each NaCl case; is there a difference? If so, why do you think there is 3 difference? •• y ' : • •• • :•. . '.:•.-•' • -•.' "ï • • -• = L • . V •-' -•• .• -., yi ... . -. . • . . . . : •• .. . . V \ •. •':'• ••' . : ?'. "•• y • •. : • . yy : . . (10Ï Perform steps ¡s) and (9) for each of the other sets of drops* Write your results below. KCl Agci CaCla A1C13 Top Drop .S;- Bottom Drop son j: Hake sure you wipe off th-e ends of your leads before you put them in a new solution. ; •£ . Solutions Laboratory 6 B. Endotbermio and Exothermic Mixing • (1) Set up the meter/diode test apparatus as shown in Figure 5. A diode is an electronic device that allows current to flow in only one direction. You will use a special type of diode called a thermistor. A thermistor is a semiconductor material which has resistance proportional to VT - Thus you observe increased resistance with decreased temperature. • • . , . . • •. •'•••": 7 ...•'. ••' A ...y'. • ' . : -:.• •. • fafe%fl^ • . • Figure 5* Equipment Arrangeaient (2) Prior to connecting the meter leads to the diode, turn the meter to the "kilo-ohms" setting and press the buttun in the center of the dial until "kilo-ohms" is displayed with only one space to jthe right of the decimal point* After you have set the meter, connect the diode to the meter leads. You should obtain a reading on the meter. If you obtain an overload reading on thé meter simply reconnect thé meter leads to the opposite leads of the diode. (3) Fill one of the wells of the 24-well tray half'full of deionized water. Place the diode into the water and allow the meter reading to stop fluctuating. (4) Add a small amount of NH4CI to th* well and observe the change in the meter reading* Remember that endothermic mixing causes the meter reading to increase, while exothermic reactions cause the meter reading to decrease. (5) Remove the diode from the solution, and thoroughly rinse it with deionized water. (6) Perform the same procedure for NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, Caci2, and AJCI3 and record your results in chart form on the following page. Classify each system as either endothermic or exothermic. Solutions;Laboratory 7 y ;-. HEAT OF SOLUTION DATA A. B . . ' C. D. E. F. • . . HH4C1 . • . . • • • NaCl • . • • • • ' • • . . • • • . • . • " . KCl :'"./•' : • ' '. -' ' . ' • • . M*Cla . . • . ' , c«cia : • y A1C13 yy:, Solutions Laboratory 8 CONCLUSION •. 1* All the solida you used are ionic. Identify the ions and give electron configurations for each ion in the five solids. • 2a. Did all the solids dissolve? • -. • • . • • • • . 2b, If any did not, what might explain the fact that it did not dissolve? . . •• 3. What would ycu expect to take place if KBr, NaCl and Mgci2 were mixed together in a beaker of water? • So 1 ut i on s Labor a to ry: 9 93/ 4. How does Cacl2 exist in solution? {Hint: Figure 2) : ••• ... 5. What periodic properties/concepts explain the formation of an ionic compound? " • . • • . . -: • ,-. .. . •. •• y . : : .... '..•'.•' • yy 6. Which salts produced endothermic mixing and which produced exothermic mixing? in terms of Inttio* energy and hydration energy gxplfritt why we see energy being released or absorbed in the mixing of these salts with water. .. • . Solutions Laboratory 10 •.'.•• V.-. ••!".• t.-.1 y- Prel&boratory Exúrciae 1. What's the differences between a solution and mixture? 2.Whati s the driving forcé in the dissolution process? • : . 3. What is the purpose of the light emitting diode in this experiment? 4. What is the thermistor used for in part "B"? 5. What's the difference between an endothermic mixing process and an exothermic mixing process? y ;_ Solutions Laboratory 11 •97 . • . • :. • ASI5 RAIB 131 ••_-.: •• . ï|^ïii2BHÇT.I<ÈÎï The irüíraíSíTíííl aridit y £?£ l&keï atíd natura l vatGi-wsys î:i L-ÜC^VL':: year s due. t o acitf ríiiii i s a laager iîonoerfi in xh*$ United S traten., Copiada and severa l _E-JÏftpaan natic^s , ' S.c-íd r¿íin .is generate d ïihi&n «3* s s s ^¡..h ds su I i' ts.r d í a it i de í £0 ? ) a M ÏÏ i trace n d i ox ici a í NOf ) a £ e hyd n* lys isd i r, w¿ ter . Th« í-jí-gh asi d ^oîît^nt c-f íiloudla STX! waterways jias tíAsiaijsii fíírísstu ^ÍVÍ th « abilit y of lake s te susta.in aquati c liíe , T.tt thi s ejspsrimfei-vt, ycu wil l investigate ! th e effect;,* o£ thés-" paîltttaîi t qa<&v~ and nûtTjraliy occurrin g c&rr' prodiiced... •:.•••• •:•• .. • .'. .... • SISOM .... ....... • . • . . ••'•'.•"-..• y . • • ••• •• Ois.fis*ifeioa# Açiài For thi * î.ab, ye y il l dsf ía e as, ¿Í^ M e s any substanc e ti^ t dissociate s irt water to ^iv e tiydr^sgen ions , H+ < Acid Coni^4fi^¿ Acia conten t i a a aeasur a of r.he attac h i-^i-v" tri e rAïîBba:r of hyd^o-aô-* i ans i^MÜtóil* frirai s~ íitiá* tí i tri e aüid. ;ir^ ! Í.V CíSíl •üvav i*.te vnly on« b.y$r $9es, ioít p*sr mcl«CJI.1« c f acid , w'íi.ii e su¡ I f ¡.ÍT í ¿ " sc i ÍÍ . fiíSC^, produces £w& ^ydr^ges. ie¿vs pas? aiïliitiiile a£ a.sid. Acid CMï.teiit m&y be measured i n s-evsral wayss* Indicator s Ar<ï cftyrainais vSíttft resp^ïîd t o th e ïiydra^ n ÏOSÎÏS ira ablutio n by tírcasvcing color , previdinç? VÍS-ÍIS! (Sfss#sssu:iu.ir&a t o completely r®aot. with. th e acid . Tf»u «ti l uc^ both Ktîtho-.iiî in thi: ; ..,-• • y . -7 • .:"•'• .':• •'' .7 A • •' •.-.,• .y : ... -A . ... . ••....•• :; : : . .... .. . . : • • • •• . ' • ' • : • ..•'• •.•• •.': , ' • . • • • • • : •. •. • • • •:,. /.. . • . ••'. • .. y . feci» ïiAltr E*3g* i 98 Generation of Gases Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide* and nitrogen monoxide, may be formed by reacting certain aqueous salts with an acid. Generation of each gas occurs via a complex chemical mechanism. The purpose of this experiment is not to investigate these mechanisms but to investigate the effect A each of these gases has on water. Carbon dioxide, C0Ï ( vill be generated by reacting a solution of sodium carbonate, Ha2C03, with nitric acid, HN03. In solution, sodium carbonate exists as sodium ions and carbonate ions: Na2COa(i, > 2Nay* o + c °i2"(^) Í1) in an acidic solution, the carbonate ion «ill combine with hydrogen ions to form the more stable carbonic acidi • ' . -• • . • • • . • «i00!!.,!" . «V",.,)+ 2HV«,) ¿ ^ »z°°>i«ï-(2) : • When a solution of carbonic acid is made more acidic, it decomposes to form carbon dioxide and water. • iWm«><=^OT î[* ) * H3° To increase thé acidity of the NajCO? solution, a strong acid (KNO3) is added, and the gas, C03, is released. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen monoxide «ill be produced in a similar fashion. In the natural environment, these gases are generated by a variety of sources. However, the gases are identical to those generated in this experiment. Concentration of oases The balanced equations for the generation of C0J(f) from sodiuiz carbonate and SOj(,> from sodium sulfite show that different numbers of moles of gas are produced than the number of moles of NO(,j produced from sodium nitrite- For every mole of NazC03r one mole of CO; is produced. For every mole of Na2S03, one mole of S02 is produced* However, for every 3 moles of NaN03, only 2 moles of NO is produced. To compara the acid content produced in water from each of these gases, you need to insure that equal moles of gas are produced in your experiment. You vill do this by diluting the aqueous solutions of the salts based on the balanced chemical equations. •' • • •••:.-. • . -• . . • • •••••: . -. . . -, . .• •• • • • • A y : * : . • ..• . •-....• • . • . . . . • .-.. y • • ••• • ••-• •••• • A . • . • . y.y • . • •:,-• .. • • • .. 7 .'.•••.:' •'•"•' • 77 A ;,y.-y ••"•. :•••••••-• -. y y ...-• • • •. .'y• • '•: • . 7- . y •••••• . • •" •; . ACID RAIN Pag e 2 • . • ' • -' • ' / •• .,:'•-•• •' A •:•-.-. ;..y; • • : • •" . Effect of Gases on water The gases that you generate will react with water in a drop of Yamada indicator to produce acids as followsî ™ 2u) +H2° "a"tU<-, M.";W 3(J<] ) • we'll not consider the effect of nitrogen monoxide on water because it quickly reacts with oxygen in the air to form nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen dioxide then reacts with water forming nitric acid and nitrous • ••' 2ND (.) +°*U> *> 2NÜ*U ) (6Ï - • .' • : 2HD1(<> +H 1 0 m ; ±HNOM.<0 +mQ2(^) • !•.-. Generation of Sulfuric Acid • y. r A current area of scientific study is how sulfuric acid is formed in the atmosphere. Two hypotheses have been identified. The first states that sulfuric acid forms within water droplets when sulfurous acid is oxidised by nitrous acid: 2H? S03(a q, + 2HN03( .q } > 2HjS0Maq , + N;-0(aqj + H2 0( i , £7) The second hypothesis is that sulfurcue acid is simply oxidised to sulfuric acid by atmospheric oxygen. The difference in these two hypotheses is the presence of nitrous acid. You will design an experiment to test each hypothesis, and draw your own conclusions. • -.:. • '"' • • ','..:' A ACID EtAIH Page 3 -7 •• '•• y ' • •'• : .. y. : yy JJtPERlHEHMi. A. COKCËHTRATIOH OP GA6EÛ OBHERATED 7 : 1. Compare the balanced equations for generating CO3, SO=, and H O .from-"'their respective aqueous salts* The balanced equation, for C03 hà'ë7': been provided (equations 1-3). You must write and balance equations for SO; and HO (see paragraphs C.l.a and Û.l.a belov)* Based on these equations, determine the ratio of moles of aqueous salt to moles of gas produced from each salt. You must adjust the concentrations of the salt solutions to insure the same number of moles of gas will be produced in all three cases. Write the ratios below: NaH02(a<1)/HO ^^¿t-MÏ^Ïf = • ^3<*q>'S° 2U) t*> 2. Your ratios should indicate that sodium sulfite and sodium carbonate produce the same amount of gas* while sodium nitrite produces comparatively less. Both the sodium carbonate and sodium sulfite must be diluted to produce the same amount of gas as sodium nitrite. Based on the ratios from paragraph A.I.-, calculate the new concentration (in molarity) of sodium carbonate and sodium sulfite solutions needed (the stock solutions are all 1.0 H): NewUa2C03 Rev BA2 S03 Concentretion Concentration ACID RAIN Page 4 : LUI a. Now use the relationship, M ^ = M; VJ , to calculate thé number: of drops of aqueous salt solution and deionized water that must be mixed to obtain the required concentrations. Recall that M is molarity of thé solution, set Vi=i drop and solve for V2„ V2 is the new total volume (in drops) required to obtain the appropriate concentration. By using V3-I drop, you will obtain the number of drops of water to add to dilute the solution (the -1 accounts for your initial drop of solution). For both Na2C03 and Na2S03 ( show V2, the number of drops of 1*0 M stock solution, and the number of drops of deionized water mixed to obtain the correct concentration: ' 7 • Dilution Dilution Dat a W from Na^S03(iq): -'.-. 7 •;• ';; _ •£ 7 . • •-,. yy .yy"-- yy. ••'y-'y. ' b. What acid is formed when SO2 dissolves in water? ACID RAIN Page 7 .•t- •'. . _ J ro4 c. Thé formation of this acid is analogous to the formation of carbonic acid. Write the chemical reaction that describes the formation of açid when water reacts with S02. d. After diluting your stock solution of sodium sulfite, transfer two drops of the diluted solution with an unlabeled raicroburet (don't forget to rinse it first with déionizad water) to the petri dish. Add nitric acid to generats S02 and show its effect on a drop of Yamada indicator. REMEMBER T O NEUTRALIZE THE S03 BEFORE LIFTING THE LID OFFÍ ; e* Compare the'effect ofCpj versus sù2 on the indicator. ' • ;•' -•si 1 ; •' yy..y. 2. Repeat the generation of SO; using freshly drawn deionized water and your diluted Ha2so3. Use the same amount of deionized water as you used in B*5*b. Collect a sample after two minutes and titrate this sample using 0.001 M NáOH. The titration procedure is outlined in paragraphs B.e.a - B*6.e* REMEMBER TO NEUTRALISE THB S02! Record your ^results belowi •77:7: Color change. Number of drops base added: a., Clean and dry the petri di»h. EFFECT OF NOî OH HATER l. Perform an experiment to show the effect of nitrogen dioxide on water using 1.0 H NaNOr. YOD MUST NEUTRALISE THE HO/HO, IH THE PETRI DISH WITH HH4OH| ACID RAIN Page 6 á. The following two equations have been fille d in for you. Fil l in the las t equation for the formation of NO in an acidified drop of water: . Ha SO. • . •*••*.M> +NtViM> ->• HWO H03"lM) + H+(MK-2l*t) ME> + H„0 + UNO *= *t,! ?t» nu - b. write the equation for the reaction of N02 and water. • . . •• • Generate HO to show its effect on water. Describe what you see: . .•. d* The brown colored gas produced is Ho2. Nitrogen monoxide (NO) is an unstable gas, and is immediately oxidized to H02 by atmospheric oxygen in the petri dish. Hitrogeii dioxide is a poisonous gas. IT TOO MUST BE NEUTRALIZED BY ADDING NH4QH TO THE PETRI DISH* followed by a wait of approximately thirty seconds* 2. After neutralizing any excess HO2, clean and dry the petri dish. 3. Titrate a sample of water acidified with N02. Record your results belOW. REMEMBER TO NEUTRALIZE THE POISONOUS NO2 GAS USING NH4OH AFTER REMOVING YOUR ACIDIFIED WATER SAMPLE, BUT PRIOR TO REMOVING THE PETRI DISH LID» • . • • • . 4. Clean and dry the petri dish. • . ACID RAIH Page 9 \í)b . E. FORMATION OF SULFURIC ACID Design an experiment to test the two hypotheses about the formation of sulfuric acid in a rain drop. The experiment should have at least three parts: a. Procedure (experimental)» Outline your procedure to illustrate what you will do. Drawings may be helpful. b. Observations (results). Collect your observations in a way that is easily related to your procedure. c. Conclusions. Evaluate each hypothesis in light of the observations made during your experiment. To help you get started* you have been provided with O.l M Ba(N03)2 * This will be used as a probe to detect the presence of so4 2" by giving a white precipitate, indicating the formation of sulfuric acid as opposed to sulfurons acid. • . • . • •; 7 . •• . • . • • . . • • • .. . . . . • • . . -. . . • . ... . > • ... • • •••• . • After completing your experiment and recording all necessary information, clean and dry the petri dish and reaction surface. Rinse out the unlabeled microburet several times with deionized water, and perform any other necessary lab clean up. ... . -••:: ACID RAIN Page 10 RESULTS 1. Calculate the number of moles of acid produced from the generation of each gas. Use the data from each titration that you performed, and recall that at the equivalence point, the number of moles of acid present equals the number of moles base added. a. From COj: • • • •••• . b. From soaï . • • • • . . . . . . -• . . ' . -' : c. From H02r • 2. Make a table listing each gas, the acid content produced, and the indicator colors at the beginning and end of each titration. What comparisons can be made concerning the capability of each gas to affect the environment*1 • y . • . . • ..... • • y . • ' A ACID RAIN Page 11 10(3-7 COHCLUaiOMS yl:.; 7What7ÇMivbeh concluded about the capability of each gas to increase thi acid content of water?; 2* Write balanced equations to explain how each gas forms an acid with water. * ;.3.* What: cisn be :¿oncl uded about : the ac idit y of ai I ra in va te r g i ve n that carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas? y' y '.-:. t 4. Explain why acid rain is primarily a probiera in the Eastern United States and Canada as opposed to the Western United States. '•->' ' yy, •5k-y- How.do you think We can soIVe the acid rain problem for the j- ¡^ i--m ^ y- •'•• :•-• y. -'' .' ."•• : .•"••••.••' . •». ••* -\ '•.'•.'•• • "'"•. . •-••.•" • , tG ;?fcy t'ft s F s S Ctî*: st c;.u t..! t>tt. TÏI.s ft b Í¿ o rbs fiCftf A, o í i: hô so 1 u¡ t. i w Ï. i-y j^roi;c Î* í i o«A 1 t o thef^£OTí* concentration ([FeSCN2*]) according to the following equation: J¿y¿^[FeSCH*+] .(4) where -f and * ar e ¡satiricall y determined consstwit's* This . s-ftl&tiimahip i s fciiEww as Ese*1-'s Law; * i e v^h^ si\Glar .absorptivity , ¿.n inter s i v© pîfop&rty cf th e liffhi* ^bssovbi?^ ^p^ci^iy .sncí t i s '¿he efrocxiví-i p*t¿>. .IstfiCjth- or dí^tíüStü& t)i'-; li^i t ¿FU •:;;-*• t.rsve l thras h the. s o 1 ut. J. isï-. 1 ri t he. -ep * ;: t r cnitó cer . For s q^ieo^ £ a o i y t i oïï& O Z Fe 3 Cïi * * , th e aialar .absorptivit y i s ¡* - 4,70 x i£3 M"-i,c¡a",i &£ tïj& vav^iür^t h of maximum absc-t'bancé (447 nm) . The pat h lengt h i s th e interna l diameter of th e specia l tub e tcuve-ttaj Hs&d t o hold the solution . You wil l us e a cuvett e with 1-- 1.17 cm. Thus, for aqueous solutions of FeSCN2+ the concentration of FeSCNa>i s given by: y-'.;7-.>yA:-;v; ;; ••;.;.•.-y .77^. 7 777y¿.7. y-.- (5) ,;':st'-' y'y'S^SO :x:iO*'Hy ; 7.-y: . :'y'y íilthotish absórbanos ca« be r^ad directly , tíis s^slfe 5s noríí.i^ípftr. This s:ak#& i t dií't^c^I t t o re? ¡sa, and ver y fc&.^y t o r&card •; ÏI iso irrfte i; dat a H l" Ï>S t SÎÏÎHJ , r^^s thí¡ pt^ ¿j «#Î fît t ï s nsB' J. tt a n c ice water solution* (Add approximately one 400 mL beaker of Ice*) 3. Fill another pneumatic trough with, hot tap water. •. •••..' * • • * : 4* Flaca beaker» 1 through 4 in the cold bath for at least ten minutes* -yiy^y:--place beakers 5 through 8 In the hot water batli for at. least ten minutes. . NOTE* The next step© must be carried out in a TinELY FASHIO N to prevent large temperature changes from occurring. yyy 6. Remove beaker 5 from the hot water bath* At this time measure the temperature of the solution» Record this temperature below.- "yy -.y- .-.yy.vy ;;: -..y. • y.-. h--r 7. Fill the cuvette and measure the percent transmittance as you did in Part 1. Record the percent transmittanae. ,.'•••'•''-'••' ' ' ,. y y . y " .-•• 7. •yy 7. ' yyy B, Repeat steps 6 and 7 with beakers 6 through Ô. Be sure to rinse the cuvette with the solution before measuring the percent tr an em itt anee of the solution-^yfySy 9. Hbw you cen measure the Percent transmittance of beakers 1 through 4, in the cold water bath, following the procedure in this part steps 6 through S. 7y ':::': ! . ..;• y? y y. y ECU ILjBRI UN CONSTANT Page 7 y . .i--,..-. ._• 77 : f '.y-y¡ i yf" y A ••• " yy y i:..•'*>•• 7 .7 7' *"'''•'. "'"j ••' 1 L8 ROOM TEMPERATURE: BË ~T" KER *T A i[Fe3+] TEMPERATURE" C INITIAL fEQUILIBRIUM [SCN~] i[Fe3*] [SCIT] [P&BCN34 , ~ | ^ c —i —;—) 1x| I I 'y-y\y."H i:; :\ 7, i41 4^4- r^ 1 1 •.'•• i • ¡y yI r . f 1 ;• 7.}':, J:;. ;,|.;.- 6I 7 t B| I . I: -4-4 +-+ .171 A:,-I: i i i ' •• ^^á^U U • . • • y • . • •••.'.'..•• • ... COLD TEMPERATURE: TEKPERATURE11 T T 2» 3 I Í +•^-4 4- TI : : I T • • • • • .y-. A... " . • • • • HOT TEHPEBATURE: TEMPERATURE- T—r 81 L X T T 4H—I + mm>: T#-€-4 fe#+ 4—-4 T • : .: : • ' • • • • . . • . . • • • . • • . . • ; • ... EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT Pag e 8 Aiatiott^iil.;7y7 •'>•:..' ..;. h. A3 from the y-intercept of the same graph and from equation (11) i'-l Place this data into Table 2* If you use a computer based spreadsheet, you may substitute a printout of your data for this table* Be sure to indicate that a spreadsheet is attached containing your data. :'y .' '-y- . • EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT Page 9 .. 12 0 ROOM TEMPERATURE: BEA KER 4 T TT T Aj[Fe?*3 TABLE 2 TEMPERATURE- *C INITIAL [SCN"] 4-4 [Faa+] I •f. ^^U^B^^^^^^h EQUILIBRIUM [SCtT] ÍFeSCN3+J T 1 "f- 3I 4I TI6I }: ' F i I 4 . :••: . • 7 I a i J— t . COLD TEMPERATURE: 1Ii r r T 2I ~~i—r 3 I I i i; 4| I I HOT TEHPERATUEE; T^TT—T 51 Hi i TEMPERATURET T ± TEHPERATURET °C h T" l I . • • • • . J± 7 I I J L T -L • '• • y ' • . : • • • : " — • y. ". . • • • • • • , • • . • • . • • • . : • "• ' • •'. ; ; • • • •••• : • • • .• • • • ' • y m . EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT Pag e 10 • .. ' • •.-. • -, • . y ;• 4. CONCLUSION: Compare your ÙH, ÙG and *S with the following data from the CRC handbook (| 296 K), • , .. •• •"•• . . : • • 7 vW»]y¿.,r £]••'., - aol KJ i, mol * \-aol •* SCM'iaq) 76,44 92,68 .144 y • . • • Fe^{aq} -4a, 53 --4:60, -.315 •'••• . FeSCN2+(aq) 23,43 71,13- -.130 . . . . . . .• • .• .. • '• " ' '.'•'•.'"•• • •• ' '-. • V • • • ' • ' . . • 7 • y -.-... •=••' • • • 7 ùH AG ncnrx« A*rx» • -' : •.'-.'y. .7 * • :. "• . '•' " • ':'•••'•'. ' • y y -y . . . - •. y •' ' • . •• . • ' . • • • 7 • ' . • " • Experimental ....., • -..-.. ror • • • ' : •-. ..... • • .'• • . . . ' \ Error • • Note: These theoretical values will probably not match your experimental values very closely. •_ . . y y ..•••• "• . • • • " • • . • ; • • " : . ' ... : . • .• . • • ' • • . • • .... . . y . . • • y • • . • . ...• . . . . ' • ' • . . . . • . . ' • ' y y • • . . • • • . . . . • • • • ' .'• • • • • " • • • • • ... i •. •• . ' . •y • • • • • ' •' '.. • • • . ; • • • ' . • . • . ' : • . : • •' • '• •..• • •• • • • ' • • " • . -. -. . . . . • . . . • • •< , . -. -• yyyy. : .. yy..... y. y y. : y ,. 'yyy'yy'y' .:'•;••>..-." -yy • . : ... ' • ' .' y' . . • .". ... .•-... ' • •. ' -• : • • * • EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT Page 11 122 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE SPEC 20 1. Be sure that the instrument is plugged in and turned on, ¿. If the SPEC 20 is not on, turn it on by rotating the power knob on the left front face of thé Spec 20, clockwise. It will then take 10 minutes to warm up. 3. Set the correct wavelength using the wavelength adjustment knob {on the upper:face, right hand side of the instrument). The dial is calibrated in nanometers. Remember to interpolate between two scale markings to set the right wavelength. Ask your instructor if your not sure how to set it correctly. • 4. Make sure that the sample compartment is empty and the cover closed. Adjust the power knob, still keeping the pover on, so that the meter reads 0% transmittance. NOTE: To avoid parallax error in your reading of the needle, move your head so that the needle and its reflection in the mirror, are superimposed* •. : ' . : , : • " • . " ' ' ' : 7 • • : • • • y •" : .'.. .. '. : ' •: 5. Now fill the cuvette to the bottom of the frosted circle with • ••.. de-ionised water. Wipe the outside of the cuvette with a tissue and make sure that it is free of fingerprints. Place the cuvette in the compartment making sure that the line on the cuvette is aligned with • the line on the front of the sample compartment. Close the lid over the sample compartment. 6* Use the knob on the right front hand face of the spec 20 to: adjust the needle so that it reads 100* transmittance* * • 7. Repeat the above steps 4-6, until the Spec 20 is calibrated. E. Hake sure that the outside of the cuvette is clean and dry. The cuvette itself should be rinsed with a portion of the sample you wish to measure the percent transmittance of. 9. Fill the rinsed cuvette to the bottom of the frosted circle with the sample you wish to measure the percent transmittance of. Dry the exterior of the cuvette. 10. Place the cuvette in the sample compartment as before with the line on the cuvette aligned with the line on the front of the sample compartment, 11. Close the lid on the sample compartment and read the percent transmittance. ' ' -' . • : • . ' • • . • • " • • • , • . : • • • • • . • • ' • • ' • • ' EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANT Page 12 • . " • -• • • ACID BASE TITRATION chemistry 131 INTRODUCTION Analysis of an unknown acid concentration is often determined by "titrating11 the unknown acid with a known amount of base- In this experiment you will perform a titration of a strong acid (HCl) with a strong base {NaOH) and you will also perform a titration of a weak acid (acetic acid) with a strong base (NaOH)* OBJECTIVE i. Understand the concept of the titration of weak and strong acids with a strong base. .-...• •• -;•"• y . . • . y . . ,:•••-. • :2V Introduce the laboratory technique cf titration* THEORY Refer to textbook for the complete theory of acid base titrations (Section 15.2; Chemistry. Hasterton and Hurley). The following is a brief review of the theory. The net ionic equation for the reaction between a strong acid and a strong base is as follows; B+(aa.) + OK-(aq) ->H20 (1> The equilibrium constant for this reaction is approximately 10L4 ¿ so that for all practical purposes this reaction goes to completion, A typical strong acid/strong base titration curve is shown below* The volume of titrant is plotted versus the pH of the solution. The equivalence point on the titration curve represents the point at which the the moles of base (titrant) added is equivalent to the number of moles of acid in your unknown solution* Notice that the pH is 7 at the equivalence point for a strong acid/strong base titration. Acid Base Titration Page 1 y 124: Tlti-*tlAH *t Su, 00 mL of 1,000 M MCI VIïta 1.000 K HaOH. i* , y . >y.* .^F . 12 --.-• . " .: ••.'•. :"• '.; • "• -.: ' •-*** ! \ . • 10 L .".•; •-' i •-. •'•.' '':-"'-"'.' a a I a iLu tltt Polo t-...: •«Ht: JI * '"• •• • .• . • \ -. •••, ' •• • . :"" . '.-. '. .. . ' " '•• v "". . .• -• •••-* .7 •ir '• .', .. i •'•'. ' ^ p -;•" > ".-'•.. : •• ' • ' : • -' 70..-•; . $&-.- .•>(*"•• :.../s/-: . y 10? Since we will not know the pH of the solution in our strong acid/strong base titration, how can we determine the equivalence point? The answer is quite simple. We vill use an indicator. An indicator is just a very weak acid that changes color at different pH ranges. The indicator that we will use for the strong acid/strong base titration is phenolphthalein. Phenolphthalein changes from clear to red around pH 9. You may ask why are we using an indicator that changes color at pH 9 when the equivalence point occurs at pH 7. Notice that the titration curve is very steep both before and after the equivalence point. In fact, the line is almost vertical between pH 4 and pH 10, Because the line is vertical between pH 4 and pH 10, there is very little change in the volume of NaOH added in this range. Thus, any indicator that changes coîbr;iii the vertical portion of the strong acid/strong base titration curve is acceptable. ' y-~'y. Base Titration Page 2 125 . • • . . .. A weak acid/strong base titration is quite different than a strong acid/strong base titration curve. Let's consider the titration of acetic acid with NaOH* CHjC03H(ag) + OH"(aq) ^CH3COa"(aq) + H20 (2) The equilibrium constant for this reaction is approximately 109 , so it too goes to completion. Let's consider how pH changes during the titration as shown in the following titration curve. • ••••• y. ... •. • Titration of 50.00 nL of the vctk acid-HCJH^OJ [\ : ' -• • • • (1.OO0 H, With 1.000 H »*>0H. ... . • • • - 14 : ' -..' " • ' • ' • .... . 12 • "."-.•• • ; f 1 tn«| lO Pain t • palC • 7. . ... • ••. . • .. • . . . • . '-' 1 pH -y : •: .-J .' • •• •7-7 • : .. . y-• -.' • • f •7 y. '. 2* 50 73 100 il HaOH M44vA 7J -. ••. yyyyyyy Noticë that the pH-, starts at about 2.4 and rises rapidly,: About halfway to the equivalence point the pH changes very slowly. In this region you have a buffer system—acetic acid and the acetate ions produced by that addition of OH" (as shown in equation 2), At the equivalence point the pH is greater than 7 because in this region there is no acetic acid left in solution* but only acetate ion, which is a weak base* Notice also that the curve is not nearly as vertical around the equivalence point as it was with a strong acid/stropgbase titration. Therefore, we must carefully choose an indicator which changes color very close to the equivalence point. Acid Base Titration Page 3 .'• ' • -. :. • •• ' -•• . 1?6 Before we start any titrations, however, a chemist needs to make sure that the concentration of the titrant is known exactly. The concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution may change with time. If.CO; Is absorbed by the NaOH solution, this would result in formation of carbonic acid which would neutralize some of the NaOH. To determine the exact concentration of the NaOH solution, therefore, we must "standardize" It against a known concentration of acid. The acid that we will use to standardize the NaOH is potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP)* It reacts with the NaOH according to the following reaction. (3) The procedure for standardizing the NaOB is to measure out a certain amount of KHP* dissolve it in water and titrate with NaOH to the equivalence point* Using the following relationship. Molarity^*r„ * Volume^E„ = moles of KHP {4} you can determine the exact molarity of the NaOH solution. EROCBDPKE (Notai Your instructor will dirsct you on th* proper titration technique prior to performing the lab. If you bava any questions pisase askI) 1. This lab will be conducted in pairs and written up independently. All collaboration must be documented2- Weigh 2 samples of approximately 0.4 grams of solid potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) and dissolve each in 50 mL of deionized water in a 200 or 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add 5-6 drops of a 0.1 % phenophthalein indicator solution to each flask and then titrate the solution to a faint pink endpoint. Use these data to standardize the NaOH solution. 3. Once the NaOH solution is standardized, determine the molarity of an unknown hydrochloric acid solution by titrating approximately 10 mL of the unknown acid with the standardized NaOH solution, perform two replicates using a phenolphthalein endpoint. 4. Determine the molarity of an unknown acetic acid solution toy titrating approximately 10 mL of the unknown with NaÓH to a Acid Base Titration Page 4 • •' • • .'•' .' • ••• :.-. • -y ..•:•• .. • • phenolphthalein endpoint. Perform two replicates with the phenolphthalein indicator. . y 7 • •••.'.'.-J . '.. ' •• •. -.:•-'.••'.'•.. • 5. Next titrate the same unknown acetic acid solution using methyl orange as an indicator. Perform the titration only once. • • • • . ' • • • ' • ' " : ' ;• • y 6. Your instructor will direct the entire class to perform a pK titration of the unknown acetic acid solution using NaOH and no indicator. The data from this titration will be supplied to the whole class. The procedure for the pH titration is as follows; • a. Measure the pH of the solution before adding titrant. b- Add a small volume of titrant. Stop, record volume added, measure and record the pH» c* Repeat step "b" until within about 2.0 mL of the equivalence point or use volume increments that give approximately 0.2-0.3 pH unit changes. d. In the vicinity of the equivalence point, many data points are needed, so take pH readings after every 0.10 mL titrant is added. e. After the equivalence point, continue taking readings (at 1-2 mL increments) until at least 5 mL beyond the equivalence point. • . . •;• • •• y -• • : -. • • • • . • • , • " , ' • ' . • :•••.: ' • " • •_. •= _ :. • y . .y Y • • •• . • • Acid Base Titration Page 5 12fí tan, y . • • • • 1 \ \ • • ' . '* Acid Base Titration Page 6 OONCLOBIOWa jghag all calculation» 1. What is the average molarity of the NaOH solution? 2. What is the average molarity of the unknown HCl solution? . • • " . * -. 3. What is the average molarity of the unknown acetic acid solution using phenolphthalein as an indicator? . •• Acid Base Titration Page 7 4. What is the molarity of the unknown acetic acid solution using the methyl orange indicator? Is it different than the titration using the phenolphthalein endpoint? If so, why? • .. • . • • . • 5. Plot the pH titration data of the unknown acetic acid with NaOH using Quattro. (Attach the graph to this lab alsoi> a. What is the equivalence point in mL NaOH? (Hark it on the graph also.) • • • 7 . . . rjjju--:; What is the pH half way to the equivalence point? .•• . . . ç. What is the pH of the solution at the equivalence point? d. What is the effective pH range of phenolphthalein as an indicator? (Highlight this range on the graph.) e. What is the effective pH range of methyl orange as an indicator? (Highlight this range on the graph also.) Acid Base Titration Page 8 .' . : y •• • •:• • . PRELAB EXERClflg 1. Draw a typical weak acid strong base titration curve. Label the axes and equivalence point. 7 '7. 7'.•••.•.' • 7y. y .". •••. 7 . •. .'.A • • y • " -:7 . -"•ï .A " , 7 : •'• ':' • • • . • • 2. Define equivalence point. • 7 •'••:•.'••• •'••• y' yy. 7 . • ••-'•••• "•'••:"" • • y --• y -•• •• 3a. What i s the pH of a 1.00L 0.1 H aceti c acid solution? • • • '• : • " --: • ' • ' . . • • . ' • • • ' • • • ' . -. " • • • " " • • • • • . . • : . • • • •-. " • • : . • . • • •'.••' • • . y .••7 • •.• . •••..-•• •'.•.-:• v. :.'.'• . . '. •. "'.... • •.: '•.' b. What is the pH of the above solution after the addition of 500 mL of o.l K NaOH solution? y .y y ' . •' . • ' -' • . . " y .. . y-"yy-y •• • -••-• y •"• .-•••. . yy -y •: .: ' - • • • . y ' • ':• • C. What is the pH of the above solution after it has been titrated with o.l H NaOH to its equivalence point? 1 . 7. v • • . . • • ... . • d * : what i s the pH e f the above solu t ioh a f te r ^ddlt i wti o f LOI L of . 1 H HaOH? Acid Base Titration Page 9 • ••'.. • y • • • • • . .-. •• PHOTOGRAPHY •. Chemistr y 13 1 • y • • :;': EfrtSpduqtioft •yy•••' : " . • • •: • : . The following appeared in the Gazette de France on 6 January 1839: "An important discovery by our famous painter of the Diorama, H. Daguerre. The discovery partakes of the prodigious. it upsets all scientific theories of light and optics, and will revolutionize the art of drawing." The author was describing a paper presented by Daguerre at the National Academy of science on how light was used to "make" pictures. This was the start of photography. Photography is a true blend of art and science. In its beginning a photographer was more scientist and experimenter than artist. He had to prepare his film and development procedures from scratch. There were no off-the-shelf film or 2 4 hour development labs. Every part of photography was done by the photographer. Today modern science and technology provide us with very sophisticated cameras and film capable of recording images and detail as never before. But high technology is only a beginning for good photographs. Juxtaposition of subject elements, perspective, light and shadows—these are the things the photographer must apply artistic talent in order to create superior photographs. Today we will not be concerned about photo quality- Instead we will concern ourselves primarily about the chemistry of photography. . 7. Objective 1. To understand the chemical principles involved in photographic paper development. 2, Reinforce the principles of acid base reactions, precipitation reactions, oxidation reduction reactions and equilibrium. Theory1 The basic principle of photography is that light is focused on photographic paper containing silver halides. This light forms an invisible image called a "latent image". The latent image process is just a very simple oxidation reduction reaction. First the halide (CI", Br' or I ] absorbs a photon of light (h*) and releases an electron in an oxidation reaction (1). The electron released from the halide reduces the silver ions to form metallic silver (2J. This metallic silver is the basis of the latent image. 17 Bunting, Soger i The Chemistry af Photography'• 1987 í (Portions of the theory copied with permission of Professor Bunting.) Photography 1 •'::. • : • light (hv> +-Br" > Br +•e Ag(s) (2) This latent image is magnified during the development process via a number of chemical reactions and the result is a negative photograph. The magnified image on the photo paper appears opposite that of the real object. That is the light parts of the object appear dark and the dark parts of the object appear light. The reason for this is that the reduced silver on the photo paper is formed in very small, evenly dispersad particles. When light hits the reduced silver, the small particles diffract the light and make it appear dark. The unexposed portion of the photo paper corresponds to the dark parts of the object. However, since there is no unreduced silver particles on the unexposed photo paper this region appears light. The chemistry of the negative development process is described below. ". • Photographic Paper The essence of photographic paper is a layer of silver halide (AgCl, AgBr, and Agi) on a clear plastic support. The silver halide, principally bromide, is a fine powder and must be somehow fixed to the surface of the plastic base. The material used to bind the silver halide to this support must be transparent to allow light to reach the silver halide grains; it must be fairly rigid to prevent particle movement which would blur the image; yet it must not be brittle so as to crack wheh the film is flexed. Finallyf and of utmost importance, it must allow water and solutions to penetrate it so that the reacting chemicals may reach the silver halide in the "processing steps. y'"". . .. The material which meets all of these requirements is the same as that used in fruit flavored "jello" desserts gelatin, Gelatin is a very complex and indefinite molecular structure. it is a protein material and is made up of amino acids. These molecules are typically made up of long chains of 3Q0 to 900 atoms (where n = 100-300) as shown in the following figure. 0 \y 1 / í 'OH CH K -•r.Çii <3> / yCIim I 1 i H A-R-i-H" • '.'•• i R •A . . : • . . • • Photography 2 The symbol K is shown to represent some group of carbon atoms Of unspecified length or structure. In proteins these R groups may contain occasional atoms of nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur or phosphorous. The composition of these R groups have a profound effect on the properties of the film. For this lab we will not discuss any of those effects. Now let's consider the preparation of the silver halide, which must be suspended in the gelatin. One way to form it would be to react silver with bromine to form silver bromide according to the following. 2Ag(s) + Brï(t) > 2AgBr(s) (4) If we drop a chunk of silver into bromine liquid we will only form AgBr on the "outside** of the chunk. For the purpose of film, this is not an acceptable way to incorporate AgBr in the gelatin. Recalling your solubility rules, a better procedure would be to take absolution of AgNO? and mix some KBr solution with it. The reaction is as follows AgN03(aq) + KBr(aq) -> AgBr (a) + KNo3(aq) (5) Commercially the procedure for making film is to take AgNOa and mix it with various halide salts (KBr, KI, KCl) in a liquid gelatin at a temperature of 50-80" C for 1-2 hours. (The KI and KCl is used to vary film sensitivity and grain size.) The solution is quick chilled, solidified, shredded and washed to remove the KBr, KI, and KCl. Finally it is reme1ted and spread on a film or photographic paper in a very thin and precisely uniform layer. optics •A, . y A A In a typical 35 mm camera, the image if focused through a lens shown in the following diagram. Source ObJ eet 35am Camera Box Photography 3 Cantera lens normally contain a diaphragm—a device to próvido circular hole of variable diameter. The diaphragm is known as *-tv_i aperture and its principle function is to control the intensity of light which passes through the lens to the film. Adjusting the "f-stop" or Hf-number** on a camera lens is just making a variation in the aperture diameter. The f-number is equal to f-number = focal length/aperture diameter (G) As you can seer for a camera with a fixed focal length, thr smaller the f-number the larger the aperture diameter. The other adjustable settings on a camera is the shutter speed. The faster the shutter speed, the less light reaches the film and the slower the shutter speed, the more light reaches the film. With our pin-hole cameras, the optics are very_simple. The camera has no lens, but has a pin hole which allows light to enter irt and expose the filni. Photograph!c papar *o Source Pin hole Object t Cañera box (being photographed) To vary the amount of light that reaches the photographic paper there are only two controls: 1. Size of the hole. 2. Length of time film is exposed. The specifics of hole size and film exposure time is discussed in procedure section. Ow e loping the Image In order to produce a visible image on an exposed film, additional silver must be deposited in the vicinity of each of the small silver specks that make up the latent image. This is brought about by the development process, Photographic developers contain chemicals that are reducing agents. These reducing agents readily give up electrons to reduce the silver ions in the silver halide to metallic silver. V , y •" Photography 4 • •*. What sort of materials can serve as developing agents? A logical guess would be some other metal more active than silver, A metal that is "more active" is one that can give up its electrons more readily than silver (i.e., has a higher oxidation potential)- Hercury is an example. It is slightly more active than silver, and so can react with a silver halide as the following equation shows: Mg(l) 4- AgBr(s) > HgBr(s) +- Ag(s) (7) Bromide is just a spectator ion and it remains unchanged through the process. Mercury metal once was used as a developing agent in just this manner. Its effects were discovered quite accidentally by Daguerre in 1835. Daguerre prepared silver iodide emulsions, exposed them in a camera and then stored the exposed plates near some spilled mercury from a broken thermometer. The result was that the mercury developed his exposed film (containing a latent image) into a visible imagé. These photographs later became known as * dague r retypes. *? The reducing agents in developers in use today are all organic compounds soluble in water. In solution the molecules have the necessary mobility to get in contact with the insoluble silver halide in order to reduce the silver in the film emulsion. The most widely used reducing agent in photography today is hydroquinone CeH4(OH)z. Hydroquinone is a weak acid that dissociates according to the following reaction: OH + U2Q £ H30+ (-o + (8) (aq) Since this equilibrium lies far to the left we must add a chemical in order to "activate1* hydroquinone. The chemical which activates hydraquinone is hydroxide. When a base is added the hydroxide reacts with the two protons on hydraquinone to form the . -. . • : • • • * -. ••. • • '.•' .••• • J» dianion of hydroquinone according to the following reaction: 0; OH + 20H-> + 2H30 <9) OH (hydroquinone) (hydroquinone dianicm) In the presence of Ag+ , |l acts as a reducing agent and becomes oxidized according to the following half reactions; '+•'••la (Oxidation half reaction) (10) (hydroquinone dianion) (quinone) Ag+(aq) + e~ > Ag(s) (reduction half reaction) (11) .y-.y- i-''.y L-'•• V • y. . v . \ ¡ 7 ."" ^ 7v-.'i!'. . : ••'. Pho 6 13fi Thus the overall reaction is; 2Ag*(aq> > + 2Ag[s> (12 ) Uq ) The pH range of all developer solutions is always basic. Normally the pH range is 10-12 using Na3C03 as the base. Up to this point we have ignored an obvious question regarding the development reaction. Why is it that the reduction of silver in the emulsion occurs only in the vicinity of the silver particles of the latent image? Why aren't all the silver ions reduced? The answer to this question is that the rate of reaction of the silver near the latent image is much greater than the rate of reaction of silver not near the latent image. The developer can and will reduce all the silver ions in the fil» and if development is extended for too long a time the entire emulsion will turn black. The reason we can use the development reaction to produce an image is that reduction occurs faster near the silver particles. So we can develop a film or print until the image sufficiently darkens, but stop the development before the slower reacting silver halide is reduced* The silver metal of the latent image acts as a catalyst for reduction of the silver ions with which it is in contact. Chemical development would not be possible if it were not for this catalyst. Stop Beth When the development process is completed - that is when sufficient silver has been reduced to give the desired image density - the film is placed into a stop bath. The purpose of the stop bath is to prevent any further reduction of silver ions. Since the developer solution is only activated at pH ranges above 7, then one way to stop the development process is to "wash" the film in an acidic bath and in so doing shift the equilibrium of the developer solution from quinone to hydroquinone. Photography 7 By adding acid, the H+ will react with the excess OH" in the developer to form water. Since there is no hydroxide to "activate" the hydroquinone, development can not occur. Fixer After the reaction is stopped, we are left with a silver image superimposed on a background of pale yellow silver halide. This silver halide which was not reduced in development must be removed by the fixing process. If not, a print would ultimately darken due to gradual reduction of more silver from exposure to light. Fixing is a process by which the remaihing insoluble silver halide is converted to a soluble material which can be washed out of the emulsion. A great many substances, both negative ions and neutral molecules, have since been found which will complex silver ions. Ammonia, for example, is a molecule that can dissolve silver chloride by bonding to it to produce a complex positive ion, AgCl(a) + 2NH3{aq) > Ag(NHS)3 +(aq) + Cl(aq) (13) The materials commonly used in photographic fixing solutions today are salts containing the thiosulfate ion S20,2 -( The fixer used in this lab is ammonium thiosulfate or (NHOjSîOa. The fixing action of thiosulfate on silver bromide is as follows: AgBr(a) + 2s203 3^(aq) > Ag(S203)Î*~(aq) + Br" (14) Thiosulfate dissolves the silver bromide and the ammonium ion can dissolve the silver chloride. AgCl(s) + 2HHJ« + (aq) > Ag(NH3) 2 * (aq) + 2H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) (IS) Developing, stopping, and fixing are the three sequential steps that must be performed in the standard processing of all black and white photographic materials, rollowing these three steps it is necessary to thoroughly rinse a film or print before drying. If any thiosulfate is left in the emulsion the image will not be permanent. Excess thiosulfate in the emulsion will turn the photo yellow and eventually cause the image to fade, reversal Procesalng In order to obtain a positive image, the reversal process *s used. Recall that the latent image is made of reduced silver and appears dark, even though that it represents the "light" part of the object. The unreduced silver on the photo paper appears light and represents the "dark" part of the object. in order to reverse this, the latent image is bleached and washed out, and the unreduced silver is exposed to light. This produces a photo in which light parts appear light and dark parts appear dark. The procedure for this is quite simple. The photo paper is placed into the developer and left there until the latent image is formed. The paper is then placed into a bleach bath of potassium dichromate to oxidize the silver from the latent image. The photographic paper is washed to remove the bleach and the dissolved (oxidized) silver, and then exposed to light so the remaining silver halide forms the positive latent Image. rinsed and dried. The photo paper is then developed, washed, y7 Photography 8 1*0 Procedure 1. Build a pin hole camera. If you have any questions about the construction, see your instructor. Cut a 1 cm x 1 cm hole in the side of the box. On the inside of the box, tape a piece of aluminum foil over the hole. With a paper clip punch a hole (the smallest hole possible) in the foil. On the outside of the box, cover the hole with electrical tape, under safe light conditions, insert the photographic paper into your box and tape it against the inside of the box directly opposite the pin hole. Tape the box shut so that it is light tight. 2. Expose the paper to your subject for approximately 1 second (on a sunny day) and for 3-5 seconds (on a cloudy day) . The sun ïtmst be to your back to avoid overexposing the paper. 3. Under safelight conditions, develop your photographic paper. For negative processing, place the paper into the developer. Gently agitate the paper while it is submerged in the developer. When your image begins to appear remove the paper* Some development will occur after the paper has been removed from the developer. When the image is developed, place the paper in the acid stop bath for about 1 minute. Next, place the paper in the ammonium thiosulfate (NH*)jS303 fixer for about a minute. Rinse the paper completely with tap water and allow to dry. 4* For reversal processing, place the paper in the developer. Gently agitate the paper while it is submerged in the developer and slightly overdevelop your image. Place the paper in the KjCr207 bleaching solution. Your image will disappear as all of the metallic Ag is dissolved. Rinse your paper and turn on the lights. Place the paper back into the developer and the positive image will appear* Rinse the paper completely and allow to dry. Photography 9 ••"y • lAl concluilom 1. What is the pH of a O.l H hydroquinone solution (Ka = 4.S x lO"11)? 2. what "activates" hydroquinone to be a developing solution? 3. Typically hydroquinone is placed in Na2C03 buffer solution. What is the pH of a buffer solution containing 0.15 H Ha2C05 and 0.10 M H2C03? If the effective pH range for hydroquinone development solution is 11.0 or greater, would the above buffer be adequate? 4. For Br" to be oxidized to Br requires a photon with an energy of at least 2.58 x 101* J. What wavelength of electromagnetic radiation does this correspond? If the safelight emits in the red region at 750 nm, would the safelight effect the photo paper? 5* During negative processing, why must photo paper be placed in the "fixer"? Photography 10 j_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b^ ,y 142 6a. Given that [Ag+] = 0.0025 H in a 4 liters of spent fixing solution, how many grams of silver is in the solution? fib. How many grams of NaCl should be added to the solution to reduce th* [Ag+] to 1*0 x 10 * H? 6c. wow much silver was recovered in this process? •"••(••• :"••• . : •" . 7. Explain why the developer reduces silver around the latent image and not In the unexposed areas. y. -A-' • "•••. Photography 11 •. -.-^ ' yy--.y-y::'y .7:7 yyyy. y y. ^ Sa. Potassium dichromate is used to bleach out (oxidise) the silver from the latent image in reversal processing. The following represents the overall unbalanced redox equation. Balance the equation. Ag(s) + K2Cr?07(aq) + H35D4(aq) > Ag?S04(aq) + Cr?(504)3 (aq) + K2SOil(aq) 8b. When the bleaching solution becomes "weak" a small amount of sulfuric acid is added, why? what is the result of overexposed photo paper? 10. Attach your photo to the lab* What could you have done during : n-:•:••: this lab to improve your photo? ••. • . .• " i y'-.y y .-v Photography 12 ••: Prelabératory Exercise I. How does light expose black and white photo paper? (Include .chemical equations.) 2. : Why does reduced s i 1 ver appear bláól/t on photo papet ? Z - If Br' was; 6X id i zed to Br 2, i nstead of just..; Br y what effect might: that have on the formation bf latent imagé. 4* ; Why7Is geiatin used as: the matrix for si1ver ha1ide? • S, • •' • Why i s., ace tic ac id used in the stop bath? phó 13 y:y y y y ••..?;.-'•:'.:.: • 14$ QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS IDENTIFICATION OF CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS Chemistry 131 INTRODUCTION Qualitative analysis is the process of identifying the content of a sample with regard to the chemical species present. No assessment of the amount of the chemicals present is required. This lab is the culmination of your chemistry experience for the semester. You have learned about chemical reactions and the behavior of chemical species, the properties of solutions, complex ions, and solids. Now you must integrate all these concepts, selectively using each tool of knowledge to analyze qualitatively unknown chemical samples* OBJECTIVES Your goal in this lab is to successfully identify the cation and anion in five separate unknowns. You will do this in two parts. The first part of the lab consists of creating a "reaction matrix" by mixing known chemicals and observing and recording the product of any reaction. In the second part, you will identify the unknowns. You will be required to perform the second part without any collaboration from any source except your written notes from your reaction matrix, your knowledge of chemistry, and this laboratory handout. TffEPRY Ions in solution (whether cation or anion) have distinctive properties which allow them to be identified by controlling the experimental conditions. Certain ions form precipitates based on the solubility product constant, Ksp, of any resulting species formed. Others may undergo oxidation-reduction reactions that produce gases (visible as bubbles in solution) or changes in color of the solution. Some ions form complex ions with distinctive colors. Finally, some ions react with the water to result in either basic or acidic solutions. You have observed all these chemical characteristics in previous labs and as demonstrations during this semester. Salts are compounds that are made from cations and anions. In solution, these ions dissociate into individual species that possess unique characteristics* First* let's practice with the ions produced by salts. Below is a table of six salts and the resulting ions produced. Complete the table by filling in the blanks: • • . • • • y 7 . — Salt Cations Anions AgCl NHjHO*, Ba2* • FeS04 B*a* .»«•. .. .. •- ZnS 7 • . ftemember that an ion may have various oxidation states, but the overall charge on the neutral salt must equal zero* A proven way of approaching this problem is to first identify the cation in an unknown. Four "stock" reagents will be provided that give distinctive information about the cation* They are ammonium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, and potassium permanganate. Once the cation is positively identified, the anion is identified by performing similar tests* You will also use twelve different salts that contain all the cations you will see in the unknowns. Reacting the salts together provides a data base of observation to correctly identify the cation* It is crucial that you récord detailed observations of the salt reactions. An obvious fact that is often overlooked is that the sample compound must be water soluble. If not, you would observe a solid in your unknown. Using the solubility rules narrows your investigation by reducing the range of possible compounds. staple Analysis Let's work through a sample qualitative analysis. Our unknown is a clear, colorless liquid. Mixing with a drop of hydrochloric acid gives a white precipitate* as does mixing with a drop of sodium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide. Potassium permanganate produces no observable change. A positive reaction with hydrochloric acid may indicate the presence of a base; but our unknown also reacts with the bases sodium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide. Since a white precipitate forms, let's refer to the solubility rules for help* Qualitative Analysis Page 2 "• . 14? RULE li All nitrates (W03 ) are soluble. Our unknown is soluble - it may be a nitrate. However, none of the precipitates formed are nitrates. RUL E 2: All chloride»* bromides* and iodides are soluble EXCEPT those of silver, Mercury(I), and lead, copper iodide is also insoluble. Our unknown could be one of the soluble halides. But, the addition of chloride (from the HCl) resulted in formation of a precipitate. Thus, our cation is either silver, mercury, or lead. RUL E 31 All sulfates (so4*) are soluble except lead, strontium, barium, calcium, and mercury(II). Silver sulfate is sparingly soluble. Our unknown could again be a soluble sulfate. However, since we have already limited our choice of cations to silver, mercury(I) and lead, we can rule out lead sulfate and probably silver sulfate. RULE 4t All carbonates (0O3 2"ï, phosphates (PO4*~) J ana chromâtes (Cr04 3~) are insoluble except tbe alXali natals and ammonium. Little here except that the cation could be an alkali metal or ammonium but we already know it is not. RULE 51 All hydroxides (OB') and sulfides (S2~) are insoluble except the alkali metals and ammonium. Calcium and barium sulfides hydrolyse in water to fo n hydroxides. Our unknown formed a solid with hydroxide (NH4OH and NaOH). Once again, the cation cannot be an alkali metal or ammonium. Based on these tests, we have narrowed our cation to three possible ions: lead, silver, and mercury(I). We need more data. By reacting this unknown with our four other unknowns, we can build a smaller reaction matrix similar to the one you will build in Part A* Now the detailed observations of that reaction matrix are used* we notice that one of the reactions is similar to that between sodium iodide and lead(II) nitrate, forming the yellow precipitate, Lead (II) iodide* Since mercury is not included in the reaction matrix, we eliminate it as a possibility. Silver does not give a yellow precipitate with iodide. We now can assign pur first cation as lead(II). Having identified onr;cation as Pb2+, we now pursue the anion. Qualitative Analysis Page 3 U 8 using a similar method of deductive reasoning and elimination, the anion is identified as nitrate, NO}-. (It is the only anLon in the reaction matrix with which lead is soluble.) EXPERIMENTAL A* REACTION MATRIX In the first part of this lab you'll develop a reaction matrix by reacting several salt solutions with four standard reagents (the stock solutions): HCl* NaOH, NH4OH, and KMn04. You'll also react each salt solution with all the other salt solutions. 1. Place 12 drops of each stock solution on ths acetate reaction surface. You should lay out these solutions to mimic the Reaction Matrix on page 7, making the collection of data easier* 2. Add one drop of each salt solution to a separate drop of stock solution* Carefully record your observations on the Reaction Matrix. Pay careful attention to color, general appearance, reaction times, bubbles, etc* You will use only observations for determination of the unknowns in Part B. 3. Now complete the Reaction Matrix by reacting one drop of each salt with a drop of all the other salts* Again, carefully observe and record any changes that occur* 4. For each mixture which reacts* you should be able to identify what occurred. For example, mixing AgNOj and NaCl produces a white precipitate; you should be able to identify the precipitate as AgCl. Silver chloride should form when any soluble silver compound and soluble chloride compound are mixed. Identify reaction products on the Reaction Matrix wherever possible. 5. Using a similar methodology, you should be able to identify any precipitation reactions that are not predicted, or expected, using the solubility rules* Carefully look over your Reaction Matrix. Note below any precipitation reaction that the solubility rules would not predict: V." .-. . •" '.-• •• Qualitative Analysis Page 4 6. Now Check the table for any precipitation reaction that you would have predicted based on the solubility rules that did not occur. Record these below {show the expected precipitate as well as reactants): .. 7* After making all observations, clean your reaction surface and return the salt solutions to their appropriate trays. Keep the four stock solutions. B. IDENTIFICATION OF UNKNOWNS 1. Ask your instructor for your five unknown solutions. a. From this moment forward, you are not allowed any collaboration with any source. Do not talk to your classmates. Do not consult any textbooks or notes except those ycu have written in this lab handout. Your instructor will discuss the chemistry of reactions of compounds, but will not be able to answer any questions concerning identifying the unknowns. b. Your unknowns are not necessarily the same salts as you used in Part A. However, only the ions in Part A are contained in these unknowns, making 9 possible cations (Al5+ , 8a*4", Cu?+ , Fe .3 + x^2+ T*V,Z+ Mn= + , Ag % Na+ ) and 5 possible aniens (NO*-, SO*a_ Fe Pb , , Cl~, and I~) CÓ! c Hake initial observation concerning these five unknowns* Record the numbers on each microburet which identifies the unknown on the Unknown Reaction Matrix (pg 8). Carefully record below the physical characteristics of your unknowns (color, presence of precipitate, etc.): UNKNOWN #!•?•" UNKNOWN #2: UNKNOWN #3: UNKNOWN #4: ' . ' • • . ':'.•. •"•"••••; ••. ; • • • . . . • • . UNKNOWN 15: .... Qualitative Analysis Page S • . . • • • • \ • -: . • • • . • • . . -. . • . . • ; ' . • : • . • • • • . ' • . • • • -• • . • • • . • . • • • • . . . . -. . ' • . • • . : • • . . •"-.' • • . . • ...'• . '.'.•• .. • •-.. • • • . ' • : • -. -• . . : • . • • • . . . • • . • • 2. React each unknown with the four stock solutions and record any observations on the Unknown Reaction Matrix. 3. React the five unknowns together, again recording your observations on the unknown Reaction Matrix. 4. Using the data you gathered in the first part, your knowledge of chemistry, solubility rules, etc., identify the ions present in your unknowns. Each unknown contains only one cation and one anion. a. THINK!I Ask yourself if the combination of ions is reasonable. For example, could AgCl be one of your unknown solutions? A quick review of the solubility rules will answer this one. • ' '• • • .•• •. • b* RELAXi1 Use a process of elimination to narrow your possible ions. Your analysis and identification of the five unknowns (ten total ions) must be completed prior to the end of the laboratory period. Your grade for this lab will be based on correctly identifying the ten unknown ions, each worth ten points (100 points total for the lab). NO OTHER WORK IS REQUIRED. 7 ' ' • : • . .J -. '•':•' - •••• • ' • • 7.Í --..'. •. .. • ' ; • • • ' • • •. Á : •"•. • '•••'• y •• ' '•'•'• ' . yy y-.,• y7 ".••'.., ' "; • ..'"• • ":•..' • . •. •. . •• ,..-..-. • • • • . • • .• .••*••••: -_ . -. . y •• -. • : . . . . • • . • : . . . • •- •• ' '. ' . 'y : • '••' : -' '•' • • * .-• . • • . • • • • . • . . -; ; • ' • •. • • • • • ' . " • • • • • . • • • • . " • y y. • • '• • y . • y •.. • . y • • •... ••• . T Eft ' ' ". . • • . • •• • • . Qualitative Analysis Page 6 = y • ' . . . . ' . ' " • ••'.• ' • ' • .. . •' . "'.y -'.'••y'-' •• A ; -: '•'"."•""' •.:'••••' • . •' -y '•"'..'..'' . . • :* •:-. . 7 ••' ••: ' • ' REACTION MATRIX (FART A) B *<^1 Ft(Ntt ) PbfMÛ^ j NaC H;Ufl *MMO j cufHa r*so i. Mn(H O^ J . 3 it* CO , 2 3_ Ha I HCJ î**OH tlH4OÜ KMnO, ALiHÛjîj, i Fb( N03 )2 . • • • . ' ' • AfN03 • H *î" 3 • Mic: .'.'•• • • •• • • ' • . • •' N*I • • yyyyy •.'•. • .--'••.• 7. , " • ' • . • NaNO, . . • _ -. • • . • . . . • • • • • • . • • • • •• . . . • • Qualitative Analysis Page 7 •-••-. ..•'. • '.-• y '. . y. ^ • 152 UNKNOWU RÉACTION MATRIX (PART B) 1 71 • •••?•'• • 3 ' ' 7 .... 4 , 5 '•2.' :.3':-.-y A A' • 4 S • • .A .. HCl •• : . y HaOH NHflOH . KMl»Ó4 UNKNOWN LEÎTEÈ. UNKNOWN NUMBER CATIO N ANION,; '•' ' • '• • • • . . ..." RESULTS • /'. ••-.'"'• ' :• ' Qua l Ana Pag e 8 r. • ..• . r ..." <" " ••. •: • • • • •. <^ 7 Qualitative Analysis Ísaá--^'. IS* . • CHEMICAL KINETICS Chasistry 131 IHTRODPCTIOH We may ask four basic questions ^bout a chemical process. First* is the reaction spontaneous? TUernKktynamics allows us to determine the conditions under which spontaneity occurs. Second, how fast will the reaction proceed? Third, what is the "sequence" of forming the products? Chemical kinetics provides answers to how fast and gives insight to the reaction mechanism. lastly, how far will the reaction go before reaching a state of equilibrium? Study of the equilibrium constant, K M , may answer tnis question. YO U have studied thermodynamics and equilibria in previous labs, Nov/ let'3 take a look, at the kinetics of a reaction. Kinetics is important because it allows us to determine the rate of the reaction. Experiments have shown that the rate of a chemical reaction is dependent on several factors. The four most important are* (l) nature of the reactants, (2) concentration of the reactants, (3) temperature, and (4) catalysts. The purpose of this experiment is to examine the effects of these factors on a chemical reaction. In the first experiment, you will observe the effects of concentration by reacting various concentrations of hydrochloric acid with zinc and aluminum metal. To observe the effect of temperature, you will repeat the experiments on ice cubes. In the second part of the lab, you will study the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and iodide in acidic solution: Ha02 + 2H+ + 31 2HaO m you will observe the effects of the change of reactant concentrations to determine the rate law of the reaction. From the rate law, we will make predictions concerning the mechanism by which the products are formed* . REACTION SAT8B We can quantitatively express the rate of a reaction in terms of rates of change in concentration of the chemical species present in the reaction. This change is either written in terms of the disappearance of a r«*ctj)nt or the appearance of a product. For example, the famous reaction of A and B to form c could have the rate expressed three ways. Two of these ways are: . . . Kinetics Page 1 • • A + B *.C rate ofdisappearance -A[Aj -d{A] of A At dt rete ofappearance +A[C] +4[C] of C * At * ** ~^ï~ TUB eoi&iaicm THMBT For most chemical reactions, the individual chemical steps that make up the mechanism of the reaction cannot be observed. The mechanism is really atheory about what occurs step-by-step as the reactants are converted to products* Tbe slowest step ina reaction ntchanln determines the overall rate of reaction. Factors which affect the rate ofreaction are explained by the collision theory. The collision theory simply states that fora reaction tooccur, the species must collide with enough kinetic energy and inthe correct orientation* Byincreasing the concentration ofthe reactants, you increase the number of collisions. You can increase the number of collisions byincreasingthe surface area ofa solid reactant and increasing the temperature. Increasing the temperature ofthe reaction also increases the kinetic energy ofthe collision. The reactants must have the proper orientation for an effective collision* This is necessary tobreak existing bonds so new ones form. Let's look atthe reaction of hydrogen peroxide and iodide in aqueous solution to produce 13". From our discussion above, the rate may be expressed as: ^'•yt9téy-± iüj _-i *m . ^¡Ï£Û 3 dt 2 dt dt The rate law for the appearance ofproducts is: rate -k[H2023K {I~1r [H*]f where x, y,and z are the reaction orders and k is the rate constant. " • • • • "• " • ' • • . : • • ... . • • • • _ -. -• • • • .. . . • 7 • • : • . : • ' ." . • .-_ • " • • • • ' . • " ' Kinetics Page 2 • • " 156 Expressing the rate by measuring the formation of products results in: rate -d[I3-] -1 à[HtO\ dt dt Combining these two expressions gives us the general rate law for reaction (1): k^O,]* [H+]T [I^]a (2) King(li describes two possible reaction mechanisms. The first mechanism is dependent on H* and is described by Mechanism m H+ + K-0 , #• HOOH, {%} fas t KOOH,* •*• I " ** H-02 + HOI (4) slaw 2 fe-1 HOI + H* -? H*OT (5) fas t + "3 (6) fas t H2OE + I" -* K30 + I2 . Í7 ) fas t I ) + I" -W H30; + 2H+ t 31 -- 2ÍL0 + I3 ' Recall that the rate determining step is the slow step in the mechanism. The reacting species are obtained from the slowest step but the rate law may be expressed only in terms of the overall reactants. Based on this mechanistic path, what is the rate lav for the reaction? {1) King, E. L., HO W Chemical Reactions Occur, W. A. Benjamin Inc., pp 80-83, 1963. Kinetics Page 3 Another possible mechanism for this reaction does not involve H+ This mechanism can be described by: Mechanism 2: H a 0 2 •'•*. r • OÍT + HOI (1Î) *low OH" + H+< Ha0 (13) fast HOI + H*. H^O I {14) fast H!OI + I* Ia + H30 (15) fast (16) fast 12 +I H303 + 2H+ + 31' ZK20 + I," Based on this reaction path, what is the rate law expression for the reaction? Notice that the first reaction mechanism results in a rate law that is dependent on [H+]* A straightforward way to determine which mechanism is valid would be to do several reactions while changing the acidity of the solution! If no change in the rate occurs, we know that the rate is independent of [H*] (y = 0 for equation 2). In order to visualize the reaction, you must think about the molecular interactions. For example, when the iodide ion reacts with the peroxide in acidic solution, equations 3 and 4, the sequence of reactions might appear as follows: Kinetics Page 4 H .. " ¡O—O--H fast O—0: + H* I " / H H H [4] .. ! -H + ./ 0. slow »T-0-I" \ H H 'U H i fast H—0: + H* H ~ \ ÍT n : * • ai fast H—Q: + :_I Î _I_î W v :i:i: -(- :j: —* fast :i: :fc What is the rate law for the reaction? Remember, the rate of a reaction is affected not only by the concentration of the reactants but also by the orientation of the molecules and their kinetic energy. The orientation and spatial relationship of the molecules are easier to visualize if you use VSËPR theory. y'• Kinetics Page 5 PftBUJ TEMPERATURE EFFECT? 1 For '•'•y- this experiment you will need aluminum foil and zinc. First, place four squares of zinc and four squares of aluminum on the reaction surface* Place five to ten drops of 0*01 M HCl on one square of zinc, five to ten drops of o.l H HCl on the second square, five to ten drops of 1.0 H HCl on the third, and five to ten drops of 6.0 M HCl on the last square of zinc. Repeat for the aluminum. Record your observations below. Include a description of the reaction and times from addition of reactants to first observable reaction: Zinc Aluminum 6.0 H HCl 1*0 H HCl 0,1 K HCl 0.01 H HCl 2. Repeat the above experiment but add one drop of Cu(N03)2 to the HCl (place the HCl on the metal first) . Record your observations. Zinc Aluminum OJ + Cu(o <* (Ml(1) Which can be divided into oxidation and reduction half-reactions: v •".• • " ••• .-" •"•-.••. • .-?•-. :rf"-j-: (=•'£?• im Equations 2 and 3 show what happened. The electrons lost from copper are used by Ag+ ions to form silver metal while Cuï+ goes into solution. Figure 1 shows a voltaic cell using these reactions. We use a standard notation to describe galvanic cells. For the copper/silver cell, this notation is: C/ Cu2+í»q)U Ag*(*qî/ MU ) Voltaic Cell Figure 1 According to equation 2, the Cu metal loses electrons (oxidation] forming Cuî+ ions. These "lost" electrons travel through the wire to the Ag metal, and combine with the Ag* ions (reduction) in solution, and Ag is plated out on the Ag electrode* The sale bridge completes the circuit by allowing inert ions such as Na* and N03" to travel through the salt bridge and maintain 777 ionic-neutrality of the solution* Without a salt bridge, no current can flow because as A3* ions leave solution the remaining solution will have too many negatively charged nitrate ions, N03", left. By "intercepting11 the flow of electrons outside of the cell, we can use them to drive a motor and produce work or light a lamp or power a calculator. This will cause a positive deflection on a voltmeter, verifying current flow as shown above. Oxidation occurs at the a nod a, reduction at the cofcJiode, An easy way to remember this: both oxidation and anode begin with vowels while reduction and cathode begin with consonants. ELBCTROCBEIUBTRY Page 2 Electrolytic cells An electrolytic cell is similar to a galvanic cell, but instead of obtaining electrical energy from spontaneous reactions, an electric source is attached to the electrodes "forcing11 electrons to move in the opposite direction. Thus a non-spontaneous reaction can be forced to occur by supplying electrical current, some uses of electrolytic cells include electroplating metals onto other metals, refining or purifying metals, charging "rechargeable" batteries (car batteries, nickel/cadmium batteries, etc.), decomposing water, and obtaining pure metals from their ores. This last application Is extremely important in the production of aluminum from its ore, AlsO?. Hall discovered this electrolytic process while still a college student in 1886. Before his discovery, aluminum was so expensive that the rich would flaunt their wealth by throwing dinner parties using aluminum utensils. Today, production of one mole of aluminum from its ore requires 30,000 joules of energy. Recycling aluminum requires only 26.1 joules per mole (the amount of energy required to melt aluminum). Thus, the emphasis on recycling aluminum rather than producing it from its ore is quite obvious. Standard Potentials and •* Calculations By using half-cell potentials, you can determine the voltage (potential) that any two haIf-reactions will produce* The potentials are not an absolute figure, but are measured relative to a reference half-reaction. The standard reduction potentials we see in tables in cur book and on the classroom wall are measured against the Normal Hydrogen Electrode {NHE) which has a reduction half-reaction: 2H*(4 0 +• 2e > H i(i ) <4) The NHE has been assigned an £° or voltage of 0.00 V. Actually any reaction could be used as the reference but since hydrogen has been chosen,w© still continue with it. The symbol E* means standard half-reaction or "half-cell1' potential in which the reactant and product solutions are 1.00 If (1 atm for gases) and the metals are pure crystals. For convenience, we normally tabulate the E° values at 25*C, but it's not necessary. This method enables us to determine the potential for numerous half-reactions. By listing all half-reactions as reduction half-reactions, we generate a table of standard reduction potentials. A table of standard reduction potentials enables us to determine the potential of a redox reaction, determine the order of reactivity of some species towards others, and to determine which of two species is more susceptible towards reduction or oxidation in a ELECTROCRBHXBTftY Page 3 spontaneous redox reaction* A positive E* value indicates that the substance will spontaneously reduce relative to equation 4, while negative values mean a spontaneous oxidation will occur relative to equation 4. By simply adding the E05t and Er( 40H" • The other half-reaction is the oxidation of iron • • ' • . • . . • • • • • • . ' • . • • . . ' • • Fe(i, > **2*f*> + 2«" • Write the overall oxidation/reduction reaction that occurs during the formation of rust: Thus cars "rust-out" because of the air. Of course the process happens rapidly if certain other conditions are present. You must have some contact between the solutions of reactants* Water works best for this. The water works better if some ions present are already in solution (what does this provide?). Some states sprinkle rock salt on snowy roads. This provides all of the requirements, A small scratch in the paint, moisture, and an ionic solution, and the result is rust on your new car. i. Chan j„ H, , Cha m l s t ry, 3rd ;.«d. .. , Hind am Htuit, Inc. Je v York,1 Hi pp.764-785. • .ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page 5 Àis youvrecall,; Es values apply only to pure crystalline metal samples. Most steel samples do not have a uniform crystalline structure; instead, they have many small areas of differing crystal structure due to stresses that occur during processing of the metals. These different regions have different Ee values and this results in the formation of a voltaic cell. Thus, in steel samples, some of these regions serve as cathodes while others serve as anodes. This explains why rust occurs at separate, distinct points all over the metal surface instead of covering the entire metal surface uniformly. One obvious solution to this problem is to produce steel with one uniform crystalline structure. Technologically, this would be extremely expensive, if not impossible at this time. Therefore, some other means of protecting steel (iron) structures must be devised, some of the simpler and less effective of these means include surface coverings (paint, etc.) and passivation. Passivation is the process of coating the surface of the steel sample with another metal (usually less reactive or not as easily oxidised as steel.) Both of these methods protect the steel by covering it* Unfortunately, once the surface coating is removed or scratched: off, rust develops* A better way to protect the steel would be to electrically connect the steel to be protected to a more active (more easily oxidizable) metal, such as magnesium. In this way, the steel becomes the cathode and the magnesium becomes the "sacrificial" anode. This process is known as cathcdic protection* In order to incorporate cathodic protection, the sacrificial metal must have a lower reduction potential than the metal to be protected* A '•,y- ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page• S •yyyy •••••'yyy.---yy-yyyyyyíji. EZPBMHBNTAL $.s Voltaic eel is (Batteries> Î In this experiment, you will set up voltaic cells, as in Figure 1> but on a micro-scale. Refer to Figure l often to identify the parts of the cell with your setup. 1. Cut a piece of rectangular filter paper in half so you have two squares. Fold it in fourths and cut it to form a "+", as demonstrated by your instructor. Save the leftover pieces for Pair t s; ,C:,at$7p,7 2: : Take s orne of the copper, zinc, 1e ad, and Iron and 1ightly sand off the oxide layer on them. v HOTEi Read Steps 3-*5 hefore performing them, because you'll want to take quick measurements for more accurate results. v 3* 7 Placé the7four metals at different corners of your newly cut filter paper. Place 5-10 drops of 0.10 M NaN03 solution in the middle of the filter paper. What function does the NaN03 perform? 4. Place a few drops of 0.10 H Cu(NO3)3 to the side of or underneath the copper. Do the same with the 0.10 M FeS04, 0.10 M Pb(NO' )2/ and 0.X0 H Zn(NO 3)2 solutions and their respectiye metaIs, The drops of solution must touch their metals and these solutions must just touch the NaKOs solution* S,... 'Take your mu1timeter and se1act DC: volts (VDC) and measure the voltage between the following: a. Hake sure your leads touch bare metal and are not themselves immersed into the solution* b. Switch leads from your multimeter on the metals if you get a negative voltage (you want a positive voltage indicating a spent aneous react ion). :* , V.;*ÍV)::: :';^fv>A; cu andAZnII 7. MI^Mfff 7 <• en and Fe V.'.-. '••''• . c u and Pb ELEcrnocHfiMrsTsY page 7 • \ . • • .i . 6* Why are these values recorded as E and not E°? 7. Calculate the theoretical E" values for the three voltaic cells you constructed (using a Table of Standard Reduction Potentials) and write the two haIf-reactions for each cell as they occurred. a. Cu and Zn aim Reduction Half-reaction; oxidation HaIf-reaction: Measured E =.• •y.._l7_-l.-i.-_..'•' Theoretical E° = b. Cu and Pb ¿itsa Reduction Half-reactioni 'oxidation Half-reaction: Measured E -• • ••• •: y .•-.-;. Theoretical E* c*-7:;'CU.an4:-Fís • ElXYi =Reduction Half-réaction: oxidation Halt -reaction: Ee Measured E Theoretical ELCCTftOCHEHIflTRY Page 8 JL75 8. Why does the measured E not equal the theoretical E°? B. Reduction Potentials: As you recall, the standard reduction potentials of all elements are measured relative to the reduction of the following reaction: 2H+ <-A <, ) + 2e_ • ----*-^> H2(r¡ É* - 0:00 Volts (12) In this part of the lab you will construct a table of reduction potentials for some metals* but you will use the following as the reference: Pb?*(i,j +2* ~ -----> Pb (i ) E° = 0.00 Volts (13) Note. Redox processes could be measured against any reference as long as they're all measured against that same reference. 1. Using the same setup as before, measure the potential of the following metals and their 0,10 H solutions against the Pb/Pb3* system: Al, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg* Zn. á. Based on your knowledge of the table of standard reduction potentials, predict the order of reduction potentials vs. Pb before you measure them. b. Make sure you first sand any oxide layers off the metals. To ibqkat the reduction half~reactions for the metals,, put the negative (black) lead on the Pb/Pb2+ electrode. The negative lead is the source of electrons; therefore with the black lead on Pb, ypii ;knpw Pb is being oxidized. 6 i. In making ..ye ur: t a Jbi e, report all va lues ( even thé negative ones), rank order all potentials, and write half-reactions as reduction reactions. ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page 9 ...... . . .. ' • • • . • • • • '"••' : ' • " •'• . • • . " -• • • . . . . • -, . . • . -. . -. : • ' • • • • •••••' • .••'••• • 176 .... ; ..' .V ï + : •••••.:•:•. . Metal jteduct í on Pot entla1 vs. Pb/Pb • . • . •••:.:...• -y ., • • Al • .•. • : " • • • c« • y • •••••• . . Fe Fe . ••• - • .-. • "y .••• ' • • . • • '• ' ; •yy •"'..'" ¥b -• -, • : -. • • • "__••-• H* '• • : .:••". '•"••. • . Zo Using this information, write your Table of Standard Reduction Potentials below. THIS IS DATA FROM YOUR EXPERIMENTS. DO NOTUSEA TABLE OF STANDARD REDUCTION POTENTIALS FOR THIS TABLE. TABLE OF STANDARD REDUCTION POTENTIALS Reduction Half-Reaction B« fvolts\ -'•'•.'. •• yû:yy • ' '.'•.''.• -. 7 • ,' ' /••" "• • • • îh y 7..' ''•&•& yyyyyy .y. 'y .-.. ••-.-yy. •••''•• y-y y-y ,. yy yy '• y', y y -7 yy;. yy y .. y .7 . yyy: : • : • . •• ' . • . . . • • ' • ' : • • " . ' " • : . • • • • . . • • • . ' • . ' . ' . • • " . ' . • • '• " ' . ' : . '•":•• •• •,' ! -" ' . ' • . .y ; '. : •:• y.: . •' • -. • ••.'••• .7 -•> • .' -: ' •. " : y . '• • y .'.. • • >.•• :-.-.. ;:• A ••.'••:••, • •.'... : ••-•... '.'.'•• ,'•• . • • 7 '... • .: : .-7 ' " ' ' '.••.': ... . .... " y • • ••'• . .. . • • • . ' • " -• " • • . • • -•.. • .... . . . . . ; . . • • • • . . ' "..', • . -. * . . . • . • • : ' ' . -. • • • • . • • • . • • . . ' ' ' • ' • . . . . . • . • ' • • . ; • . .. •• . •:'•• • • . ; : • • ' : • . ' . . . y ' :• '•• '. • :••. • C* Nernst Equation t '•'• 7 yyyyy yy y . yy --. y y , .•-.: • ,••.-• • • -' y • • . y :••-• . 7-y-y •••. : y ••• -y-.y l. Using thé same procedure as in Part A, set up the following copper and lead voltaic cell: • 7 7 ' •;. • •••;. ....••. y . ' •• • yyyyy-.y'1-"7 -yy--•.;• -y v . -.-. • • •• •'•...-. .• _ : yy. y . ' .: • Pb (i) / Pbï+(aq. 0.10 M) \\ Cú**íáq. O.ION)/ Çiï'¿^ •: ••.. • ;*... Measu r e -E for this eel I•• • . . . • . . . . -. • . . . _ • • • • • • . . . • . • • . • , • . . . . . . • . ! • . , -. . •.'•'" , •'...: • . • . . • • • • • • • • " • ' ' ' . '. . • " -. . ' : • . • ; • • . • • . -• • . " ' ' . • . • •• • ' • ' . ' . • • • . . ' • y • ••. • .• • ••.. y .....•' 7. " • ''•:'•' , 'y . • : •• • : . . : ,:; .•;-.• 7 -.•••• ' .7: . ••' ; . 7 ;. •_• ;.'•• -• '• • ' 7 • .•• •. -; 7 . • • •• >••'' •• '• . •' ' . ' "' -: • ' ' • ' . " • '. -• , : • •: : ' • • • ': ' • ' ' '• • . :• . ' • . . . . ' ,-. . : .-' : ELECTROCHEMISTRY page 10 ^ ' '•' ••"•'• ••: •. :' • '• •'•:'••.'• • . •• ' :••;•• -•-• • y.y y'myy ' b. Calculate E' for this cell using a table of Standard Reduction Potentials. .••. • 1. ._ .... • • • ' • • " . . * -' . .. -, • • • •• -... • y ••'• ...;. . [. y--• . i: . . -. ; • . '• A ..... .. .: .; •... y •••••• '•: •• ••: • y • • • • • :,' ^ .' ' ... ..':'• 7 7 ' • • • .• ' • . ' . . • '•'.''• •: . •-• ':.-•• yyy y • - . 7. ''• •••" ,'.•• yy •'.• • '..••• y '.;-.'• '.' • . •"- •• • ...• -. . . . ' • ..'•'" ' ' • • • . . 7 - • " . ..• -' c. Using the Nernst equation, calculate E for the 0.10 M cell, ,' -A ;: , y .••'•: , •.' -7. 7 . • '-.y . . y : • .. . ;. '.' • •:..:' . •:; : y . .'•: .7 . .:.:'• A -.• .•;.•-. .-: ; • .. . . -y . •'• . y . • •. . y • d. Does the calculated E for the 0,1 M cell equal the E* for the standard 1.0 M cell? why? : • " .• 7 •'•:'•'. | •'•:. • . ..... . 7. " ' y y '••••'•'••• . ••• '. •. 2. How measure E as the concentrations of Pb2 + and Cu2* are changed. Fill out the table and show your calculations for the E values. Use leftover filter paper pieces from Part A .• "•. tCu*t] tPb**l\ E¿¿^(V) ;>cYic • i ... '-• •• 7. ••• ' -y 7 '' • ••>• y-. 1.00 M O.IQ M ; 1 • • ; •. :'•• • yyy A • -•'••• ' • .•• • .. y 1.O0 M 0*0010 M . • ;. •: .: : ^ • • [Pb2 +3 0. 10 H: . • • ': ; • fk . -. •-. • . • • ••: • •. ..•• : .... . ••... ' • •"• -y .. -. . • •. y y.y- ik • y.y . •' . ••.'....•• '•. 7 • . • • • • ' . ' • ':....:: ....-. ' - y . •:• • : • . • • . • • • • • • " . • . . • • • . • . -• . • ' • ••'•• : • .• • •••• . ; • • • • • • • ' • - .:• • • • " • " . •;, . . . . . . ••. :••• ' • : • . . : •. , . . • : *:' '.;•-. • • • . • ' • '•-;• •'" . ;."••-•. y-.. .• "• "•• •• •'•••• y . .'• y-. '••> •. • -y y •.•••'•• . • ' : • • • • •;• ; ;;•;•; • y y yy y ;••' 7. . ••' • . •:-.-• •-• • : ••• • ••••y"' -' ' •'• . " ' ' • • -• : • . ••.. ••• •;. ..•• .:.• •••-• • " y .: • '••••'. y yA yy . -A y-y. ;: • y''. :y': • • • . • ' • . • . . • • • • ' " •• •• . ' '•' i :••••" • . y y -. •".• • •<• .: ,• •• • •. • . • • •••', yy-, r '.•••'• y • .• • : : 'y , y yy'S'y. • y'' -y'-' ••• 'yyiyï ,.7:: • • \ ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page 11 • :....• ..':,• • '.:..•-.. ' • -••'; .'•' • y y . _ . . . . . . :••• ••:; y y '••'•'.'.y :'•'.••-• • •••• • "• yy.-• . ... si + 1 = calculations for E when [Cu2+] - 1.00 M and [Pbi+] - o.ooio M: 3, It is possible to set up a voltaic cell that is driv>; by a concentration difference. A potential will continue to exist between the two half cells until their concentrations are equal. Investigate this by setting up the following cell; 7Cu(,)/Cu2+(aq1 0(10H) M Cu'*'•",: •• -^ y.. . • • • "'.'•' "" '"•"' • : ^ .y . .'• •"••-•_..' . . • ' '--:.' -. 777- 7;, c. in order to make the electrolytic cell, you'll use two graphite electrodes connected to the battery. Use the graphite electrodes from the electrolysis experiment. Do not use the Yamada indicator in this experiment. (Graphite is a common "inert" electrode. It plays no part in the balanced redox equation; it s imply acts a» à réaction sur face,.éIIowing-the-] électrons to f 1 ow in the cellii ) y/ d. Which electrode on the battery (positive or negative) cause the haIf-reaction in paragraph F.l.b.? '•y.yy -"•"•'•' ' '. . .• ...••' •'• ' : . . •• • • -^. • ••••.-•, • \ .-"• \ •• :; . v •• -¡ ••'; .•.•.:". e* will it be the anode or cathode? why? , ' y "..••• • ; : .y.-.---'/' ' ' ' ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page 16 f. Perform the experiment using O.io M prál. Report your procedure, observations and results. black color emanating from one of the electrodes is the I2. The yellow color is I3" {which you saw in previous experiments.) 2. Optional Experiments. Additional experimentation is allowed if cleared by your instructor. Use the next page to design your experiment before you ask your instructor's permission. Your experimental design must include a background statement (what chemical theory do you plan to use), experimental section detailing what you will do, and a conclusion section. Some ideas to help you get started: a. Electroplate an object, what voltage is produced during your experiment? b. Voltaic cells in series vs. single cells* c. Voltaic calls connected In parallel vs. single cells or series cells. y : •:• • yV •' 7'i -7 y'.;;: «•; ;<.;•-• •• • •185 .• - ••-. .•••••j . " • i /'••'-; y i .-r "V^-^.y, :'*': : •.•-'•••'""L--•'J-!J--'.t.J ;'•::*•'•. y* i..'•I"£,ï : "„•;•; l'-->.."!. •>."•• v y • ••• ; • • • . ;... !•v> . ._: „; /_, y-. ....^. • \ -' Í '. yr . ..... i . . A y ;;.:'¡y--:-:•.y .;v,"; y 7. ",7^;y j.-.V -.--i^ • v •::••'•. • • . • •' \ :•''' . J . •' -i ..•• \>' -..•• : _, . • V • -.. . -, . •.• :• ;" ••• • -.•:•\y--•'•y.7..' ' • y • ' ' .•-" vV^-X':y..~^77: .. • •• • I. Ifwewere toconstruct abattery inwhich the oxidation of Pb Would beone half-reaction, which metal inYOUR TABLE of half-reactions would give usthe highest voltage? Justify your answer. y• :•• 7 .. -. • 7"^, . : yy . y :•::'. y •••••.• y:\7 y y .yy..^yyyy;y''.-•.• •-:.-yyy.yy •• y . y . ' •7'.-7 •': '••' • /y* '••'• • . ' '•• " y y%•• " • "l " .• •• " • *. .A %\V' W .:-Jf. '.-_•. 7 '¿'yy • • \ . 2* Usihg your data collected for the CuandPbgalvanic cell, draw a schematic ofthis ceil. Label allimportant parts* givethe oxidation andreduction half-reactions for the appropriate electrodes andshow the correct flow ofelectrons andions. Draw thé line notation forthe cell. Refer toFigure 1and/or your text for help* (You can draw itlike Figure 1ordraw aside view of ••..• your experimento -..••*,-. y ••-. .• ¡„ • • ..., v ' 7 -. • • ^ •,;•... . .,•*:. >.•. ••••: *.-"ÍÍÍ': : • • ' ' ;:.:;•;-.-•• • i-.y: ..-ly— y . •• • • J,:-••Í/1 ....:-. -»V >•••-*.';•:.-• •.::-.y-:>. "7-.',.,;. "A.y ':•„',.'• 'j ; -JÍ* ' '•"•• • • : ;••: -• -•'•• . y •-'•• ' ?=• J::-^T..; : '^J.-* ' .•• i-, v '•>•'.-'•" 0 .-' '..' ! ._ J.1 . y;.---.r.-ivi: :i,--..;,.,-*;-i.;iv;;i;>y, -, „..';.s:w-.. •;/;'•,;..y ï,i.v,^ /y: . \ y•-•:..?...; ,;';.v:// '•: -y y-r7.7 /"*"•.'- -'A' ./ •' '"">y^A . 7 : ^A' ^: -*:! ^Î y ' .. sirvyiit '.v A 7',x7':-:y•.•;.77'^ ..'•;»:;;,/ • •• •••. •• y. -y \y • -Ay-----., .-y--y ---y'' -y ..r-y v , '•* ^.-y . ..T • --y, ,..,:,t . ; ;;,-v — ••-,.. . , 7 7 '•• ^'"7;7>-yí^vy/-yyyy77r^^Ay ' . . / • • •."..' • . ' ••'• • • • ' • • " " y'i \ y... •. 'y-y •* 3. Define standard state for asolid, liquid, gas, andion in solution. Are wejustified incomparing the experimental results to the theoretical values for Ep? Explain your answer. ;; •.:•:._• 7 -;. •. . ; .:.• 7y; /v'.';77-'•.''^ • • •• ' y, •'..'. A'--7. .. • 7;y7y^ 7 y • •. yy. . • : ."•••: ' .-••...•.••.... /.....•,..•,..•••.. •.•• . y y y : y -y . ••'•/•: 4. Eased onYOUR TABLE ofStandard Reduction Potentials: yy . • • • • • .. .. . ' '••••• . 1 . • • • • ' • • ' . • ' • . ' . •.iT.^y.-y.y... . ; ..i, y.'-:.:••• ..;•.-.LT'cf..'-:. •'•• ' ' • • • " ' :i > J:-1.-':''* \.y.'-.y i -i v, m..,^ vl c i t--m M.mm-mr v.* v ^vuw w v.v.av^w.^ . <,>T^ ^ ..-!;."•-!'/ i'-;'• :'< '777 a. Which metal has the greatest potentialn -n tobeoxidized? :^i^ . •; V . . . • . . -. . • . '••'.-' . ". • " " . * " • • • • • -_ • • . " . " ' -: • . • . • y:' y. Which metal has the lowest potential tobeoxidised? • --•••-.yxj c. Give anexample where these metals are used by society.Do the applications fit the behavior ofthe metal toward oxidation? (See Chapter 22inthe text for adiscussion onthe uses ofthese metals.) y . y •• . • ' . • ' • • • . • • • .-• • •.• • •••••• • ...•• • •.•:• . • .:•,-.•: . if--y y ': ! •-... . -• ' •.• . • . • ' • . •• • •••" • . .•. .y y ••?)•? Ï-V--yy y\ y ' ""L". •••7Í' y*:'*•. :J '.":-WT." '•W: .-'.;•77. .'.y.y yyy yyxy.:-. •. yyy,^yyyyyyy .• 7. . . . yyy yyy yyyyy ...-.• '/ 7 v^ i*y y y •'•• ' y — • •-••. • ¿y •*'••-.-•-••. ••• . :!••• !••. i-: • 1 ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page 19 r ' : • ••' -• ••••' • • • • • : ' • •"."' • . . ... " • ' . • -. • • • : • •'•' • • . ' " 7 . -. ' • . • • • • . -. " .y-yyy yyyyy-y-y y ••':.. yy y y.;. '-yy:yy .-• yy-y? ••••••••••. .• yy y 7-....-A-• yyyy y lue 5. Acids can oxidize some metals. Based on oxidation potentials, y •• • .-• would HCl oxidize Mg and En? Justify your answer using half reactions. .-. • . • • • • -. •• . y y y -y --. -. •• •• y ••••.-• • * : • ••• : ••••••• y y :• 7 -y ' • • ' • • • "•-.• . ' • -• . ' • • • : • --. • ..••••• • . -• • -• " • . : . • . ' .".' " ' • • : • ' • ; "••.' 7 -. ' • • • . . : . ' . . ' . • • • • . . • • • • . • " . • . . . • • • . • . • • ',. -: -. ' y • • ' • • • ' • • ' . y , ' ' • • • " -" : • • • • • • • • • . ' • • . •. :• . . • • . ' • • . . . • ' • • • . . . ".-•• • . . . •'.." • 1."' > '•.''•.•. . ; • :y ' . .'••••• . • • . ' • • . ' ' . ' • . .. . ' . . • • • -• " • • •" • . : •• . . : y •'• ' '. " y y . ' . • • : ' -' . / • ' . • • " • • --• • . • ' -i .• • •• •• • :' ,.•7:77/ yyyyy y-y - y-y-y 7 7 . y-.. .•••• -A • .y . -,;•••••, ./ ;... , ; . y ••'••• .A ' y.7 V-, ./y..-... ' '•;.• .:••. • y.'y 7 .-.•.. . y .": . ,' . ' . ' . -y '•.' •' ' • • ' . • • . " • : : : .;•*.• •. . Î • . • • • . : . . ••' • • ' • • : • • ' • • • ' • ' •• . . : -• " • .'.' ••_. y -. . -y . '•• •• . • • ' • . • . • ' . ' . . • • • ' : . ' . • • • . • , y . . • • • • • • " • . ' • • '.'. '., ; y :/. •:. 77. y. ."..,• •' •• ••:.. . ' 7" 7 '.. ' •' • • .7' .y y • . . y •'•'..'• ' •'• "y. .'.-.' y:'. ..A. A . ' " ; • 7? : • '• ' • A ' • • • 7 • -''•. • : y 6. For the voltaic cell in Figure 1, would you expect the mass of the Cu electrode to increase or decrease? Would the mass of the Ag electrode increase or decrease? Explain. ... • .• • y • . • •• -• : -: --: . • • • . . • . . . . • • . • • • . • . . . •: . . . -. • • • -y . • •. • • • • • " -. - •'*•':.•'. • • -• . . . . .y.'.y. y • •• . , :..>.. . A .• y ..•:. ••.••• y -y -_ y :... •.._• ,'• • .y . . . y • ' •., '• . • T / •• ' • • ' , ' . • • • . . • ' ' ' ' • . . • • • . ' ' • . . . . • • • . •• •': y.- • yy-.-y-yy : .. • •,'-.-, ..•-•yyy. - •••'•• 7-• '.••• .••' . A y y /-.. yyyy •• .7'' . y '••".' 'y-y-A " o •' •• • "7.7/- . A.y - •••/ ;/••./•'. ; •• / _ . . •..:•- • • •;..:•' -.-. • 7. Briefly describe the differences between a voltaic cell and an • •• . • . •. • electrolytic cell. .-.. -y.• .7 y \ . y••/.'"• .-•'•• .'"•'• '77' ..7-7' -•77 .- •'•!•: • • ' •-."• ' • /.; • • • -y •-:.. • , • • • • A :•'• '- • y •• y • •• A. - •••/=> .'.-. "• 7 • ' • 7 -•' •"••'••.••.••. • - ./.• : ., • y •••'. y .' : y . ••'•'•••. • y .. . ••.."• . ••••-. •• . •• ... •• • ... . y . y , y .••.••••... • yyyyy yyy. . -•:,, y-yy .... v,•• ..7-,, .y-y-yy;. .... y . y yy. y. . . • yy y yyyyy y-' yy \y y--yy.-yy "• -^ -7-7,7 /.A yyy.y. y ...... •y,/ - •.••••..••. ' y y y--. ••.-y '• y . . ' • • . -• ... . .. .... -" • • -. • . . •• . . •. . . . . . . . . -• : ..-. • • •• •• -' ••• ' '. -• . . """ • • . -•• .•" v. •yy.--- •/;'• ./;• [ y .'.•••• ' • • •••••• ' : y ' • .• , ' • .y . • '••• y • ' • ' . . ' • A . ' .• • • . ' • • • . • ' ' . • ' . ' ' ' . : ' • • • • ' . • •.••• • • • 8. Why were there difference s between your measured E and th e .. "••'•"_ .•" • --: calculated EK il l Pa*rt !C? •. y • . • . • . • • • • -. . -• • • :••••• . 7:;•-•••• -• -y-• • : • • : • ••':•• . .: . '•--. ... ••:•..: • ... • - ••'• -yy. • y . . •' •yyy-.- y .. • • • ••. .•••. • y .• • • .,; y * •. • • :."-'"yy '•"-' y . 7 "-••' -"•'•:. :...'. •" •••;•• •.- •. /ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page 20 •..•7. M.-• • -• • ! •.::•":••-.•: >••••.-'•.'. • .••• . y y y. , ' y 7 .-V-..: ' .• .' v • : • " • , , . ' • , " '.'• • ;: ' -: : •• •• y • .": • ,.-.'•.... . y y - .•':•'..•...•• . • ; * : ' • •;• •/'.•••• L • Sv J. f/;we;bubbled C17 gas through our 0• •• 10 M HáX so1ution;7dpu1d> we obtain I2? Explain using concepts you have learned in electrochemistry. *• ' ".-*. • . • • •••• •••••. -.. . > " . " • • • • . . " •.-..• • • ; ••:'.• .:: 7. 7^ A . ., ;• • .. .. ' . — .. ; yy • "y .yy 10. Explain how the Nernst Equation can be used to determine the equilibrium constant for a balanced redox reaction. :•: •'•• :• • • • , ' • ' .•<,-.. 11, Should m change in temperature affect E' for a cell? ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page 21 . ; ' \*' ' ' V •.' ".. '• •".'.•'.'.':"'• •••:• • 'Í. •• -••••-'•:• ••-•• '•'" • " '••'"•• v . '-'.••' :':• . :' -. . •••. : '.' .• ••.... . •• •• • îae /Au x /llí \ /%2 6 ^ V /^tati^w . /iiIîN /T^ 3 \ /tJEÍÜMÍÍEüV / I M . I f YAMADA 1 f 0 . 10 M \ fo.i b M \ f. i . oo H 1 AWATER J V KCl J UWDICATOW V I (N03)y wi»(Ho y W^îsïr\ 1.0.10 M \ / ^ v^7T\ /*3«"**\ /^¡T^N fO.10 M ft.ooio rt fO. 10 H AI o.i d M \ WlN0 3)J >«\ f If 1r ïf • A 77 7_7 o Q H1CKOLAB PÏPET SOLUTIONS ELECTftOCHEHÏSTHlf LABORATDHY /iîTS ' ( O.IO Ml. V NflNO 3 y f \ o ELECTROCHEMISTRY page 22 ELECTROCHEMISTRY SMALL-SCALE LAB PRELAB £U5STIORS These questions must ba completed Lài^i-E coming to lab. If you cannot answer all of them» reread this handout, and try them agair,, 1, a. What is oxidation? b. Reduction? 2. a- Draw a Voltaic Cell based on the following: Zn(V ,./ 2h {NO3) i {£-q y } j CU (HO3 ) j( , q ) / CU( *) • - . • • ; • • " •'•.. • ' b. Label the anode, cathode, salt bridge and Indicate the flow of electrons and ions. c. Write the oxidation and reduction reactions. d. Write the overall net reaction. 3. Calculate the voltage you could get out of a voltaic cell made of silver with its ion, Ag*, and tin with its ion, Sna+ . (Hí^tí you do not need to balance the redox reaction. Use the Standard Reduction Potentials Table on page 740 of your text. a. Write the reduction haIf-réactions. • Deduction Half-reaction E* (V) Silver: Tin: ELECTROCHEMISTRY Page 23 "•y y • • • . 190' b. Write the oxidation and reduction reactions that occur in this Cell: . Oxidation reaction: , Seduction reaction: c. Write the overall net reaction. d. Calculate E°. Your Efl should be positive sines this is a spontaneous electrochemical cell. If it is not, you need to switch the direction of your oxidation and reduction reactions. '•'•:•'•' '•'•• • .'' -." •;'• > '•• . •'••'• y " • • -. . ' • • • . • '. • • • ; .• . . • •' •_"••-. A • ' ' • .. ••'. ' • • :' ' • •. • • • ' • . ,. • • . • " • '• . . . • " • . • .. • ..., •' ' ' y. .-" " ' •^ • • . • • ', m • . y. • ': . . ; '• • • 7 • •• • . • . • .A. • . •• .. • • : . i . :•'-..• '•• . . ' • '.. • " .V ;' '• .y. y . • •-.' . .-. . • • _•• ' • ' • ' " ' • " . ' • . " •" . .' • " • • . " • . • • • • . . . .,-'-...' • : • ; • • • ' • :'.'/ ' -;.... :•• . . •• . • . \ • •;' :-7 '.••-. '• ' :. • • • • •• . ..• • . • . , •• •' ••• ; . •. ..• • .-• . . • . " . • " •" • -• • . • .' •.'.. • -, . ••• .. • .•••• • .• • • . '••?. ••.:.. '• '. . .' .• . ' •• •; • •'• . • \ \ "• ,'•; • • .'• ' . -. . • '• " " -•-. "• •.. . • 1 -, • ••'-" y : • •' " . : . y - . • ' , -. • . • "• .. - ... : • ' . . • . . • . ' • • . ' . . • • ' •.': ' y . • • " • • • • •:' . • -• • . •• •' ' • : — ' • ' . . ' • ' • • -. . ELECTROCBEMISTRY Pag e 2 4 •• • • . : • • : • • • • . • • • ' • V . lyi • ORGAMIC LABORATORY i . .•..•• . .• • • -• •• •. . • chemistry iai IKTRODOCTlON Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds. Prior to 1Ô2B, the term "organic" was used to describe chemicals that had come from animals or plants. in that year, Friedrich Wohler showed that organic chemicals could be synthesized from inorganic sources. He synthesized urea simply by heating the salt ammonium cyanate. NH4OCH (inorganic) (organic) Organic chemistry is a very large field of chemistry. Over 7 million organic chemicals are known. Our lives are surrounded by, and sustained by organic chemistry. For this reason it is alto referred to as the chemistry of life. The large number of organic compounds can be understood more easily by subdividing them into groups. These groups can arise from the classification of organic compounds based on their physical characteristics and reactions. These two factors are influenced by the "functional groups" within each molecule. Thépry 7/7; 77.yy ::y: "'•:>'..'•' A functional group is a group of atoms that act as a site where chemical reactions may occur. Reactions may also occur in the proximity of functional groups* in this lab, you will investigate several important functional groups. These Include amines, carboxyiic acids* alcohols, aldehydes, ketonesF and esters. Examples of each are shown in Figure l. These eight functional groups are found in the majority of organic compounds in your body and in nature. :y y H H 0 :7 V: o • 7,11 7.Í7 yy It R-C-H R-C-R" R-H-H AHÏHE ALDEHYDE KETONE '')&.':' y .707 J! 7 7 . 1 7 R-C-OH S-C-OE* R-C-OH •X.V CARBOXÏLIC ESTER 7*'y7 y: : ALCOHOL A«|> - 'y 'A y/A:/;,/,/..._ •7i|-o7: : '1 R-H-C-R' R-C-X " . : • " • '' V-.X-. AHISE ACID HALIDE y y : ..." • • / )• -:,..(: •• i "..-. • PIQURE i Organic Functional croups Organic Laboratory Paga 1 '•> y y :*&* •yy .y y®. Amines are characterized as bases, and generally are polar. This polarity is due to a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen and differences in the electronegativities of other substituents on the nitrogen. All amino acids contain an amine group fas veil as a carboxyiic acid group). Many pharmaceuticals also contain amines. An example is amphetamine (e.g.r or-methylben^eneethanatnine) , which stimulates thé central nervous system and is addictive. m2 o - Nethylbenzeneethananine An Important reaction of amines is the condensation reaction with carboxyiic acids to form an amide, This reaction can be used to produce polymeric chains such as nylon: 0 H 0 1 1 1 UH3-C-OH + H-li-CHa-CH3 '+ • HjO : *7c è i t •• •• • • y 193 specimens and as the basis of many glues, resins, and polymers. Acetaldehyde is useâ in its trimeric form as a sedative. Aldehydes react to form carhoxylic acids in the presence of oxidizing agents. A qualitative test for aldehydes is the Tollens test. Tollens Reagent contains the silver ammonium ion, Ag(NH3)2 H7 and will distinguish an aldehyde from a ketone, even though their functional groups are similiar. As the aldehyde is oxidized, the silver is reduced to a solid. A silver mirror will then form on the surface of the test tube (if the glass is clean). A finely divided black precipitate of silver appears if the glass isn't clean. The general reaction is; O 7.7 ' • Ó*\ • y.yry y . ïi • " *NH H Ê-C-R'.:.+ 2 Aa{KHs')-a*.-+. 3 Oui- :-—r^-' R-C*Q'+ ï *&(w) +3 + ¿2 ° Carboxyiic acids have characteristically sour tastes and odors. Acetic acid is an example of a carboxyiic acid, and is primarily responsible for the smell of vinegar. Carboxyiic acids! are easily converted to esters (R-CO-0-R'ï which have characteristically pleasing odors. Several functional groups are classified as derivatives of carboxyiic acids. These include esters, amides, acid chlorides/ and acid anhydrides. Esters are guite common in nature and are easily identified by their unigue odors. Isoamyl acetate has a banana smell, while methyl butyrate smells like apples. Ethyl butyrate is very structurally similar to methyl butyrate, but smells like pineapples instead of apples* Three/other : esters with distinct odors are isobutyl propionate, n-propyl acetate, and octyl acetate which smell like rum, pears, and oranges respectively. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), an ester, is perhaps the most widely Used drug in the world. Since IS99, when aspirin was introduced as a mild analgesic and antipyretic, it has become the layman's first line of defense against west minordiécomforts such as colds and headaches, it has four helpful effects: 1. Analgesic. It relieves pain rapidly, inexpensively, and effectively* 2. Antipyretic. This means it brings down fever by increasing sweating and the flew of blood near the skin'3surface. 3>'": Ant irheumatic7 : it /reduces the in f 1 arama t i on of and pá ili in the Joints, permitting mobility. Organic Laboratory Page 3 4. Uricosuric, it decreases the deposits of urate that form in the joints. T'y-"77;/7, C-OH ij^ Aspirin O-C-CH •••". T":' :;0:7 The reaction between carboxyiic acide and alcohols is a simple way to prepare esters. An example reaction is shown below* Water is lost to yield the ester. •0^7A'7;/: ^ CH3-C-OH + HOCH3 -^y* CH5-C-OCH3 + HaO Amides• Acetaminophen is an amide more commonly known by the trade names Tylenol* and Datril*. It has important pain relief and fever reduction properties, but does not relieve inflammation as does aspirin. Its structure is¡ One of the many uses of acid ehleridee (and in general any acid halide) is in condensation reactions with amines to form polymers. During the polymer demonstration your instructor will make nylon using an acid chloride (adipoyl chloride) and an amine (hexamethylene diamine)* The condensation reaction has the general form: Q 6 '••'•:• 77IÍ7 H yR^C-CJt + HO-R' ••' 7 > R-C-OR* 4 HCl - The condensatio n polymerisatio n o f nylo n is : ':::H/;': 7"H-•• Or. • '-•' 7 ¡ "• -Y yy-, Cl-C-CGH^-C-Cl + HîM-(CHa)6-Htt2 ^ > -(-C-(CH2>4-C-S-(CH3)fl-K-}n - + HCl ••J. _ V tt-yy ' ;/•.'.••'•' "•' 7'.'.. " :•. I l \ '.:•• 7 yyiïy', y&y 'y-'-yy 7 7 : '.'Q-'.= yO,.7. -yy • Jlpoy l thl'Jtrlil * h*X4ni*> t ly I ib e nylo n 6-6 • •••>•'. .""•' J í i n i a E polyamide ' < :.' • y "yyi):•'•:"' y-- Organic Laboratory Page 4 7-y 77 -77 !••..!: . f>1> y. j yyy [yy /• íyy*??y. yyj.yyc b. Heat in a water bath set up by your instructor for three to five minutes* For safety considerations, no flame should be used to warm the reactants. c. Carefully smell the product. If needed, the odor may be made more apparent by pouring the product onto 25 mL of ice* Describe the smell. Laboratory Page. 5: '..' y ^ -y : --1 ' .-.• • -•••• Í &:>£,•* d. Complete the following reaction of methanol and salicylic acid: 1. •' •-. •v6-\: M^ 7 H * ••••:.:: :' •• ; L II 77:.••* 01,0»-+> ^^ N0H "7 i • .'::.'" • • • •—^ ^ 2. Synthesis of Isoamyl Acetate: a* Place three drops of isoamyl alcohol (CAUTION: flammable}* two drops of glacial acetic acid, and one drop of 3*0 M sulfuric acid into a test tube. (CAUTION: These are concentrated acids, avoid skin contact) b. Carefully heat the test tube in a hot water bath for three to five minutes. (CAUTION: Keep the flammable solution away from flame. Hot sulfuric acid is extremely corrosive.) c. Carefully smell the product. Record the smell below; d. Complete the following reaction for the synthesis you have just done: 3. Synthesis of n-Propyl Acetate: a. Add one mL of n-propanol (cH3CH?CH2OH) to one mL acetic acid in a test tube. Add three drops of 3.0 M sulfuric acid to this mixture. yy :>y b. Heat the solution in boiling water for three to five minutes. (cAUTidtf: Keep the flammable solution away from the flame. ¡ sulfuric acid is extremely corrosive.) 7y' y Organic Laboratory Page 6 yyyyy-: .. ;, A y / y y/-." .7 -/ çv .Carefully; sniff the products. Record the smell below:: , d. •/;•'. Wr ité the Condensât ion réaction bétwééri àcet le acid and ;h-propanbi^ in>the7b^ 4, / Tolléhs,: .Test ;; 'péteàtiéh - of Aldehydes a. Add;:• One mL of $\ si Iyer nitrate s oluti on ( CAUTION: Do •not get ¡silver nitrate on your skiny to a clean test tube. Add one drop of 1.0 M Sodium hydroxide tó the silver nitrate* A brbwut precipitate of silver oxide should form. b. Write the react ion ; ifór the: format ion of th is;tar own precipitatei 7 c. New add three drops Of 6.0 K ammonium hydroxide to the tube. Swirl the test tube (careful not to spill any solution) until iai1 ybif ; the pr éc i pi t ate i s dissolved. ; Th lé is/ the To 1 lens Reagent .A d. Perform the Tollens test for an aldehyde by adding one drop of formalin to the Tollens Reagent* Describe what happened: 7é7 When Tollen* Reagent: reacts with formalin, ah oxidation-reduction occurs* What is/it he reduc tion, ha 1 ¿-react ion? What is.the Oxidation half-reaction? Laboratory Page7 •• ••.y^ • •' , •:'..• "..-• • 198 5. sniff Tests of Other Organic Compounds: a. carefully smell samples of cinnamic aldehyde, benzaldehyde, and methyl benzoate* Describe the smell of each compound below. Try to relate the smell to a naturally occurring substance. (1) Cinnamic aldehyde. • • .• . • (2} Benzaldeyde. (3) Methyl benBoate. • • • " b. Complete the following reaction for the synthesis of isobutyl propionate. . :' • . CH, O • y 1 • .:• "'• " • • • ' . • HjC-Cn-CH^-QH + BO-C-CHJ-CHJ ^ • . • . • • (1) Carefully sniff a sample of isobutyl propionate. Record your interpretation of the odor below: • . :-•.•• • . • . c. Complete the following reaction for the synthesis of ithyl butyrates .'•••-• •-.. • •.. '. ' , - y : -. / .' ....-• .".. -• ". y •'••• ' ••' . ' ' • • • . 0^ •-• y-y'y y " ':- 7 .. : • . ' '• ' ' -' • . • . ' • / • -•' II . H3C-CHa-0H BO-C-CHj-CHj-CHg -] •.+ y~» ' ..y A ' ' •'. '"' v. : '.'• • y .,7 •• y y • ."•• ' • • • 7 ' •'•••• -•-• : Organic Laboratory Page 8 (I) Name the alcohol and acid reactants: (2) Carefully sniff the odor of ethyl butyrate and describe it below: 7 7 yyy.'.yy-: -.-y /.-A:/-' ../../ • :••• = y. ;. :/.. ••:..;• .••.•• •,•-.y-. . .. .-•-'". Organ 16 ;. Laboratory Page 9 ORGANIC FREIiAB ZXERCISE 7 7 Ivy Circle the functional groups;on the following molecules: HjN-(CHj)i-NMa CH a-CH2 -CH2-C0OH Hexamethylene diamine Butyric Acid • y-y-, o y y O /-O/' •; H •_'.*•'••. y yyyyy^y - (rC-C6»4^ç^tîTCHa-CH2 -0-} „• H7N*C ÍH4-C-O-CH a-CHi Mylar, Ben ¡toca in * • : 2. Refer to table 26*4 in your text to identify an ester that could be associated with the following corresponding odor: ¿89» 1SXSE Bananas Rua Pineapple 3. Draw the condensation polymerization of nylon from hexametnyiene diamine and adipoyl chloride: A-LrJt oowmmit T MHTIMG smct i (*•*' i m^ai/HM* -.-/-:--••.. >. Organic Page 10 ',''••'• -.••.' . . ' '•. •••'.•'••-.;:.:'•: * ' y . ••-• ' i,: .'::u.•.-••• ..-.ty '• yy. , y y '-'•••.. y -'.. „ ;, " v— ' "j^— : ¡^~~ yy¿y^yyy?y:yyy:-yyyyyyyyyyyy^y:y-7y-yyyyy '•y '•-> -• y-y: v • -y/ ¿7*7' -y -y*/A/ C" •y -Ay •••-.-yyyyyy y--QZù&m -^ 7y /77y.y7 7 7y/' , 7 : "7' ; yyy. : . y ' • -.. _ y-..-•---777-<•* A-,A*-•' -: y y •<>•;/ ., . y • y I '•••• ..y-.^'.ï. ' 7 77 ' "••' ?:;7y>../;77 7^ yy./yyyyyy.: :V>V7^* yy' ', • ••• y y .'y v.->, -y • y i-' , y <*> ^_V ,* 4 ' yyyyyyyr... • ' y ~' • y, y .-,.._•;"• / , • , .tl'.l ' 1 BRU ':-' ' . «. ;. y, r .*•; y:, y ,„y yy 7' .. '. y <".' v " <• */ y^ 7 .y •*. " ^ '. < ''/'''A-^v . ,_ __ ' y ^yyyyt^y 7,y ,yy 7 y yyy y "' .-> v V '•> ,7 .,..y/y.£'y CHEMISTRY131MANUALFall1990 DepartmentofChemisüry ^yyyyy 7Í7^7ÍVA7-777-.'. ^ ; -yy: y^Myyyy-y'hy:: 'ïnTy yyyy-y :y \ ^ ^ COMPLETED ;y',i.H'.. | '-,'-y i>' ;1* V*"**'-A ^ "" '"'"" ' •" '''Vy y •: y ;-'" í '-c ¡ ' "^ y • i-->i -A *; ^ --* -s .> • -,..y • ••y-.-,', -• Íy f •„ A77777.^.^7^7^ ^ .y 777^ /; y 77-.,-'^y7As^ '--yy^y% -:'-=»-v»!^:^-•:• .v*'^:%'^*v':. • ••''••• :•••-•' -' ' ' : ' ••••••••••••'• -• . • • • • • • : •• •• • ¿ : -• • • • • • . . • • . -. . • • • • • • . • . -. < • • • • •:•• . 1 . .:• • .-: . v., . :.. . • ..-.: : ..-..: : -••;•• , Títlo : Che mira ¡Is, chemistry 131 manual fslM99Q Author: Edition: microti [mj'fie he Imprint: : ICobrado Springs, Colu.?! ; DS|>1. of Chamistry, U, (3> Pieces: 1 u> Ito 1= D O ^ o O Sz "~ DUE DATE: 5/9/2013 NO RENEWALS LIBRARY USE ONLY YES NO Reason: Location: Young Library Periodicals Desk - U.S. Government Fiche ûe cali#: D305.19:C42 X^au^ " ]2¿ — Charge: $ 0 MaxCost: Billing: Non-Default Mail Odyssey: Ariel: Patron: Saive. Harold